New person (Because Tonks got to be apart of this)
Winston: * On the phone. * Are you sure? I don't think it a really smart idea to—Okay, fine fine. You know what, do whatever. Just—Take care of Drew, ok? Yeah, yeah, bye bye bye.
Rasmus: Was that Abyzou?
Winston: * Rolls his eyes. * Unfortunately...Drew—My younger brother—Is traveling across the world to try to look for Mum...She's helping him.
Rasmus: Your little brother is THAT hyper-intelligent?
Me: * Walks in. * Sharp Tooth brought me a letter with a dare in it.
Winston: Obviously! He gets it from m...Y mom.
Me: Looks like I am invisible today.
Rasmus: * Puts an arm around Winston. * You're finally talking some sense.
Adam: * Runs into the room wet. * SOMEONE'S AT THE FRONT GATE.
Me: Why the hell didn't you wear a coat?
Adam: * Shrugs. *
Winston: Who?
Adam: * Panting. * Give me a second...
Rasmus: *Gets up* Why were you even outside in the first place? It's -20 out there and raining like crazy!
Adam: * Sways a little. * I just—I just thought—
Rasmus: * Narrows his eyes. * Whoever they are...They're trying to get into the Slytherin Common Room.
Adam: THAT QUICKLY?! It might actually be her...
Winston: Wait, you're saying—
Adam: * Nods. *
Rasmus: * Confused. * Who are you talking about?
Me: Really? What the hell is going on?
Winston: I don't think we can be sure.
Adam: I haven't...Seen...Her in...A WHILE, if it's actually her.
Rasmus: Who is this 'her?'
Winston: Wait. * Walks to the door. *
Draco: * Walks into Common Rooms. * What's going on here? Also, Ezamondeus, what are you doing in the Slytherin common rooms?
Adam: Because I want to, also—
Rasmus: *Gets up and follows Winston. *
Adam: I think she found me. * Charged after Rasmus. *
Me: The f**k?
Winston: * Says the password. * Prideful.
Bunny: * Cough * GAY! * cough. *
Rasmus: * Whispers to Winston. * WHATS GOING ON?!
Winston: * Whispers back. * I'm only doing this for Adam. If it weren't for him I would've never let her in.
Adam: * Tense and shivering because of excitement and hope. *
*The door opens*
Lucia: * About to punch the door down and sees Adam. * Adam?
Adam: * Yells. * LUCIA!! *rushes forward to hug her*
Lucia: * Hugs back. * ADAMMMMM!!! I missed you!
Winston: I knew it.
Rasmus: * Whispers. * what's going on?
Winston: * Whispers back. * You'll see.
Me: *Whispers. * What are we whispering about?
Lucia: Why'd you leave Durmstrang? I looked everywhere for you!
Adam: I thought YOU left, that's why!
Winston: Wait. You used to go to DURMSTRANG?
Bunny: What?
Adam: * Glaring at Winston* Don't interrupt this moment. And yes I attended Durmstrang.
Me: And you never told me?! It must have only been for a year because you were when I started my first year and you are only two years older than I am.
Lucia: We used to attend Durmstrang. But now... * Brushes her Slytherin robes. * I've transferred...And I'm probably not going back. As long as Adam stays.
Bunny: Eww.
Rasmus: What...
Adam: Oh! Lucia is my, um, BESTEST FRIEND IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! I met her around when I was a little kid and we were friends since.
Cedric: Ouch.
Lucia: Well...We were more than friends for a while but that didn't really change anything..
Bunny: I'm gonna puke.
Cedric: 😒
Winston: Really? Why'd you separate?
Adam: Oh no, you understood wrong. It's not a romantic relationship, we were just so close that it was almost like a sibling relationship.
Bunny: Thank god.
Me: Like every friend I have ever had.
Lucia: Mhm.
Winston: You sound disappointed.
Lucia: Oh, no.
Winston: You're still disappointed.
Lucia: * Glared at Winston, her hair caught on fire. *
Winston: * Puts out the flames with a water spell. * Bloody Hell! Cool down.
Me: I like this one.
Adam: * Unaware of the situation. * She does that sometimes...She's kind of like...Tonks, but a bit more intense.
Me: Then you haven't seen her drunk.
Harry: That was one funny night at the order.
Lucia: * Nods. *
Winston: Oh...Ok! C'mon, Luci, I'm gonna show you around the place.
Lucia: Don't call me that.
Winston: Ok!
Bunny: * Chants. * Luci! Luci! Luci!
Rasmus: Adam...Bro...Who is this girl?
Adam: I explained, didn't I?
Rasmus: No, like, she seems kind of dangerous.
Adam: How? I've been friends with her for my entire life! She's the nicest and best friend ever once you get to know her!
Rasmus: Not with that giant spear-tipped broom sticking out her backpack, she's not.
Me: I have a knife on me at all times and when I sneeze I set shit on fire, I don't see you running.
Adam: Oh, don't worry.
Rasmus: Who DO you like? Cedric or Lucia?
Adam: That's none of your business. 😳
Bunny: It's Cedric. * Pretends to be Adam. * Oh Ced!! I love you!! * Bursts out laughing. Pretending to be dancing with Cedric. *
Cedric: * Not paying attention. * Hua?
Me: * Facepalsm. *
(Everyone who reads this book who ships Adam and Cedric: * Facepalms. *)
Adam: Nothing.
Cedric: Ok. . .
Rasmus: Um...It's just that you treat Cedric the same as everyone else and seeing from your time with Lucia you seem to have a soft spot for her.
Adam: ...
Rasmus: * Waited a while * Ok fine, I'll leave.
Rasmus: * Runs after Winston. *
Adam: * Walks after them *
Cedric: * Walks after Adam. *
Bunny: * Skips after them well waving my arms wildly. *
Me: * Truns to Harry. * Bet you twenty gallons Cedric is a bottom.
Harry: You're on. * Holds out hand. *
Me: * Spits in his hand and shakes it. *
Harry: Ew!
*In the Great Hall*
Lucia: * Sitting with Winston, waving at Adam. *
Adam: * Waves back. *
Cedric: Who's that?
Adam: It's my best friend Lucia! She just transferred here.
Cedric: Oh...Ok! * Jealous. *
Adam: * Smiles. *
Winston: Damn, you two are REALLY close. Here, have an apple pie slice.
Lucia: Where'd you get that?
Winston: Luna baked a few for the Slytherins, and her pies are amazing!
Lucia: Luna?
Winston: My friend, she's in Adam's and Amelia's house, Ravenclaw.
Lucia: Oh. Ok.
Winston: Enthusiastic much.
Lucia: This is how I normally am.
Winston: * Rolls his eyes. *
Bunny: You're. . .lively, I see why Adam likes you, whoops! * Heavy sarcasm. *
Rasmus: * Takes a slice of pie and passes the plate to Draco. * Yeah, I have a feeling you'll like her.
Lucia: 'Like' is an overused word. Grow up.
Rasmus: * Narrowed his eyes. * Woooooow.
Lucia: * Ignores him. *
Winston: So, Luci, how's this school?
Lucia: Awful. Unpracticed. Loose. British.
Winston: What's wrong with the British?
Me: * Walks over eating pumpkin pie like a sandwich. * Their British.
Adam: * Rolls eyes. * You are too.
Me: Yeah, but I was raised in the US.
Lucia: They made such a loose school system.
Me: * Mutters. * This is nothing. You should see the schools where I'm from. Mass shootings every damm day. * Walks. *
Adam: Sorry about her. She can come off as a bit odd at first but really she is nice and friendly.m
Winston: You're not wrong...But—
Lucia: Yeah whatever. I'm going to go practice my flying now. McGonagall had asked me to be the replacement beater for Slytherin.
Winston: Ohhh, heck yeah! I'm a replacement beater as well!
Bunny: Wait!! Linda? Lucia? I want to read your cards! * Pulls out a deck of Oracle cards. * Ooh! In your future, I see a bitch slap.
Lucia: * Gave Bunny a cold smile, and stormed out of the room. *
Winston: H-Hey, wait up! * Runs after her. *
Bunny: * Stands up on the table flipping her off. *
Me: Oh! Drama!
Adam: Only when you are around.
Me: Ok, fruitloop. 🏳️🌈
Adam: Piss off.
Me: 😝
Bunny: * Looks down at you guys from the table. * I'm gonna level her ass.
Umbitch: Get off the table you filthy halfbreed!
Bunny: Make me, you homophobic banana peel! * Flays out of the room. *
Me: * Stands up on the table. * Halfbreeds are better than humans and you're proof!!!
Umbitch: Deationin Miss Potter!
Me: Make me bitch and it's Ovis! * Flips her oof truns into a big dog and runs out of the room knocking everything off the table. *
Adam: My friends are idiots.
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