New people.
Me: Get in here!
Everyone: * Runs in. *
Harry: What now?
Me: I am bringing some more people to play the game.
Draco: Ok. I thought someone dared me to turn into a ferret again.
Me: No. Now stand back.
Everyone but me: * Stands back. *
Me: * Waves wand around and two portals show up in the air. *
( After thirty minutes. )
Me: Uh, nothing.
Cedric: * Falls out of one of the portals. *
Me: That's 1 and 2 should not be far behind.
Pansy: * Falls out of the portal. * Ow.
Cedric: I have been falling for thirty minutes!
Me: Hello to you too.
Cedric: * Get's up. * You're not going to knock me out and tie me up in a closet and take my place again, are you?
Me: No. And I saved your life I had to use a pocket mirror so I would not get Avada Kedavraed, so, you should be thanking me.
Cedric: Wait you almost got hit with the killing cures?
Me: Yeah, I then had to play dead.
Harry: You fooled me.
Me: I know, you almost cried.
Harry: Whatever.
Luna: So, does that make you the girl that lived?
Me: No, it makes me lucky. 🤥
Draco: Why did you bring her? * Pointing to Pansy. *
Me: Aren't you two friends?
Draco: We are, but she is a little clingy.
Pansy: Hi Draco! I was wondering where you were.
Draco: This crazy Ravenclaw brought us here to play a muggle game and won't let us leave.
Me: You got that right.
Pansy: But muggle games are boring.
Harry: Not this one.
Draco: If you like torcher.
Me: I do like torture, but this is not how I would do it.
Everyone but me: * Takes a step back. *
Me: 🙄
Cedric: What game is it?
Me: Truth or dare.
Ron: It's not fun.
Hermonie: You will get used to it.
Me: So, you guys will be staying here with us and will have to play.
Cedric and Pansy: Fine.
Luna: Wait, you're not going to try to get out of it?
Cedric: She's not going to let us leave so why bother wasting my breath?
Me: Smart choice.
Pansy: Only time will tell.
Me: Please send us truth or dares.
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