Dare, the boys.
Me: Get in here right now!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone: * Comes in. *
Ron: My ears are still ringing.
Draco: What?!
Me: * Sighs. * The boys have a dare.
All the girls: Yes!!! Wow!!!!🥳
All the boys: Booo!
Me: Shut it.
Draco: Ok, mom. 🙄
Me: I'm worse. I'm a Ravenclaw with magic that can kick your butt in over one hundred ways. * Crosses arms well smirking. *
Fred: Can you?
George: Really do that?
Me: Yes. 😐
Me: Now give me a minute I have to get something. * Walks out of the room. *
Harry: Quick well she's gone!
All the boys: *Run at the door then get sent flying backward. *
Me: * Comes in with a big bag. Sees the boys and sighs. *
Neville: What did we hit? 😵💫
Me in sing song voice. I used a forcefield!
Cedric: I should have known.
Me: Yes you should have. Now get your butts over here.
Neville: * Falls before getting up. * Ow.
The boys: * Get up and walk over. *
Me: Here put these on. * Toses their dress. *
Cedric: * Looking at the dress. * Are these your old Yuleball dresses?
Ginny: No. My mom made them.
Ron: * Holding an old ratty red dress. * I can tell.
Me: Your dare is you up in dress high hells makeup and wigs for the day.
All the boys: * Grown. *
Neville: How hard can it be?
Me: So innocent. Now get!
Draco: Not cool.
Harry: I hate you more than Umbridge right now.
Ron: Bloody hell!
The twins: * Laughing at each other. *
Luna: Should we tell them?
Me and Ginny: No, it's funner this why.
Cedric: At least it's yellow.
Hermonie: * Choughs. * Belle. * Choughs. *
Me: Savage as always I see.
Neville: Really?
All the girls but me: * Laughing and taking pictures. *
Me: Disney just called and they want their princess back.
All the purebloods: What?
Me: Do you people even have lives? Wait don't answer that we don't have all day. Now let hell begin!
The boys: * Try to leave but fall because they are wearing heels. * Ow!
All the girls: * Laughing. * 🤣
( At the end of the day. )
All the boys: * Come back looking beat. *
Me: * Sitting on a chair filling nails. * Have fun?
Fred: We will get.
George: You back for that.
Me: * Get's up really fast making the chair fall over and spreds out arms. * Come at me bro!!!
Fred and George: We're good.
Me: Thought so.
Pansy: How was it?
The boys: We all got detention and tripped every five minutes.
Me: Good. Now don't forget to comment truths and dares! And I would Like some too!
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