Me: * Falls from a tree. * Ow.
Mal: What th-Where you spying on Ben and me?!
Me: Dha.
Ben: In a tree?
Me: Yeah. Come on out guys, we got busted.
Carlos and Jay: * Come out of the bushes. *
Carlos: Next time I take the tree.
Jay: No way you will fall out of it too, I'll take the tree.
Carlos: You are too big it will break.
Mal: What is wrong with you three?! Spying really?!
Carlos: Book it! * Runs off. *
Jay and Me: * Run off after him. *
( Back at the dorm. )
Jay: That was fun.
Carlos: Yeah. What should we do now?
Me: I have a few stink pots under my bed, we could smash them in the dining hall at dinner.
Carlos: That's perfect! What are stink pots?
Me: They are like sink bombs but they are made out of clay and are used to stink out other pirate ships.
Jay: Cool.
( Phone dings. )
Jack: Your phone dinged.
Me: No shit Sherlock. * Opnes phone. *
Jack: 😝
Jay: Did you really have to bring him back with you when we went back to the Isla?
Me: You know fully well he snuck in my beg when I wasn't looking. Any way Doug has a dare.
Doug: You guys called?
Carlos: What the hell?! * Falls of bed. *
Jay: 🙄
Doug: I was walking by and heard my name. So I have a dare.
Me: Yeah. You have to give Snow White an apple that looks like the one she bit into.
Doug: * Chocks on air. * What?! Are you kidding?! Apples are even allowed in the house when we visit becouse she is scared of them.
Jay: Yicks.
Doug: She already wanted me that if I ever do anything to hurt Evie she would let the woodland animles eat me.
Jay: Do deers even eat meat?
Me: Yes, they are killers.m
Carlos: I could have gone my whole life without knowing that.
Doug: She will kill me.
Me: Not on my watch. Now take this apple and scare her. * Hands him an apple. *
Doug: Fine, but this isn't over.
Me: * Smiles. * You are right. It's just begun.
Doug: Um....
Me: * Leaves room. *
Jay: I wouldn't worry about it.
Doug: 🙂
Jay: That's becouse I'm safe, you should be petrified.
Doug: Why? I didn't even do anything?!
Carlos: You looked her in and eye and this isn't over. You followed a step-by-step way of provoking her. Good luck mate.
Doug: * Heavey sighs. * I will see you when I get back from being grounded for life. * Leaves. *
( At Snowwhites. )
Snow White: Oh Doug dear it's so good to see you! * Gives him a hug. *
Doug: It's good to see you too Aunt Snow.
Snow White: So how are you? I haven't seen much of you since you went to school.
Doug: Yeah it's been busy, playing in the band and all. Oh, I got you a small gift. * Holds out a small box. *
Snow White: Oh thank you. * Open the box and see the apple. *
Everyone: * shocked. *
Doppy: 🫤
Snow White Doug, do you want to explain?
Doug: It was a dare, I'm sorry Aunt Snow.
Snow White: * Shighs shakes her head and throws the apple out. * It is ok, but don't do that ever again.
Doug: I won't I promise.
Snow White: Now stay and visit for a while, I haven't seen you for a long time.
( Five hours later. )
Doug: I'm back.
Jay: And not eaten by a deer I see.
Doug: * Rolls eyes. * Yeah, although Grumpy slapped me upside the head.
Me: * Pops up out of nowhere. * Bye see you in the next one!
Doug: Ahh! Where did you come from?!
Me: I was walking on the ceiling.
Doug: You can do that?!
Me: Yeah, shapeshifter and all.
Carlos: We sometimes have to swat her off with a broom.
Jay: Yeah it is annoying but you get used to the crazy.
Doug: How crazy can she get?
Me: I'm a shapeshifter, just be glad I haven't killed you with an arrow and plant. 🏹🌱
Jay: Don't worry she knows not to.
Me: I don't like the idea of getting tied to a rock and tortured. * Leaves room. *
Dude: I think we should get her tested.
Carlos: Dude be nice!
Dude: No.
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