Dare, Hermione.
Winston and Bunny: * Fly in fighting. *
Ron: Bloody hell! * Ducks. *
Bunny: NO!
Winston: I needed that for an invention for better aerodynamic performance!
Bunny: I'll say it again in Spanish this time. No!
Winston: Kusokurae!
Lily: James stop.
James: * About to poor paint on Sirius. * Hu? * Accidentally drops the paint bucket on Sirius. * Shit! * Runs. *
Sirius: God damm it! Prongs get back here you jackass! * Runs after him. *
Remus: * Trying to read. * They will get tired and stop at some point.
Lily: Yeah your right. * Sits down and picks up a book. *
Fred George and Ginny: * Fly in on brooms playing catch. *
Neville: I'm going to go for a walk. * Leave. *
Winston: * Sitting on a broom with Axel. * My arm hurts like hell...
Axel: Oh, I'm sure it's not so bad.
Winston: * Punched him. * Oh, shut up.
( Outside. )
Me: * Sitting in a tree. * Oh, hay Neville.
Neville: Hi. Um, the others are causing hell inside, do you think you could stop them?
Me: Yeah, I can.
Neville: Well then let's go.
Me: Can't.
Neville: Why not?
Me: I'm stuck.
Neville: Come again?
Me: I can't get down.
Neville: * Facepalms. * If you can't climb down from a tree then why did you climb up?
Me: To help this little guy. * Holds up a kitten. * He kind of looks like Ed Sheeran.
Neville; Agreed. Why don't you turn into something and climb down?
Me: Can't do that either.
Neville: * Sighs. * Do I even want to know why?
Me: * Hiccups. * That's why. I can't control my powers without concentrating and I can't do that with the * Hiccups. * hiccups.
Neville: * Facepalms again. * Ok, I'll help.
( An hour later. )
Winston: * Takes back the mothball. * Ha!
Bunny: Damn it! You motherfucker!
James and Sirius: * Too tired to fight. *
Fred George and Ginny: * Sitting in the corner with broken brooms. *
Ginny: This stinks. Our brooms are broekn. You just had to fall off your broom, didn't you?
Fred: I wouldn't have fallen off my broom if you didn't punch me! * Has a black eye. *
Ginny: If you had just given me the damm ball I wouldn't have had to punch you!
Gorge: 😐😑😐
Bunny: Hay where's Amelia?
Harry: I don't know haven't seen her all day.
Bunny: Good! More fun for us! * Starts to play Cradles by sun urban. *
James: * Stands up. * She is my kid so that means she is probably in trouble.
Remus: I have had to babysit your kids for three years because they wouldn't stop meddling with order business. She is in trouble for sure.
Lily: Well we can't go look for her. * Poites to James Remus Sriirus and herslfe. * No one knows we are here, or alive for the most part.
Luna: Let go. * Leaves. *
( Outside. )
Bunny: What the fuck are you two doing in a tree?
Me: Having a tea party. 🙄
Bunny: Ha ha ha, really?
Me: We're stuck stupid.
Ron: How did that happen?
Neville: We climbed up and couldn't get down that's how.
Ron: 🙄
Ginny: Why did you climb up?
Neville: I was trying to help Amelia down.
Me: I was trying to help Ed down.
Everyone: Who?!
Me: * Holds up Ed. * The cat dumb dumbs.
Bunny: This is the real-life aces stuck in a tree meme isn't it?
Me and Neville: Yep 100%.
Harry: But couldn't you just shapeshift into something that can climb down?
Me. Oh, wow I NEVER would have thought of that! 🙄
Hermione: Then why are you still in the tree?
Me: Because * Hiccups. * I have the * Hiccups. * have the *Hiccups. * Aggg! You know what *Hiccups. * I'm trying to say!
Bunny: No keep trying.
Me: * Covers Neville's ears. * Fuck off. * Uncovers Neville's ears. *
Bunny: 🙄
Ron: What does her having the hiccups matter?
Neville: She can't control her powers when she has the hiccups.
Ron: That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Bunny: Oh have you never heard your voice. . .?
Me: * Hiccups and set a baby tree on fire. * Oh shit!
Adam: * Pointes wand at the tree. * Auguamenti. It's fine.
Cedric: Why do you have your wand back?
Me: I *Hiccups. * Trust him, not to do something * Hiccups. * dumb with it.
Luna: So that's why I also have my wand.
Neville: Me too.
Bunny: Then why don't you cast a spell and get down?
Neville: Do you really think that's a good idea? 🤨
Draco: * Tacks a picture. * I'm using this for blackmail.
Bunny: * Takes a picture too. * Same.
Winston: Adorable game!
Lucia: Oh, choke on Axel's—
Winston: * Hits her with his wand. * Shush!
Bunny: * Laughing uncontrollably. * She was going to say d-
Me: Hay!
Draco: Not you blondie him.
Me: Oh. Well I'm still going to kick your asses
Draco: * Rips the picture. *
Harry: * Confused. *
Me: I punch hard and low Harry. * Hiccups. *
Winston: The gut or between the legs?
Me: The second one.
Bunny: My blackmail however is for you, dear sister.
Bunny: I'll help my sister down, Winston you help Flower boy. * Flys up to me and helps me down. *
Me: Thank you.
Winston: * Flys up to Neville and drops him. *
Neville: Ow! Hay that hurt!
Winston: What did you think you obnoxious, fugly extraterrestrial?
Bunny: * Laughing.* That hurt flower? * Smirks. Goes behind Winston and pushes him forward so he falls onto Neville. * Oops!
Neville: Your havey.
Winston: Oh, look who's talking, Longbottom. All you have in your brain is butter beer and vultures, eh? That seems heavy enough.
Me: Leave * Hiccups. * Neville alone. * Helps Neville up. * Besides all he is thinking about is if he got an O on his test.
Winston: Don't shove me onto people then.
Axel: Unless it's me, I'll be happy.
Winston: Axel, you're my best friend, but never say that again.
Bunny: That hurt. I thought I was your best friend.
Harry: I have a question.
Me: Oh god. People step back.
Everyone: * Steps back. *
Harry: * Rolls eyes. * How do you blackmail someone, it doesn't make sense.
Me: * Sighs. * I'll let Bunny tell you later since she is evil.
Bunny: Hell yeah I am!
Me: Not a compliment. * Grows wings. * Race ya back! * Grabs Ed and tacks off. *
Bunny: No fair! Cheater! * Flys after me. *
Winston: Hah! * Flies ahead of the both of them. * Snooze ya loose!
Bunny: See Amelia? This is what we call a bitch. Better known as a Winston. * Flips him off. *
Me: Stop ya winning! * Flys ahead. * Ow, stupid wing!
Harry: I feel replaced.
Neville: They did grow up together mate.
( Back in ror. )
Me and Bunny: * Fly in at the same time. *
Winston: * Sitting on the table, relaxed. * God, you two are slow.
Me: * Huffs. * I would have flown faster if I had used dragon wings instead of these stupid father ones. Damm things got caught on a branch. * Flaps wing weakly before making it disappear. *
Winston: Yap yap yap yap, close your mouth before the world drowns in your babbling!
Me: 🙄
Lucia: You're not any better!
Winston: Blasphemy!
Harry: And it's a tie!
Me and Bunny: Damm.
Winston: Hey! Don't ignore—
Adam: Winston, you don't count.
Lily: Where were you?!
Me: Stuck in a tree. But I get this little guy down! * Holds up Ed. *
Sirius: Oh great a cat.
Me: Jealous?
Sirirus: * Rolls eyes. * No I'm just more of a dog person.
Me: Same, so... Who wants to keep the little guy?
Fred: Are you really Auctioning off a cat?
Me: Yep!
Remus: I guess I could keep him.
Sirirus: Ow.
Remus: Oh hush. But yeah I could keep a cat, they are not so hard to take care of.
Me: OK, then he's yours. * Hands him Ed. *
Lupin: Why is he named Ed?
Me: Because he looked like Ed Sheeran.
James: Wiat how do you know Ed?
Me: How do you?
James: We went to school together.
Harry: No why?
Sirius: Yeah. He was a muggle Hufflepuff kid. Whated to be a singer.
Me: Well he is. And a good singer too.
Winston: Ugh, gingers.
Winston: Stop blowing your fiddle, Weasley. The scent of your imperfection is PUNGENT.
Lucia: Smells like fish.
Ron: W-How?!
Me: * Giggling. *
Bunny: Yeah!
Hermione: He is good. I love the song Castle on the Hill.
Ron: Who?!
Remus: You should have heard of him considering you look a lot like him.
Me and Bunny: * Truns to face each other. * Too ginger and chubby to seal music. * Burst out giggling. *
Ron: Oh please. I'm skinner than the both of you.
Me: Skinner than me, yes, but not skinner than my sister.
Bunny: * Sassy hair flip. * 👱♀️
Winston: Heh, I'm just a bag of bones.
Axel: I work out...sometimes. The other Ravenclaw kids think I'm too thick-headed to be in their house.
Me: Besides I could shapeshift to not have organs or ribs. But dissolving bones, muscles, organs, cartilage, and ligaments is a son of a bitch.
Ron: * Shurters. * There is a mental image I wish I never had.
Me: * Chukles evilly. * I love freaking people out.
Harry: So any truth or dares?
Me: Um, yeah. A dare for Hermione.
Hermione: Oh no. Why couldn't be a truth?
Me: Well you got one when this first started but you eared the minds of everyone but me. I can let you skip this dare if I get to tell them. 😏
Hermione: Don't you dare!
Me: Why?
Hermione: That's blackmail.
Me: I'm a Potter, that hasn't stopped us before.
Sirius: No shit.
James: * Laughing. *
Hermione: Bite me.
Bunny: She was raised by vampires, she might take you up on that.
Me: So will you do the dare or will I spill the beans?
Hermione: What's the dare? 😠
Me: Grumoy grumpy, no wonder you can't get a date.
Hermione: Oh like you're a peach. I don't think you have even been asked out before.
Me: In fact I have.
James: What? Come again? Who?
Bunny: Spill the tea.
Me: It was the Yule ball. Some third-year Hufflepuff boy, I don't even know his name. I think he just wanted to go to the ball. And a few other people have asked me out no I know or care to know.
Winston: I remember at the Yule ball around ten people asked out Axel, it was hilarious...He was terrified.
Axel: Please... Don't mention it.
Me: I was too. Even a few girls asked me out. Be honest, do I look like a lesbian?
Bunny: A little.
Me: I don't know if that's a comment or an insult.
Winston: Remember the amortentia?
Axel: I might throw up.
James: I'm getting you a taser.
Sirius: Calm down mate.
James: No. I am not letting anyone date my kid. The boys here can't be trusted.
Remus: Do you re,mbere how you acted as a kid?
James: Yeah that's the problem.
Me: Anyway... The dare is that you and Pnasy have to spend the day together!
Hermione: Oh god.
Pansy: I hate my life.
Me: Yeah yeah heard it a hundred times this week. Go. * Pointes out the door. *
Pansy and Hermione: * Leave. *
Draco: This is going to be funny! * Laughing. *
Ron: You really don't like Hermione do you?
Draco: I hate Granger, but I wasn't laughing at her. I was laughing at Pasny.
Ron: Why?
Draco: Becouse no matter how annoying Granger is Pansy is worse.
Ron: Damm she must be really bad becouse Hermione can be a pain.
Me: Both of you are going to be dead if they hear that.
Draco: Ah, half dead anyway.
Bunny: Ha! I'm already dead!
Sirius: Are you ok?
Draco: Not really.
Me: Ok....
(Later that day. )
Hermione: * Walks in wearing a black dress. *
Ron: Wow.
Hermione: I know I hate it too.
Ron: No I was going to say you look nice.
Bunny: Yeah looking good.
Hermione: I guess it's just not me.
Me: Here. * Waves wnad over Hermione. *Hermione: * Now wearing a simpe sumer dress. * Thank you. This is much more me. What do you think?
Ron: Still pretty.
Hermione: Thanks. Now I have to go to my room and put away from of the new clothes that Pasny made me buy. She is very annoying but a good shopper.
Me: So you like some of the stuff she got you?
Hermione: Some of it. The rest is going to Goodwill when I get back home. * Leaves. *
Pansy: * Walks in. * Boy is she annoying. Such a know-it-all all. I just wanted to sew her mouth shut.
Winston: You better shut your mouth before I shove a dead niffler in that stinkhole.
Draco: Funny I have wanted to do the same to you.
Pansy: Go burn in hell. * Storms out. *
Draco: Good cane I'm going there anyway.
Me: Join the club. * Chugs a butterbeer. *
Bunny: It's safe to say everyone in the room is going to hell by Christian standards. Half of us aren't straight and the other half are jerks.
Draco: Yeah, I'm a jerk.
Bunny: No shit.
Me: Anyway bye guys!
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