Dare, Sirius.
Me and Neville: * Run in looking panicked. *
Winston: * Crashes in the window. * I was with Axel. What happened?
Bunny: The hell?
Me: Run!
Sirius: From what?
Trover: * Hops into the room 200 times his normal size. *
Me: From that!
Bunny: Motherfucking hell!?
Everyone: * Runs. *
Bunny and Wiston: * Flying. *
Winston: Bloody hell!
Luna: How did he get that big?!
Me: Ask your boyfriend!
Luna: Neville what happned?!
Neville: I was trying to make him pink in class and THAT * Pointes to Trover. * Happened!
Winston: Wild...
Adam: * Holding onto a broom. * Help!!
Lucia: * Holding onto him. * You asked for it!
Hermione: Give me my wand! I can shrink him!'
Me: Todes will eat anything that can catch and fit in their mouths! And right now that means us! If you stand still to cast the spell you are a goner!
Bunny: TREVOR!!! EAT LUCIA!!!!
Bunny: BITCH!
Winston: WITCH!!!
Bunny: No Amelia's thw witch!
Me: Not the time!
Hermione: That's what are you going to do!
Me: Here take the wand! * Tosses it to her. * I will distract him long enough for you to spell him! * Grows wings and takes off into the air. * Bunny, Wiston help me distract him!
Bunny and Wiston: On it! * Flying around Trraver and throwing things at him. *
Winston: Imperio! YOU DESIRE SLEEP!
Trevor: * Shooked a bit. *
Winston: Dammit! Weak Veela heritage!
Bunny: Fucking idiot.
Me: Hay over here you overgrown frog!
Trover: * Death glares me. *
Me: Yeah that's right! I called you a frog! What ya gonna do about it!
Traver: * Trying to catch me. *
Me: * Doges him. * To slow! To high! Over here! Ha!
Hermione: * Pointes wand at Trover. * Reducio!
Trover: * Shrinks back to normal. *
Neville: * Picks him up. * You're grounded.
Trover: * Ribirs sadly. *
Winston: * Flies down and flicks it. * Oh, that'll be great, I'll tell Axel.
Lucia: Who the hell—
Winston: My friend?
Adam: Oh right, you have friends.
Winston: And look who's talking.
Me Bunny and Winston: * Land. *
Lily: Are you three ok?!
Me: Yeah we're fine Mom. Not the first time I had to deal with an oversized animal before.
Lucia: Shit's rough. In Durmstrang, I remember when somebody's Patronus exploded and merged with a baby basilisk after her Arvada Kedavra spell backfired on herself. Took me a week to clean up the remains.
Bunny: No one cares.
Winston: I mean...She aged well.
Lucia: No. that's...utterly disturbing.
Winston: Move schools then. 😭
Adam: Robert will be remembered, Amen.
Lucia: And remember that feast on Christmas and you complained that it tasted too stony?
Adam: You can't be serious...
Me: No she isn't. He is. * Pointes to Sirius. *
James: * Laughing. *
SiriusL Ha yes! The joke lives on!
Remus: God help me.
Lucia: Basilisk entrails stink.🤦
Winston: Snake soup. Yummy. Eve would love this
Adam: Eve?
Winston: A friend from Beauxbatons, we have the wand core from the same Veela.
Me: Please no more people here. I can barely stand my friends as it is.
Winston: You all look like rat entrails embedded in gold, I think she's pretty happy right where she is, 1439 kilometres away from this dumpster fire!
Ginny, Luna, and Neville: Hay!
Harry: Huh...
Lily: Well let's just hope it was the last oversized animal attack for the all of us.
Me and Harry: It won't be.
Me: So we have a dare. And it's for Sirius.
Sirius: What is it?
Me: It says you have to wear a skirt for a day. * Giggling. *
Sirius: What?! Hell no!
James, Remus, and Tonks: * Fall down laughing. * 🤣
Lily: * Laughing. *
Snape: * Trying not to laugh. *
Sirius: I hate you all.
Bunny: * Flies up to the chandelier, and puts ear bud in one ear. *
Me: * Pulls out a big trunk and starts digging through it. *
Harry: Where the hell did they come from?
Me: Over there in the corner of the room. Bunny sits on it like a feral cat half the time.
Bunny: Not my fault I can't sit in chairs! And fuck off.
Me: * Still digging through the trunk. * You gays can't sit right.
Cedric: Neither can you.
Bunny: He's right! You are either slouching or sitting on the floor! Hell, now that you have magic you have been sitting on the ceiling! You have even started taking my spot on the chandelier! The chandelier!
Lucia: Stop yapping about your personal life—
Winston: Awesome, extremely repetitive feedback. Amazing, we love that so much, Eden.
Me: You snooze you lose. * Half why in the trunk. *
Bunny: * Blows raspberry. *😝
Me: Eat snow fuzz butt. * Throws a snowball at her well half why in the trunk. *
Bunny: * Ducks. * That's the best you can do?
Me: No. * Whistles. *
Sharptooth and his friends: * Start swarming Bunny. *
Bunny: Ah! Get away! Stop that tickles! Ag! So this is what it would be like if your dog had wings! Get away shoo! * Flys out of the room. *
Harry: What are you looking for?
Me: The skirt. I know in here somewhere. Damm's trunk is so big. Ag ha! Here it is! * Holds up . *
Sirius: No. Will you two shut up!
James and Remus: * Laughing. *
Bunny: * Flys back in without the dragons. * You have to wear that?! Ha!
Me: What happened to Sharptooh? Now. * In Bunnys face. *
Bunny: I ditched them by the lake.
Me: He can't swim! * Grows wings and flies out of the room. *
Winston: She's done for!
Ron: Yeah she loves those little monsters. Hell, she loves them more than my brother and that's saying something!
Me: * Flys back in carrying five socking wet dragons. * Look at them the poor babies! Let's get you guys warm. * Sets them down on a dog bed. *
Luna: I'll start a fire. * Loading wood into a fireplace. *
Me: Can I see some of that wood?
Bunny: Here. * Hands me the wood. * I swear I thought they could swim.
Me: Thanks. * Gives the wood to the dragons. * They need to eat wood it's good for them.
Sharptooth: No like it. ( I don't like it. )
Me: * Growns. * Pishyou Munch-Munch. ( Please eat. )
Sharptooth: * Huffs and eats the wood. *
Me: Thankee. ( Thank you. )
Lucia: Strange.
Bunny: Look who's talking.
Lucia: I accepted something you can't.
Winston: Didn't pull out a basic reply! I'm so proud!
Lucia: * Throws a chair at him. *
Winston: * Bites the chair and spits it on the ground. * No.
Me: Shut it right now before me gets Un ow-indi-brainbox!
Everyone: * Stares at me. *
Me: Sorry. I have been taking to dragons all day.
Bunny: Nerd.
Luna: The fire is nice and warm.
Sharptooth and his friends: * Fly over to the fire. *
Sirius: Well today was fun let's do this again tomorrow. * Trying to leave. *
Me: Not so fast. Your dare.
Sirius: Damm. A for effort?
Me: No but I will get you a P for Pitey. Changing rooms over there. 👉
Sirius: * Leaves the room. *
( A few minutes later. )
Me: Is he ok, it's been a bit.
James: He probably doesn't know which way it goes on.
Remus: That or he plans on spending the 24 hours in the changing room because he knows we won't let him live this down.
James: Yeah your right. Sirirus get your annoying ass out here right now before I kick down the door, you know I will!
Sirius: * Walks out of the room. * Damm someone's grumpy.
Everyone: * Laughing. *
James: God I think it is the funniest thing I have ever seen! * Trying to breathe. *
Remus: * Takes a picture well laughing. *
Tonks: I have to show the order of this picture! * Laughing. *
Sirius: You are really annoying.
Tonks: I get it from your side of the family.
Sirirus: 🙄
Me: * Laughing. * Well this has been a very funny day!
Bunny: * Sits on the trunk. * Everyone leave me the fuck alone. And for fuck sake send some fucking dares or truths. I don't give A damn. Pick one.
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