Grillby: I have a plan...
Undyne: *furrows her brows at him* What kind of plan would involve Alphys? *she appears to be getting defensive* No offense, Grillby, but if you're planning on pulling something risky or dumb stunt, then you are not getting Alphys involved.
commanderSmartass: Okay listen Grillby, for the last god damn time we can't throw lesbians at the bad guys, that's not how it works.
Undyne: *hears the voice* Yeah, what the punk said.
Grillby: I am not planning on confronting anyone.
Undyne: *looks confused* Then what are you gonna do?
Grillby: I need to ask Alphys something...
Undyne: *thinks about it for a moment* ... Fine, if you don't want to tell me, then that's okay. *narrows her eyes at him* But, I swear if she somehow gets hurt, you're gonna wake up the next morning in a tub full of water. Got it, dork?
Grillby: *gives her a slightly terrified thumbs-up*
Undyne: *her intense expression immediately becomes a wide grin* Deal! *walks by him* *stops in front of him, opening the door* And don't look so scared of me all the time, I won't bite... unless your Alphys. *sticks out her tongue*
Grillby: *stares at her innocently, not paying enough attention to understand the innuendo* *looks over, gesturing to Fuku to follow*
Fuku: *snaps out of her daze* !!! Oh, uh. I think I'll just stay out here...
Grillby... *his voice just comes out as the sound of fire crackling* Do you want me out here for a few more minutes? We can talk.
Fuku: *shakes her head "no"* We can talk in the car.
Grillby: Are you sure?
Fuku: Positive.
Grillby: ... I'll only be a minute.
Fuku: *nods* Okay, Dad.
Grillby: *walks into the house*
Undyne: *follows up behind him, confused by the conversation he and Fuku just had in another language* Alphys is in the living room. *points to the room before walking the opposite direction*
Grillby: *nods, heading into the livingroom to find Alphys*
Alphys: *sees him walk in, jumping* G-grillby! What are you-? Did you hear about what happened-? I, um... I mean, h-hello. *smiles embarrassed*
Grillby: *shakes his head at her* Yes, I did hear about it.
Alphys: *looks away* O-oh... are you... feeling a-alright?
Grillby: ... *sighs* That doesn't matter right now. Right now, I have to ask you something.
Alphys: Oh? Wh... what is it? I-if it's a-about what happened, th-then I don't know... I wasn't th-th-there and--
Grillby: *sees her stressing out, cutting her off* It's not that.
FandomsTrashGirl: Oh ok, that's good but can you TELL WHAT THE DAM PLAN IS ALREADY??? SANS IS CAPTURED ALONG WITH OTHER MONSTERS! Sorry about the capslock
Alphys: *blinks* Y-you have a plan?
Grillby: Well... in a way, yes.
Alphys: What i-is it?
Grillby: ... By any chance do you still know how to get into the true labs?
Alphys: *goes wide eyed, her face going pale* H-how did y-y-you know about... th-that place?
Grillby: Sans talks too much.
Alphys: *narrows her eyes confused* But... h-he isn't s-supposed to know... *trails off, feeling like she's forgotten something*
Grillby: ...?
Alphys: *shakes her head* N-never mind... Anyways! Wh-what do you n-need from... a place l-like.... that?
Grillby: I believe there might be something down there to tell us what the person who took Sans is looking for...
Alphys: N-n-nothing is down there b-but logs and entries... (The amalgams were moved awhile ago.)
Grillby: Logs on what?
Alphys: D-determination...
Grillby: (Odd, Sans said something about their being information about souls that humans would want to get their hands on.)... I still believe we should check it out.
Alphys: Wh-who gave you that idea? L-like, the i-idea to go down there?
Grillby: ... If we're being technical, then Sans did.
Alphys: *looks extremely lost* B-but he's...
Grillby: It was awhile ago... but I need you to show me where it is... not today though.
Alphys: But... *doesn't seem to want to go down there*
Grillby: When we go, you don't have to stay if you don't want to...
Alphys: Okay... w-when do you want t-to go?
Grillby: Next Sunday. If that works.
Alphys: G-got it.
Grillby: Thank you, Alphys. I should be heading home now.
Alphys: !!! Y-you don't have to l-leave if you w-w-want to stay!
Grillby: *chuckles a little at how frantic she became* I think we all need some rest after today.
Alphys: *sweats nervously* O-o-okay! See y-you later... I mean, Sunday... I-I mean later, next Sunday.
Grillby: *smiles, nodding* *heads out, seeing Fuku hasn't moved* *touches her shoulder to get her attention*
Fuku: *was daydreaming* Wha! ... Oh, hi, Dad.
TheRandomRose: *hands Fuku the pie*
Pie: *falls out of midair, splatting on the ground in front of Fuku*
Fuku: *blinks twice* ... I think you missed.
Grillby: ... *sighs, taking out a cleaning rag he got from God-knows-where* *cleans up the now smushed pie*
Fuku: Daaad, stop being a workaholic. I'm sure a wide doose would come and eat it eventually.
Grillby: ... doose?
Fuku: Yeah, a doose. It's a bird and goes hack and quonk.
Grillby: ... *just stares at her for a solid 3 seconds, before shaking his head, finishing cleaning up the mess* *walks to the car, going in with Fuku following him like a baby doose*
Grillby: *starts driving*
Fuku: *sitting in the passenger seat* Hey. So... what's going to happen?
Grillby: Hm?
Fuku: I mean, about Sans.
Grillby: I... don't know...
Fuku: *is used to him usually having an answer for everything* But, you said you had a plan.
Grillby: I do... but it's not going to lead us to where Sans is... assuming he's still alive, that is.
Fuku: ... You don't think they killed him... do you?
Grillby: ... I'm not sure what to think. *fixes his glasses with one hand, keeping the other on the steering wheel*
Fuku: Oh... *looks away, before turning back again with an idea, her flames brightening* Hey! Maybe those weird voices that like stealing and throwing pies can help!
Dark_EeveeXx: Ooo can I be part of it? Maybe the part where someone gets to stab Mr. Johnson?
Grillby: ...We are not stabbing anyone. And who's Mr. Johnson? *glances at Fuku, addressing what had she said before* They could help... but I'm not sure if they would be giving us false information or not...
Fuku: Oh...
Grillby: *sees her face drop out of the corner of his eye* But, it was a good idea.
Fuku: *smiles a little* I try.
Grillby: *sees their house, pulling into the driveway*
Fuku: *hops out*
Grillby: *gets out, he has a tired look on his face, even though he's been awake for barely 3 hours*
Fuku: Dad, are you okay?
Grillby: Just... tired. You and you're faulty camera kept me up late. *chuckles, remembering the malfunctioning camera*
Fuku: *snorts, laughing out loud* It just went boom!... But a very smol boom. *makes her fingers really closer together, then throws them apart to re-make what the explosion looked like* *whispers* Boom.
Grillby: *smiles at her reenactment of the scene*
Fuku: *laughs* Now we need another camera... *taps her finger to her chin* Maybe one without a big, red self destruct button that says "DO NOT TOUCH".
Grillby: That would be ideal.
Fuku: Mhmmm. *realizes they are still standing by the car* Hey, we should head inside... up for a round or Lariocart?
Grillby: *smiles softly* Of course.
Fuku: *throws a fist up into the air* Heck yeah! I'll race you there! *runs towards the house, stopping the door*...*blinks twice*... *yells back at him* I'LL RACE YOU AFTER YOU UNLOCK THE DOOR!
Grillby: *pulls out his keys, shaking his head at her*
*The two head inside, and have a nice day together despite all that they learned...
*Back at the household*
Frisk: *walks into the kitchen, still not in a happy mood, but they aren't freaking out anymore* *goes up to the fridge for a glass of milk, but gets distracted by a sticky note they see on the score board*
Frisk: *squints, reading it*
Sticky Note: Sans: 17 points //Love, Askers//
Frisk: ... *smiles, tearing up a little*... *looks up at all of you guys* *laughs bitter-sweetly*...Thank you.
Chara and Blooky: 18
Undyne: 17
(Written on a sticky note) Sans: 17
Frisk: 16
Papyrus: 14
Mettaton and Alphys: 10
Flowey: 8
Asgore: 7
Grillby: 4
Toriel : 3
Fuku: 2
Everyone Else: 1
-The words below are written blue ink-
Mr. H: -999999999999999999999999999969999999999999999
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