Camping in the Forbidden Forest with everybody else in the previous night. Winston wakes up first.
Winston: * Cast Sonorous. * WAKEY-WAKEY, SLEEPY HEADS!
Me: Buuger off! * Gose back to sleep. *😴
Rasmus: * Glares at Winston from a tall tree branch. * I never slept, moron.
Bunny: Me either stupid!
Adam: * Runs out of his tent, laughing maniacally. * I'm up, I'm up! But Ced isn't!
Cedric: * Runs out after him, covered in slugs. * I will destroy you!
Adam: * Yells back gleefully. * Gotta catch me first!
Me: * Mutter half asleep. * I will kill the both of them later.
Rasmus: * Sighs. * Oh, dear god.
Bunny: I know, they idiots.
Cho: HA! Karma! Thanks, Adam.
Adam: Not everyone's serving you, whore.
Cho: W-What?!
Luna: * Comes out of her tent, tired. * What's the biz this time?
Neville: * Also comes out of his tent. * Not sure for now...
Me: Too early. * Falls back asleep. *
Bunny: Really?
Adam: Yeah. Anyways, we're just waiting on Amelia. In the meantime, go crazy! Just don't let any Centaurs or Professors know we're here.
Luna: I see Amelia is still asleep.
Winston: I have been trying to wake her for ten minutes.
Neville: I'm on it. * Dumps water in me. *💧
Me: * Wakes up pissed. * I'm going to kill you Longbottem!🤬
Bunny: I'd run Longbottom.
Neville: * Runs away. *
Me: * Runs after him. *
Winston: * At the top of a tree. * Alright...Seems like Umbridge is now in her...Office. Or slaughterhouse, I can't see a difference—Though, I wonder if any dares will be about her this time. She needs a lesson from last time.
Rasmus: Aaaand what did Ms. Croagunk here do 'last time'?
Remus: * Walking out from the depths of the Forest. * She attempted to assassinate Birchwood over here.
Winston: That's me.
Rasmus: ...Wow. When's the Boss coming?
Adam: No clue. It's been thirty minutes.
Cho: * Still crying in the background. * 😭
Ron: * Floats out of his tent awkwardly but firmly on a broomstick. * Would you shut up already? It's not that big of a deal!
Cho: * Cries louder. *
Hermione: * Walks out beside Luna. * Can't she just...Not cry about every ten seconds?
Bunny: I ship you two!
Luna and Hermione: * 😳 *
Harry: * Jogs out of his tent. * You see what I mean now?
Ron: * Sniffed. * Yeah.
Winston: Hella annoy—Hey, Foy-Foy, over here! Accio Ferret!
Draco: * Trying to sneak away but got caught in the spell and flew over. *
Winston: ...Holy shit it actually worked!
Draco: What do you want?
Winston: Aw, no need to be so moody...
Moody: Did someone say my name?
Remus, Sirius, Lily, and James: Alastor!
Moody: Hah, good to see you ruffians too!
All Students besides Draco: Professor Moody!
Draco: * Whimpers fearfully. * 😬
Moody: Oi, that one over there! You make a great brood Y'know?
Luna: That's a bit too far but...Also hilarious.
Draco: * Blushing from angry embarrassment. *
The others: * Laughing or smirking. * 🤣
Rasmus: Oh, wow.
Me: * Still chasing Neville. *
Cedric: * Still chaseing Adam. *
Lily: What the hell is going on?!
Me and Cedric: * Stop running. *
Adam: * Trips and falls on Rasmus. * FUCK Y—Oh.
Rasmus: ...Wow. This is aggressively uncomfortable.
Cedric: * Rolls eyes. *
Adam: * Jumps up. *
Winston: * Smirks. *
Adam: Not. A. Word.
Rasmus: * Also stands up, brushing the dust off him. * Oh well.
Me: He. * Glares at Neville. * Poured water on me.
Ginny: Wow. Never thought he would be that brave.
Neville: That was the only way to wake her up.
Me: * Glares. *
Ron: Mate, you would have had better luck waking up a dragon.
Me: Been there. Get a few new scars.
James: What the hell have you been doing?
Me: * Mutters. * I might have been going into the Forbidden Forest to play with animals.
Everyone but Remus: What?
Remus: * Sighs. * You are kids are crazy.
Me: Duh.
Lily: What are the dares for today?
Me: * Shapeshifts so I am in my dry day clothes. * Sharptooth hasn't come by yet with them.
Sharptooth: * Flys in and lands on my shoulder. *
Bunny: Speak of the devil.
Me: I didn't say your name. 😏
Bunny: Aww. Thanks love! You're too kind * 😏 *
Rasmus: Hey, what about me???
Winston: Don't forget, I have wings to I'm a part of this demonic organization!
Adam: ...I regret sharing a name with someone angelic now.
Me: * Takes a letter from Sharptooth. * Good boy. * Gives him a treat. *
Sharptooth: * Flys off. *
Me: Just so you know that was the dragon. 🐉
Rasmus: He is...Cute.
Me: Now the dares are Umbrige has to wear a shirt that says I smell like cow pop. * Snorts from laughing. * The British Hitler himself has to
wear a pink dress and sing I am a Princess of candy.
Everyone: * Laughing. * 🤣
Me: * Brusts out laughing. * And we have a dare for my mom.
Lily: Oh god.
Me: * Whispers her the dare. *
Lily: * Laughing. * 🤣
Me: It's going to be funny.
Winston: Now do the dares.
Me: Well The Pink Toad.
Neville: That's an insult to toads.
Me: Your right. No more calling her that.
Everyone: * Nods. *
Me: So Umbitch won't wear that willingly so we might have to get up to some mischief. * Pulls out The Marauders Map and mutters the spell. *
Sirius: Another Prongs.
Remus: Oh, god.
Me: Found her. * Mutters a spell and points at her on the map. *
James: What spell was that?
Me: One I made. It makes it so you can change what someone is wearing from afar. I used it on some people.
Draco: So that's why one day I woke up and Crabbe and Goyle were wearing pink dresses.
Me: They got on my nerves.
( With Umbitch. )
All the students: * Trying not to laugh. *
Umbridge: What is so funny?
McGonagall: * Smirking well sipping tea. *
Umbridge: More laughing, and you will be sent to...
Rasmus: * Raising his voice on purpose. * Hey, pupils. Can any of you hear that?
Adam: * Also raising his voice sarcastically. * No, what is it Razzy?
Rasmus: * Raising his voice even more. * I think someone was talking!
Adam: * Practically yelling at this point. * Isn't it just you? Or is it the FAT COW stomping around at the front?
Umbridge: WHAT?!
Rasmus: I'm not sure, Can cows, especially that one, talk to us using its brain?
Adam: I don't wanna find out by wasting my brain cells but even if I do that, I would still have infinitely more to spare than her majesty on the stage over there.
Umbridge: * Finally looks down and sees the text. * ARE YOU S—
Rasmus: * Slips Adam's wand out from his hand. * Imperio!
Umbridge: ...I smell like cow scat, I smell like cow scat, I smell like cow scat...
Winston: * Points at Umbridge. * Sonorous!
Umbridge's voice spreads across the entire school and all the students all had a good laugh.
( Back with us. )
Me: Now to get Adolf here. * Mutters a spell and a portal shows up. *
Voldemort: * Falls out of the portal. * Ow!
Me: * Grins. * I love doing this.
Rasmus: * Falls out of a jar and returns to normal. * I'm back.
Voldemort: Oh, god not you two again!
Rasmus: ...Do I know you?
Me: Yes me again. Now you have another dare. You have to dress up in a pink dress and sing I am the candy princess.
Voldemort: I will do no such thing!
Me: * Truns into a dog and has his wand. * One wrong move and this will be my new chew toy.🐕
Voldemort: * Pissed. * Give it back!
Me: NOOOO! * Runs off with the wand in my mouth. *
Voldemort: * Running after me. * You skank! Drop it right now!
Everyone: * Laughing. *🤣
Sirius: * Truns into Padfoot. * Over here kid!
Me: * Throws him the wand. *
Sirius: * Catchs the wand and run off. *
Me and Sirius: * Playing monkey in the middle with Voldemort. *🐕🐵🐕🦺🚫👃
Winston: * On top of a tree. * How about a three-for-one?! Sirius, over here!
Sirius: * Tosses him the wand. * Attaboy!
Winston: * Jumps off the tree and just about when he's about to hit the ground and Voldemort was going to catch him, his wings fan out and he soars back into the air as Voldy screams in anger below him. *
Everyone: * Falls down laughing. *
Me: So give up? You can do your dare and get the wand back and leave or you can refuse and Berchwood'll break your wand and you are stuck here with us. You choose.
Voldemort: I hate kids. Fine. I will do the stupid dare. Now give me my wand.
Bunny: I am 666!
Me: Do the dare first or he breaks it.
Voldemort: Give me my wand or I won't do the dare.
Me: * Sits down. * Looks like neither of us are going to get what we want.
Winston: * Tosses me the wand. *
Me: * About to chew on the wand. *
Voldemort: N-
Rasmus: * Holding a basilisk tooth to Voldy's throat, * So, still wanna bargain, Marvolo?
Voldemort: * Hisses angrily. * F-Fine.
Me: * Truns back. * Here. * Mutters a spell. *
Voldemort: * Wareing a pink dress. * I hate this game!
Me: Boo hoo hoo. Suck it up! * Mutters a spell. *
( Dungeon ally. )
Voldemort: * Pops up in dungeon ally. * * Starts singing I'm the Candy Princess. *
Everyone: * Running away screaming. *
( Back with us. )
Everyone: * Laughing. *
Me: We have one more dare. It's for Lily.
Moody: If no one needs me can I leave?
Me: You are dismissed.
Moody: Thanks. * Leaves. *
Me: Go on. Do the dare. Remus Sirius hold my dad back.
Remus and Sirius: * Holding back James. *
Lily: Sorry about this. * Kisses Snape. *
Snape: * Shocked. *
Lily: * Pulls away. *
James: * Pissed and trying to get loss. *🤬
Snape: May I leave before James kills me?
Me: I think that's best.
Snape: * Runs out of there. *
Remus and Sirius: * Let go of James. *
James: * Running after Snape. *
Lily: * Running after James. * It was a dare!
Me: I feel bad for Snape.
Rasmus: Agreed.
Neville: Really?
Me: Yeah. If I am anything like my dad Snape is going to get a lot more shit than he deserves.
Luna: You worry me.
Me: Good. See ya!
Rasmus: Thank you for enjoying our fiasco of a performance today, we await the new episode of our humiliation and talk to all of you next time! Farewell!
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