Dare, Cedric.
Me and Neville: * Playing cards. *
Lucia: * Asleep.*
Adam: * Wakes up. * Hm? Oh, hey Lucia.
Lucia: * Keeps sleeping. *
Me: I win.
Neville: * Sighs. * How are you so good at that?
Me: I've been playing war since I was 5, and it all comes down to luck. Round two?
Neville: Sure.
Ginny: I verve winner.
Remus and Sirius: * Walk in bickering. *
Me: * Throws down card. * *Mutters. * Snape was right, you two do bicker like an old married couple.
Winston: I could've been the flower boy.
Me: * Snorts. * And me the ring bearer.
Bunny: * Snickers. *
James: Out of the 11 years I have known them I have never met anyone who bickers as much.
Harry: I bet Ron and Hermonie do.
James: Dought it.
Ron and Hermonie: * Walk in bricking. *
Rasmus: Speak of the devil. -_-
James and Harry: It's a tie.
Me: Oh, just shut up already! Silencio!
Ron, Hermione, Remus, and Sirius: * Can't talk. *
James: Where did you learn that?! That's 6th-year magic.
Me: Flitwix has been teaching me advanced magic.
Ron: * Still trying you argue with Hermonie even though he can't talk. *
Hermonie: 🙄
Remus: * Argueing with Sirus in sing laungeg. *
Sirius: * Confused. * * Glares at Remus and blows a rasburry. *
Harry: God and people say I'm immature!
Bunny: And I'm not?
Me: I will only take the curse off if you all stop fighting and tell me what the hell is going on here so I find out who is right. My money is on Hermonie and Remus.
Ron and Sirius: 😦
Lucia: Why...Are we betting on this?
Winston: C'mon, bitch, it's fun!
Lucia: Call me that again.
Winston: Oh, you're so petty.
Bunny: Bitch!!!
Me: * Removes the spell. *
Sirius: He started it! * Pointes to Remus. *
Remus: Did no! And what are you, five?
Me: Remus you go first.
Remus: He snuck off and pulled a prank on Flinch.
Sirius: So?! What is the big deal? So he has blue hair it's not going to kill him!
Remus: Someone saw you! That's the big deal!
Sirius: How do we even know the first year knew how I was?
Remus: Maybe by the fact that she screamed Sirius Black is in the caste and ran off screaming.
Bunny: I can eat the child, problem solved.
Me: * Trying not to laugh. * OK, Remus wins this one, and I will erase the first year's mind later. Ron Hermonie?
Hermonie: He's just a git.
Me: Fair enough.
Ron: Hay!
Me: So we have a dare today! And it's for Cedric! And it's from Bunny girl girlfriend Enid.
Cedric: Oh, no.
Me: Oh, yes! 😏
Adam: I have questions. But I don't have time, I have to get to class. * Leaves. *
Lucia: * Narrows her eyes. * Hm.
Cedric: What crazy thing do I have to do?
Me: * Whispers him the dare. *
Cedric: No why! No way in hell, am I doing that!
Me: Scared?
Cedric: A little.
Me: Stop whining. Women up!
Cedric: No.
Me: I swear all the boys in this school are weaklings!
Harry Ron Draco The twins James Sirius Winston, and Rasmus: Hay! We are not weak!
Winston: Weaklings?!? I'm offended.
Rasmus: I survived Hell and back, and you're calling ME weak.
Bunny: Oh boo hoo hoo hoo. Shut up. * Giggles. *
Me: Yes.
Neville: I'm not going to lie. The girls could kick my butt.
Me: Thank you, Neville.
Rasmus: Well...That's true.
Remus: The kids got a point.
James: You're siding with my daughter on this?
Remus: All I'm saying is you dropped dead first then Lily.
James: 😧
Sirius: * Burts out laughing, *
Lily: Thanks Lupin. * Highfives Remus. *
Me: So get on with the dare.
Cedric: No.
Me: You have to!
Cedric: No I don't.
Me: Don't test me, boy. I tied you up and locked you in a broom cupboard once and I can do it again.
Cedric: Go ahead.
Me: You've got a lot of nerve for a Hufflepuff.
Cedric: Thank you.
Me: Do the dare.
Cedric: No.
Me: Yes.
Cedric: No.
Me: Yes!
Cedric: No!
Me: Yes!
Cedric: No!
Me: Yes!
Cedric: No!
Me: Yes!
Cedric: No!
Me: Yes!
Cedric: No!
Me: Yes!
Cedric: No!
Me: No!
Cedric: Yes! I mean wait? God damm it!
Me: Ha! No takebacks!
Cedric: No fair! You tricked me!
Me: * In sing-song voice. * Alls fair in love and war!
Cedric: Fine I will do the dare. * Leaves room. *
Harry: Wait he gets to leave for the dare?!
Me: Yeah the other person in the dare had to leave for class.
Ron: But the only other person out of the room is Adam.
Me: Exactly.
Luna: * Reading the dare. * This Enid is evil. I like it. * Smiles. *
Tonks: What was she dared to do?
Me: You will see. * Sets up the computer. *
( Outside of the DADA classroom. )
Adam: Oh, hay Cedric! I didn't know you were allowed out of that torture room.
Cderic: I got a dare.
Adam: That stinks. What's the dare?
Cedric: Um, this. * Kisses Adam. * ( To any people who thought this wouldn't happen you were wrong. )
Adam: * Kisses back. *
Cedric: * Pulls away. * Um, bye. * Runs off. *
( ROR. )
Bunny: * Facetimeing Enid and the others. *
Bunny Enid Ajax Bianca, and Wednesday: Ship it!!
Lucia: Oh what the fuck.
Winston: ...Damn. * Starts clapping. *
Rasmus: * Shocked. *
Me: That pussy ran off! 🤦♀️
Ginny: About time that kissed.
Winston: Hehe, Lucia, you're maaaaad~
Lucia: K!\\ yourself.
Rasmus: Let him be happy for himself, how bout.
Lucia: STILL—
Me: Calm down, lass. Him and Cedric are a thing get over it. If Adam dated everyone that fell for him he would have one hundred girlfriends.
Winston: * Joking. * You have me.
Lucia: I'd rather jump off a flight of stairs than go near your acid odour.
Winston: * Joking. * And I'd be at the bottom of the staircase, just in case you fall in my arms;)
Bunny: * Hangs up phone. * Winston, I think you are just fucking stupid! Date her!? You'd have more luck and happiness from a fucking rat!!
James Sirius and Remus: No. No, you wouldn't.
Winston: Honey, I'm joking.
Lucia: I would make you cry if you weren't.
Winston: I don't have tear ducts.
Lucia: * Smacks him and Bunny with a broom. *
Winston: Ow! Also, worth a shot!
Bunny: I am going to drink you dry! * Tackle her. *
Me: * Pulls Bunny off. * Down girl! Down! Calm down you oversized bat!
Lucia: You're lucky I haven't impaled you like—
Rasmus: We don't talk about that.
Lucia: Right. The deal. Blah, blah, blah. Huzzah
Winston: You used to be one of Grindelwald's jailers, right? How were you even alive?
Lucia: Don't...Ask.
Bunny: * Smacks her. * Hah!
Lucia: You both are INFURIATING.
Me: * Sprays her with water. * Cool it, princess.
Lucia: Don't 'princess" me, creature.
Me: Creature? Oh I like that. Much better then a human. Thank you.
Winston: Plus, I'm the princess here. Legally signed by Severus Snape.
Rasmus: No way...
Cedric: * Walks in red face. *
Me: Enjoy your kiss?
Cedric: Bunny your girlfriend is mean. * Walks to his room. *
George: What got into him?
Fred: Don't know. Want to prank him?
George: Sure!
Me: No!
Winston: You go near his room, I'll shove you straight into the underground waterfall in Gringotts.
The twins: Awwwww.
Me: He is probably sad that he had to kiss Adam on a dare, and now Adam might think that it didn't mean anything.
Ron: For being aroace you sure know a lot.
Winston: I'm surprised that I can confirm that's true.
Rasmus: Oh please.
Me: Yeah, it sucks. Love is dumb.
Bunny: Says the girl that medless in the love life of everyone in her school.
Me: A girl got to have a hobby!
Adam: * Walks in. * Did you dare Cedric to kiss me?
Me: No, my sister girlfriend did.
Adam: It was wired.
Ron: But don't you like him?
Adam: I-
Ron: Not like you hide it mate.
Adam: * Sighs. * I do, but I don't think he likes me. He just ran off.
Me: He's Hufflepuff, he does dumb stuff. Trust me he likes you.
Adam: He...He does?
Bunny: Yes you dumbass!
Lucia: Yeah.
Rasmus: Someone's saltyyy!
Lucia: * Smacks him with her broom. * SHUT IT.
Me: Yeah. A lot. In fact, he won't shut up about you. It's getting annoying.
Adam: Really?
Me: Bitch did I stutter?
Adam: I'm not sure if I should talk to him. I will give him some time.
Lucia: * Angered. *
Adam: Hey L—
Lucia: Do NOT. Talk to me.
Adam: Did I do something?
Me: No you didn't do anything wrong.
Bunny: Adam, now you're fucking stupid!! You're friends with that bitch! Ugg! * Flys up and sits on the Chandler*
Winston: No, you fugly idiot, she's my POOKIE!
Winston: Hey, it's just Adam, you can get over it.
Me: No you didn't do anything wrong.
Lucia: We've known each other for almost our whole lives, he's like a little sibling, I can't just 'get over iT'!
Winston: Well, it's not that bad, it isn't the end of the world...But if you think it is-
Lucia: Winston, stop it.
Winston: Ughh, you never let me have any funnnnn!
Lucia: I thought that you were a mankisser.
Winston: Nope, I'm aroace but I have exceptions:)
Me: Yes! Join the club! Want to invade Denmark?
Winston: Sure.
Neville; We plan to invade in the spring.
Lucia: Oh, curse me.
Winston: You're never getting rid of me, babes;)
Lucia: DIE. * Storms off. *
Adam: Why is she so mad?
Me: She is just mad that you Frenched Cedric instead of her.
Adam: I did not, it was just a kiss.
Bunny: * Sharl mimmking Jim voice(gooogle it). * With tongue.
Winston: With tongue! Comedy gold.
Me: I have cameras everywhere.
Adam: You are a strange little girl.
Me: I'm not little, I am just more down to earth than most people that's all.
Adam: Yeah right. * Leaves. *
Me: OK. Bye, folks!
Bunny: Bye fuckers!
Winston: Oh, by the way, there's nothing romantic with Adam and Lucia—
Rasmus: SHUT UP!!!
Winston: But the viewers get mixed signals.
Rasmus: Right...Right, right.
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