Truth Cedric and Adam.
Ron: * Annoying Hermione. *
Hermione: * Puts down book. * Ron?
Ron: Yes?
Hermione: Do you want to be the sun in my life?
Ron: Sure.
Hermione:: Then stay 92,935,700 miles away from me!
Winston: Wonderful! Someone else who knows astroscience!
Axel: No one gives a shit about your flying globe-
Winston: Um, actually, the sun is a star that has a massive gravitational pull that has a heat range of—
Ron: Alright, alright, we get it!
Winston: Ugh.
McGonagall: * Pops up out of nowhere. * Miss Granger.. * Pops back out. *
Snape: * Slightly impressed. * Not bad.
Harry: * Runs in and hides behind Ron. * Help me.
Me: * Yelling from the other room. * Potter! I swear I'm going to kill you!
Ron: Help yourself, I'm not dying today. * Pushes Harry out from behind him. *
Me: * Runs in looking pissed. *
Bunny: He's right there! * Points to Harry from the chandelier*
Harry: Clam down. Please.
Me: No I will not calm down! You stool my book!
Winston: I ate his book once. * Points at Axel. *
Axel: Yeah, very fun.
Me: * Truns to Aexl. * Outa here! To many damm people here already!
Luna: I don't know what book you stoll but it must have been important for her to be that mad.
Me: He took my book.
Luna: Oh that book. Well, you are dead.
Harry: * Opens the book. * I don't see want the big deal is, it's just a notebook with a bunch of wired spella and scribbles and drawings. Is it your diary or something?
Me: No! I don't have a diary that's stupid. That is a spell book, my spell book hand it over. Now.
Winston: Interesting! But you never look at the spell I recommend! Like Wightragon! Penumbrum! Euterpe!
Axel: Or hellborn Talent.
Winston: True...
Rasmus: Real.
Harry: No, I want to read this.
Me: Give it back! * Gose to tack it. *
Harry: * Hlods it out of reach. * Hm, what's this a healing spell?
Me: Oh that's it! * Macks a fireball. *
Harry: Shit. * Runs. *
Me: * CHases him. *
Bunny: * Laughing. *
Neville: I would run after if I was you, Harry!
Harry: Why?
Me: * Hip-drop tackles Harry. *
Harry: Ow!
Me: * Punches him and takes the book. * Jerk. * Gets up and kicks Harry. *
Harry: Ow.
Me: * Walks over and sits on the couch. *
Harry: * Gets up. * That hurt.
Ron: Where the bloody hell did you learn that?!
Me: I taught it to myself. It's a hip-drop tackle. It might be banned in football soon so I decided to learn it in case I needed it. * Opens book and starts to read. *
Harry: * Lipming. * Very effective.
Winston: She's not alone, right Razzy?
Rasmus: I have my Purgatory spellbook, also don't call me that.
Winston: * Winks. *
Neville: I told you to run faster. She used that on me and week ago when I annoyed her. * Sits down next to Amelia well reading over her shoulder. *
Harry: How come he gets to read the book?! I'm your brother!
Me: He gets to read it becouse he and Luna and Ginny helped me write it.
Sirirus: What is it anyway?
Me: A book of speel that we have been trying to invent along with a few potions and a few brads of plants we are trying to make. See we believe it will look like this when fully grown. * Shows them the drawing. *
James: Why are you showing us if you were just beating up Harry about it?
Me: He didn't ask if he could look through it.
Sirirus: What would the plant even do?
Me: Cure a lot of ailments. We have been trying to cross-bred muggle and magic flowers that have many medicinal properties to try and make this. If we get it to grow which could take about a year or a few minutes with my powers it can be used to disinfect wounds speed up healing, ease pain, and even fight cancer.
James: Damm.
Winston: Can it even cure herpes?
Bunny: The fuck is wrong with you?!
Ginny: Shut up! There are young ears in this school!
Winston: * Shrugs. * Eh, they'll have to know sooner or later.
Neville: Yeah, but we are having trouble with it. It needs a silo rich in sea salt and a sunny but cool climate along with many other things for there to even be a chance of it sprouting on its own.
Bunny: Nerds.
Me: Yeah yeah we are nerds we get it. On to the truth! I will need Cedirc and Adam.
Ron: Is their week up yet?
Me: Yeah it is. They have only been allowed out of the room for dares and truths, that is it.
Lucia: Why aren't Adam and Cedric here?
Winston: Adam said he wanted to stay until the last minute until the dare was over and Cedric offered to stay behind with him.
Me: * Waves wand. *
Cedric and Adam: * Pop up snoging. *
Everyone except me and Bunny: * Shocked. *
Neville: 😝
Me: * Crosses arms and clares throat. *
Cedric and Adam: * Jump apart. *😳
Bunny: * Smirks. * At least you two weren't doing other things.
Lucia: That's...creative.
Neville: I will never understand you allos.
Me: Same. Snogging is wired.
Winston: They definitely roughhoused at some point.
Bunny: * Jumps off the chandelier. * I would not be surprised.
Axel: What did Ginny say about young ears!!
Winston: Oh, shut your trap!
Axel: Fine.
Me: Well that answers if you two are together or not.
Cedric: Um.... 😳
Adam: 😏😎
Sirius: * Hands James ten bucks. *
James: Thank you. Hay, there are only nine in here.
Sirirus: Damm it. * Gives him a one. *
Bunny: * Laughing. *
Lucia: Fucking unbelievable. * Facepalms. *
Me: Not really. They have been eye-snogging for years.
Winston: Oh, you're mad.
Bunny: What!? Jelly Adam doesn't like you!? Suck it up bitch!
Lucia: It's been five months, Demon. I'm not one to hold grudges...much.
Winston: ...You killed a bunny just because it was—
Bunny: What? How dare you! I'll kill you you son of a bitch!
Winston: Wait are those hickeys? Ha, Diggorys a bottom! * Laughing. *
Bunny: What would Adam top? A toothpick? Oh wait he is. And Cedric. Join the club baby!
Lucia: Adam is like...a little brother. It's strange seeing him go beyond my protection.
Me: It's been years since you have seen him. Trust me he is tough.
Winston: At least it wasn't the other thing, that would've been concerning.
Lucia: True.
Winston: So, up for anything tonight? I'm sneaking to Hogsmead with Axel, wanna tag?
Lucia: Sure, do I need to bring anything?
Winston: Bring whatever you want, it's going to be a long night.
Bunny: I'm coming.
Me: Fork it over.
Harry: * Sighs and hands me money. *
Cedric: Really?
Me: Oh yes really. * Puts money in pocket. *
Ron: So waht was the truth?
Me: Truth or Cedric and Adam, are you two dating or not? The answer is yes. Now why the hell didn't tell me you two were dating?!
Adam: Becouse you're scary.
Winston: No, she's just kind of like an angry uncle.
Me: Thanks.
Adam: My uncle died.
Winston: Oh...I never had an uncle, usual Veela stuff!
Adam: You're absolutely horrendous.
Winston: The heart beating in my chest isn't human, what did you expect?
Me: * Truns abck to Adam. * Flairty won't get you out of this one, I will deal with you two later. Now if you don't mind I have to leave. * Picks up my spell book bag and heads for the door. *
James: Where are you going?
Me: Out.
James: * Rolls eyes. * Where?
Me: I'm meeting up with Jamie. He's a Hufflepuff kid in my year. Nice but annoying.
James: Why?
Lily: Will you lay off?
James: I haven't been around for my kids becouse I was dead, I'm not going to miss my chance.
Lily: Fine.
Bunny: She's going on a DATE! * Starts laughing hysterically. *
Me: Ew no. It was nauseating enough having to be in the same room with Hicky and his boyfriend over here. * Pointes to Cedric. *
Winston: Hickey?!? Oh, this is what I call a show!
Me: I don't even want to know.
Axel: Hypocrite.
Winston: Hey, that was a month ago!
Rasmus: You...gave someone a hickey? Or what?
Bunny: I'm surprised any girl would want to deal with...that thing.
Winston: Who said it was a girl? 😭
Bunny: Boy girl whatever.
Cedric: 😳
James: Anywhy. Who is this kid?
Me: His older brother works with Charlie in Romania. When his brother has to take sick and injured dragons back home he helps with them. There is this full-grown Windwalker at his house that refuses to leave and is now his pet.
Ron: But that's against the law unless you work the ministry and have the space. His brother must have a big house because you can't keep a sick dragon in a small one.
Me: They do. The thing is we were talking and he said that he would beat me in a race. So now I have to go get Ava so we can race.
James: Who the hell is Ava?
Me: She is a Silver Phantom dragon. The fastest dragon in the world even faster than the Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus the world's largest dragon. Now if you don't mind I have to go kick some ass.
Bunny: * Coughs. * NERD! * Coughs. *
Winston: * Imitates her voice. * nErds!! Oh, what'll I ever do! Cough! Ahhh, cough!
Bunny: *kicks Winston*
Me: At least if I was gay I wouldn't be a bottom.
Bunny: Not cool.
Me: Not my fault you are a submissive little shit. Sharptooh you want to come?
Axel: You're really queer, you know that?
Winston: You know it better.
Axel: We...Don't talk about that.
Bunny: Please get a fucking room.
Sharptooth: * Nods and lands on my shoulder. *
Me: See ya! * Leaves. *
Ginny: Some days I wonder what goes on in her head.
Me: * From the other room. * You wouldn't last a minute!
Neville: Please comment some truths and dares.
Winston: Hey, I was supposed to break the fourth wall!
Neville: No, Vulture.
Winston: Hey! That's utter disrespect among Veelas! I advise you to—
Ron: On second thought, your feathers do kind of look like the ones from the vulture on Neville's grandmother's hat—
Winston: Cruc—
Rasmus: NO!
Winston: Oh, wait, I forgot he has pain nerves. Nevermind.
Bunny: Shut up plant boy. I need to talk to Adam. Adam. How the fuck are you a top?
Adam: How are you a bottom?
Bunny: Have you seen me? I'm a fucking beanpole! You're the same size as me! I don't know how you top.
Rasmus: Since we're on the subject of lust, who the actual hell did you give a hickey to? And out of all things, why a HICKEY???
Neville: I'm going to watch them race dragons, becouse I have no clue what you guys are talking about. * Leaves. *
Winston: Bunny put makeup on me while I was asleep. I didn't know I had black lipstick on because that's how they normally look!
Rasmus: You're blind. Anyways, who did you—
Winston: It doesn't matter!
Axel: Um..
Hermione: It's Axel, isn't it?
Winston: Ugh, so much for a bit being a joke.
Rasmus: Hey, I heard aroace people can love too! Don't doubt yourself.
Winston: * Snapped. * Alright, Sherlock Holmes, I said it was a—
Rasmus: You don't have to be embarrassed, either. Love who you wanna love.
Winston: It's a joke!
Axel: * Mumbles. * oh..
Ron: What is happening?
Winston: Everything.
Ron: Genius.
Winston: It was a joke, I literally don't even remember much. I think I was dared by one of the Slytherins—
Axel: Right, right, yeah.
Lucia: Pretty big of a shot, they must've fed you a lotta whiskey for you to do that.
Winston: Easy for you to say, alcoholic.
Bunny: Fuck, I think I need A drink.
Lucia: * Flips him off. *
Me: * Walks in with messy hair. * I won!
Bunny: You are a mess.
Me: Yeah I know I need a helmet. Anywhy bye guys!
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