New Visitor and two dares
Snowy: Everyone is here today and we have a new visi-
Marcil: Hiiiiiii
Jianna: Hi
Sly: Hey
Rosa: *Comes from thin air*
Chica and Freddy: *Comes and Hugs her*
Rosa: :3
Snowy: What I was saying..... Everyone say hi to Rosa!
Everyone: Hiiiiiii Rosaaaa
Brownie: *Reads the dare*
From Wolfe-the-Wolf-87
I dare Snowy to kiss Foxy
Snowy: Mkay *Kisses foxy*
He is one of my crushes anyway :3
Foxy: Arrrr l-l-lassie *Blushes*
I am?
Snowy: .........Yes/no/maybe so/uh/yes/why/
Marcil: Haha
Jianna: What's the second dare?
Snowy: Uhhh *Reads it again*
From Freddy
I dare the wolves to play truth or Dare
Snowy: Ok.... well then.....there isn't many wolves
Sly: Tell me about it
Snowy: Ok well I'll make Brownie and Snowflake stay
Brownie and Snowflake: Whoohoo *Sarcastic*
Snowy: Now me and Brownie and SnowFlake play truth or dare
Truth or dare
Snowy: Truth or dare Brownie
Brownie: .....Dare
Snowy: I dare you to... Kiss someone you don't like
Brownie: I don't like lots of people......this world is filled with boys....
Sly: HEY There's nothing wrong with me
Brownie: Just the fact that your a boy
Snowflake: Boop
Sly: -.- *Mumbles* Nothing wrong with me
Brownie: Uhhhh
*Kisses ToyFred*
Toyfred: *Is about to smile*
Brownie: SHUSH it was a dare to kiss someone I don't like
Toyfred: :( *Walks away*
Brownie: Truth or dare Snowflake?
Snowflake: Uhhh dare
Brownie: Lick everyone *-*
Snowflake: *Licks everyone*
Ew the chicken smells weird
Chica: ??????
Snowflake: Snowy truth or dare?
Snowy: Truth
Snowflake: Hmmm is it true that you like like one of the CreepyPastas?
Snowy: .........Yes.......
Snowflake: Which one?
Snowy: ......Three.....
Snowflake: Ok which ones?
Snowy: ......Masky........a-and.....
Snowflake: Ok which Creepy Pasta do you not like
Snowy: Uhhh I don't like CreepyPasta Sonic
Snowflake: Ok :3
Snowy: Wait that wasn't part of truth or dare....
Jianna: *Shrugs*
Marcil: Ask
Jianna: and
Snowy: Dare Us
Snowflake: Please
*Whispers don't dare me anything pleaseeeeeee*
Brownie: I heard that! You better get dared..... -3-
Rosa: Byeeee
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