Dare, Umbridge(W.H.O.R.E) and Snape
Me: Get in here!
Everyone but Winston: * Runs in. *
Ron: * Looks around. * Where are you?
Harry: Ow! * Gets tackled to the floor. *
Me: * Truns back. * You forgot I can turn invisible.
Harry: * Gets up. * Do you have to do that every time?!
Me: Yep!
Hermonie: I see you are doing short blue with bangs today.
Me: I love being able to shape change without having to rick a bad haircut.
Bunny: That's why you look stupid today.
Me: * Rolls eyes and changes hair. * Is better?
Bunny: No.
Me: Oh, bite me. 😝
Bunny: Eww, human blood.
Winston: * Crashes through the window. * HEY BITCHES!😍😍😍
Winston: * Lands in front of them. * Aw, fanks☺️ this is why ur slay.
Bunny: 👿
Cedric: The truth or dare?
Me: Dare for Umbrig and Snape.
Snape: I hate this game.
Winston: CANT WAIT!😍😘
Lily: It's fun.
Snape: To you, maybe.
Bunny: You're a peach today.
Me: The dare is Umbrig has to kiss Snape.
Snape: I'm out. * Trying to leave. *
Me: * Holds up three fingers. * 1 2 3.
( Ping. )
Snape: * Falls from the ceiling. * Ow.
Me: I love making up new spells.
Snape: * Gets up. * Ten points away from Ravenclaw.
Me: I am staying with the Slirthens this term.
Winston: Yeah, she's roommates with my stepsister:)
Snape: Never mind.
James: * Slips me a twenty. *
Lily: 🤦🏼♀️
Me: Now time to get Umbrige here.
Adam: Are you trying to get us killed?
Bunny: Her? No. Me? Yes, I came up with this dare.
Sirius: Yeah that is a stupid idea. And I am not going back to prison for this little game of yours.
Me: Calm down. I know enough spells to get her to keep quiet.
Remus: There illegal right?🤨
Me: Maybe?
Cedric: God help us.
Bunny: Not even he can save us now.
Me: Stop being babies. * Waves wand. *
Bunny: I am 666!
Winston: Tf is a 'babies'
Umbitch, ( I mean Umbrage. Oh who am I kidding no I did not. ): * Pops up. *
Umbitch: * Looks around. * What the hell is going on here!!! Dead people helfbreads serial killers haldbloods muggles and death eaters in my school! I will not allow it! * Truns to me. * And you! What are you doing here?!
Bunny: O_O
Winston: What? I'm not wrong?!
Bunny: Do I fall under "serial killer"?
Me: No, that's Sirius.
Me: * Not scared at all. * I go to school here, what's it to you? 💅🏻
Bunny: I can drain her of her blood if you want.
Me: No, that's what she wants a reason to hate you.
Bunny: * Huffs. *
Me: You have a dare.
Umbitch: I refuse to play!
Me: * Waves wand. * I used un unforgivable curses before once one more time?
Lilly and James: WHAT?!
Me: Bella was asking for it.
Umbitch: That will be---!
Me: Detention, yeah yeah I know. Go jump in the lake.
Umbitch: * Beonyed arngy. *
Winston: Imperio! * Points at Umbridge. *
Umbridge: * Eyes go blank. * Yes.
Me: Now please do the dare, Snape.
Snape: I would rather die.
Me: We all agree but I don't have any say on what happens here. This dare was because of one of the readers. You have to do it.
Bunny: * Cough. * me *cough*
Snape: * Mutters. * I hate kids.
Bunny: I'm not a kid.
Winston: * Giggles silently. * Now, for the best part! * Takes off the spell. *
Umbitch: * Wakes up. * What is going on here?!
Snape: * Kisses Umbitch. *
Everyone except Bunby: Ew!
Bunny: * Laughing *
Umbitch: * Slaps Snape. *
Snape: James, wash my mouth out with soap again! * Runs out of the room. *
Me: * Pusches Umbitch out of the room. *
Umbitch: What the?
Me: * Waves wand. * Obliviate. * Slams door in her face.
Bunny: * Claps. *
Me: See you in the
Bunny and Winston: Next one!
Me: * SIghs. * I quit!
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