Me: Guys get in here!
Everyone: * Runs in. *
Me: Oh I just need Ben Carlos and Jay.
Everyelse: Oh, Ok. * Leaves. *
Me: So I got a dare for each of you. Ben, you have to act like a dog for a day.
Ben: What?!
Me: Jay you have to give Doug a wedgie. * Giggling. *
Jay: What That's so childish. * Trying not to laugh. *😅
Me: Yeah but it will be funny. But run like hell afterward becouse Evie is going to kill you.
Ben: I don't think he has to worry, Evie wears heels. 👠
Jay: If she can roundhouse someone with those on she can run in them.
Carlos: It's stupidly easy really.
Ben: How do you know?
Carlos: Truth or dare on the isle was wild.
Me: Yep. Wired dares and dignity were left behind. God, we did so much stupid shit.
Ben: I am going to have to hear about this later. Now I have to go act like a dog. * Leaves. *
Me: I'm getting him a fake tail after his.
Jay: I'll pinch in the money to make that happen. Now I also have to go do my dare. * Leaves. *
Me: * Truns to Carlos. * I have a dare for you. 😏
Carlos: I was waiting.
Me: The dare is you have to shave Jay's head well he is asleep.
Carlos: WHAT?! He would kill me!
Me: Oh relax. Jay has a sense of humor and Mal can fix it with her magic.
Carlos: Fine.
( Latter. )
Mal: * Sees Ben crowing around on all fours. * What the- You know what I'm not evening going to ask. * Leaves. *
Ben: * Trying not to laugh. * 🤭🐕
Doug: Ben what are you doing?
Ben: * Barks. *
Doug: What on earth?!
Jay: Hay Doug.
Doug: Oh hay Jay. Do you know why Ben is acting so weird?
Jay: * Glances over at Ben. * Not a clue. Maybe Mal got mad at him and hexed him. 🤥
Doug: Maybe.
Jay: Oh, um sorry.
Doug: Sorry for what?
Jay: This. * Gives Doug a wedge. *
Doug: Ow! What the hell Jay!
Jay: Sorry.
Evie: Jay what the f**k?!🤬
Jay: Oh shit. Bye, Doug! * Runs. *
Evie: * Running after him. * Jay Jafar get back here right now!!!
Jay: No way!
( Latter. )
Jay: * Runs in and shuts the door to the dorm. * Jesus Christ she can run fast in heels.
Me: No shit, mate, she learned how to walk in heels.
Carlos: * Chukles. * Yeah, I am shocked you lived.
Evie: * Form outside the door. * I'll get you tomorrow Jay! * Leaves. *
Carlos and Me: * Falls off the bed laughing. *🤣
Jay: I get it I'm dead.
Carlos: Deader then dead.
( Later that night. )
Jay: * Asleep. *
Me: * Whispering. * He is going to be pissed.
Carlos: * Whispering. * Very. * Shaves Jays head. *
( The next day. )
Jay: * Wakes up. * What the fuck?! How the?! I knew I shouldn't have pissed off Evie!
Me and Carlos: * Giggling. *
Me: You look like Gru is he was younger.
Carlos: I was thinking the same thing! * Falls off the bed from laughing. *
Jay: * Heavey sigh. * I will just have Mal use her magic and then go say sorry to Evie before she tries anything else.
( Later. )
Mal: Whoa what happened to you?
Jay: I think Eive.
Mal: You really must have pissed her off.
Me: She chased him to our dorm.
Carlos: She was fuming.
Mal: Well then I will fix it, becouse if I don't I will die laughing. * Matters spell and Jay's hair grows back. *
Jay: Thanks, Mal.
Me: Yeah. Anyway. Don't forget to comment!
Carlos: See ya in the next one!
Jay: Bye!
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