Me: Ok bitches get in here!
Everyone: * Walks on. * What now?
Me: Dares.
Gil: Will we ever get a truth?
Uma: My guess is no.
Me: * Hands Jay and Mal a piece of paper. * Your dares. Duog this is yours. Have fun. Oh, and Ben you have to banish Leah for a year to the isla.
Jay: You're telling me. Well then come on Hook lets go.
Harry and Jay: * Leave. *
Ben: I think this game is getting a little out of hand.
Aurdery: A little.
Me: Aurdery?!
Audrauy: Miss me? * Sets down bag. *
Evie: You rock that outfit.
Audrey: Thanks. Your mom's is not too bad of a sower Carlos. * Badass red fighter outfit. *
Mal: Did Dizzy do your hair? It looks great.
Audrey: Yeah. She's got talent that one. * Blonde hair with pink highlights. *👩🏻🎤
Me: Well god to have you back they are just about to do their dares.
Mal: Yep. * Kisses Evie's cheek. *
Aurdray: Did I miss something well I was away.
Evie: Dare.
Audary: Ohhh.
Ben: That reminds me I have to go and banish Leah to the Isla. * Leaves. *
Aurdray: Oh god she is going to be so mad!🤣
Uma: The Isla changed you.
Mal: That might be a good thing.
Aurdary: * Death glares Mal. *
Me: Anyway you guys have fun as part of my dare I have to go spy on Jay and Harry. * Truns visible and leaves. *
Gil: Where did she go?!
Uma: She turned invisible you idiot.
Gil: She can do that?!
Carlos: Of course she can. She does whatever she wants.
( School grounds. )
Evie and Mal: * Hugging and holding hands. *
Random person: Are you two dating?
Mal: Yep, so back off. * Death glare. *
Random person: * Runs off. *🏃
Evie: That was mean.
Mal: I don't care.
Doug: * Drinking out of a milk bottle. * Whose idea was this?
Evie: * Facepalms. * I love him but some days he is crazy.
Mal: Hay you are dating me remember!
Evie: Just for a dare. And I saw you flirting with Ben earlier so zip it.
( At the places. )
Ben: I King Ben the First declare that Queen Leah must be sent to the sile and live there for one year.
Adam: Son this is nonsense!
Ben: Dare dad.
Adam: And that makes it ok how?
Ben: It doesn't but that's the rules.
Belle: And what were to happen if you were to break these rules?
Ben: I don't know. Let me text Amelia. * Pulls out phone. *📲
( At a small cafe. )
Jay: Well this is boring.
Harry: Yep.
Jay: People do this stuff for fun? Wired.
Harry: Yep.
Me: * Hinding behind a curten. *
( Text alert goes off. )
Jay: We know you are there Amelia.
Me: Damn it. I swear I'm going to kill Ben. * Leaves. *
Harry: * Rolls eyes. * Some people never change.
Jay: She has gotten taller if that counts.
Harry: No she hasn't.
Jay: You're right she is still short.
Me: * From outside the cafe." And you're still annoying!
Jay: * Rolls eyes. *🙄
Harry: Well this has been fun, well not it hasn't, but I think I'm going to leave and try and kill Amelia.
Jay: Can't half the dare still isn't done.
Harry: Shit.
Jay: I don't like this any more than you do.
Harry: I really doubt that.
Jay: I'm aro for god sake.
Harry: Toshae.
Jay: Let's get this over with. * Quickly kisses Harry. * Done.
Harry: Now can I go kill her?
Jay: I'm helping.
( Back at school grounds.)
Me: * RUnning for dear life. *
Jay and Harry: * Running after me. *
Carlos: * Facepalms. * 🤦♂️
Me: Don't forget to like and comment!
(Hey guys thank you so much for all the read likes and comments! I have been very busy working on many other books and have had a bit of writer's block for this book. I am going to take a bit of time off from this book to try and work on others. If you like Harry Potter Please check out my new book Amelia Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Thank you!?
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