Me: * Haning upside down from my bed reading. *
Doug: * Walks in. * What is she doing?
Jay: * Glanses up from homework. * Reading. * Gose back to homework. *
Doug: I got that but why upside down?
Dude: She's wired.
Carlos: Dude that's not nice to say!
Me: Yeah but it's the truth. * Sets up and shuts the book. * Doug can you please get Ben Jane and
Doug: Um sure. * Leaves. *
( A few minutes later. )
Ben Jnae Lonnie and Doug: * Walk in. *
Lonnie: Whatever this is it is better we quick I get fencing in half an hour.
Jane: Yeah I have to help my mom with the party playing committee.
Me: Well your mom is going to have to deal with you and Lonnie's practice is canceled.
Lonnie: Excuse me?!
Mushu: * On Lonnie's shoulder. * What the hell? I was told there would be practices today! I won't stand for this I tell you!🐉
Carlos: Um Lonnie why did you bring him?
Lonnie: I didn't he followed me. He won't let me go anywhere because he's my guardian.
Mushu: Dman straight sister! Where you go I go!
Lonnie: He gets me in trouble a lot in class.
Me: Okkkkkkk. Ben Jane and Lonnieyou three have to sing rotten to the core in front of the school and with your parents watching.
Ben: But we don't know what song.
Jane: Yeah.
Lonnie: My parents are in China training new troops for war.
Me: 1) your parents are badass. 2) we will teach you.
Evie: This is going to be so much fun!
Jay: Yeah, I could use a break from this damn math anyway.
Carlos: * Looks over Jay's shoulder. * The answer is 157.
Jay: WHAT TH- How do you do that?!
Carlos: * Shugrs. *
Me: Every f**king day with them.
Mal: Ok, me Uma will get the stuff set up.
Uma: Why me?
Mal: I don't like it either but Jay and Amelia have to teach them the song and Carlos and Evie could get them some clothes that would look cool.
Uma: Fine. * Leaves. *
Mal: See you in one hour. Don't be late. * Leaves. *
Harry: I liked it better when they hated each other.
Me: You just liked it becouse Uma kept you on a shorter leash.
Harry: She does not! Shut up, Gil!
Gil: * Giggling. *
Me: Well my work here is done. Come on newbies.
Me, Ben, Jane, Lonnie: * Leave the room. *
Jay: * Leaves. *
( One hour later. )
Me: So do you guys have the lyrics down?
Ben: Yeah. I can't believe you guys sing this much on the Isla.
Carlos: * Wlaks over carrying a box. * Well unlike you guys we don't have wifi, so we have to get creative. * Drops the box. * Here are the outfits.
(Ten minutes later)
Jane: Whoa! * Wareing a bule shirt black pants black highboots and a black jacket. *
Ben: Yeah cool. * Wareing a black shirt, jeans, and a jacket. *
Lonnie: Badass. * Red shirt, black pants and jaket, red eye showed, black boots *
Mushu: * Wareing sunglass. * Yes!
Evie: * Chukles. * You look great guys. Now, go on, the show is starting soon!
( On stage. )
Ben: * Walks onto to stage and waves. *
Belle: I can't believe he is so grown up.
Adam: Calm down dear.
Jane: * Wlaks out onto the stage. *
Fairy Godmother.: * Gasps in shock. *
Lonnie: * Walks out grinning. *
Doug: * Fimling this to show to Lonnie's parents. *
Ben Jane and Lonnie:
Fairy Godmother: Should I be worried about Jane?
Adam: Nha.
Ben Jane and Lonnie: * Bow and walk off stage. *
Mal: That was wicked!
Carlos: Yeah that was awesome!
Amelia: That was great guys. Jane, mate, I think you gave your mom a heart attack.
Jane: I know, I don't think she is going to let me hang out with you guys anymore.
Me: Won't stop us.
Jane: How so?
Jay: We know how to scale buildings crawl through windows and pick locks. We could steal anything if we wanted to.
Lonnie: How do you know who to scale buildings?!
Mal: You have to get away from the gangs somehow.
Ben: And the window thing?
Amelia: If we wanted to see each other we couldn't just call up and ask to hang out, even if we could it would be a big no from our parents. So we would just cilmb up the house and into each others rooms.
Jane: Do I even want to know about the locks?!
Carlos: I was often locked in a closet for days well my mom would go on a drinking binge so the others would bust me out.
Evie: Now that I think about it it's a miracle none of us are serial killers.
Jay, Carlos, Mal and me: * Nod. *
Uma: Yeah wired shit happens back home.
Ben: Well this got depressing quickly. We are going to have to talk about this.
Me: Yeah, no. BYE FOCKS!
Ben: It's not good to not talk.
Me: I grow up fine talk to closet boy over there. * Pointes at Carlos, *
Carlos: Hay!
Me: Oh shit. * Runs off giggling, *
Carlos: Get back here! * Chasing after me. *
Jay: I have to go before one of them gets stuck in a tree. * Runs off. * Guys stop it!
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