Me: Oh Benagmen!
Ben: Please don't ever call me that again.
Me: Ok, Benny.
Ben: Stop it.
Me: No. Anyway, you have a dare.
Ben: What again?
Me: * Deadpan. * Yes. The dare is you have to shave your mom's head while she sleeps and blame it on your dad and then you and Jane have to kiss.
Ben: No way! My mom would be devastated and my dad would kill me! And Jane is like my sister, no way, hozay!
Jane: I don't like the idea either. Yuck!
Carlos: Yeah no.
Me: Let's knock out the second one first. Jay hold Carlos back.
Jay: On it. * Hold Carlos off the ground. *
Carlos: What? Hay!
Mal: You only had to hold him back.
Jay: Yeah I know but this is funnier.
Carlos: I ha-ate you-u.
Jay: You stutter you lie dummie, I know you don't mean it.
Carlos: 🙄
Ben: Why do you need to hold him back?
Jay: He's short but will fight some twice his size. I swear having to drag short blonde away from fights is going to be waht kills me.
Evie: We also think he might have ADHD.
Me: * Grublmes. *That bitch was asking for a broken nose.
Jay: Anyway. Back to the dare.
Me: Oh right! Ben and Jane have to kiss for forty seconds.
Jane: Come again?
Me: Do you have moss growing in your ears?
Jane: No?
Me: Then you heard me. I don't make the rules.
Ben: Let's get this over with.
Jane: Fine but I'm stepping on your foot after this.
Ben: That's fair.
Ben and Jane: * Kiss. *
Me: * Sets timer. *
Me: You look like a mad puppy. * Take a picture of the kiss and Carlos. * Oh this is going to be a meme.
Jay: Ha. You do look like a mad puppy.
Carlos: Piss off.
( 40 seconds later)
(The timer goes off. )
Me: And done.
Ben and Jane: * Pulls away. *
Ben: Never again.
Jane: * Wipeing mouth on sleeve. * Yeah never. * Steps on Ben's foot. *
Ben: Ow!
Jay: * Sets Carlos down. *Good my arm was starting to hurt.
Mal: Don't you end up holding him off the ground all the time?Jay: Yeah when he gets stuck and jumps on the nearest person, but I drop him immediately after.
Me: * Mubbles. * Idoits.
Ben: Well I better go and piss off my parents. * Leaves. *
Doug: He is so dead.
Harry: Dead as a doornail!
Gil: Door nails can die?
Jay: 🤦♂️
(Later that night. )
Ben: * Cutting his mom's hair. Hides the scissors under his dad's pillow and sneaks out. *
(The next day. )
Belle: What the hell?!
Adam: * Wakes up. * What's wrong? Oh. Wait why were these scissors under my pillow?!
Belle: I have one guess.
(Later in the dorm. )
Belle: * Walks in. *
Everyone: * shocked. *
Belle: * Walks over to Ben. *
Harry: * Mubbles. * He did it now.
Belle: Ben did you do this? * Pointes at very short hair. *
Ben: No. 🤥
Belle: Beeginman I can see your nose growing.
Gil: What? His nose isn't growing.
Belle: It's a saying deer.
Gil: Oh. * Gose back to playing Go Fish with Uma. *
Ben: But I didn't.
Belle: Bullshit. Mal, could you please turn my hair back?
Mal: Of course Queen Belle. * Mutters spell and Belle's hair goes back to normal. *
Belle: Thank you. You're coming with me, young man. * Drags Ben out by his ear. *
Me: Well we might not be seeing more of Ben for a bit. See ya guys in the next one!
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