Me: Oh guys!
Everyone: * Runs in. *
Me: Mal has a dare!
Mal: Oh lord.
Me: And you will hate it. You have to dye your hair blonde and act girly for two months.
Mal: What?! No! I hate being girly and blonde is stupid.
Me: * Makes flame in hand. * What did you just say about being blonde?
Carlos: * CHukles. * Oh god Mal you did it now.
Mal: Zip it tiny.
Carlos: Hay!
Jay: * Laughing. *🤣
Uma: Nice one.
Me: So go die your hair and I will go steal a dress. * Leaves. *
Mal: I can't believe this! I'm going to kill her.
Jay: Why? She didn't come up with the dare.
Mal: * Mubbles. * Fine. I will just turn her into a toda for a day.
Evie: * Tosses Mal her spell book. * Here you will need this.
Mal: Thanks. * Mubles a spell and she truns blonde. *
Carlos: Bangs really?
Mal: * Rolls eyes. * It's bad enough having to deal with Evie's fashion advice but you too really?
Carlos: Yep!
Me: * Comes back with a dress makeup and heels. * Put these on. Oh and don't forget you have a date with Ben tonight.
Harry: Oh this is going to be funny.
Mal: I will kill you hook!
Harry: * Rolls eyes. * Uma says that all the time and yet I'm still here, fishes the job if you mean it.
Mal: * Glars and leaves to go change. *
( Five minutes later. )
Mal: * Walks out wearing a pink dress pink heels and makeup. * I hate you all.
Everyone: * laughing. *
( With Ben. )
Ben: Mal?
Mal: No Fairy Godmother. * Rolls eyes *
Ben: What happened to you? I thought we agreed no more blonde.
Mal: I got dared. I have to be like this for two months.
Ben: I'm so sorry.
Mal: It's fine, but I am going to turn AMelia into a today when this is over.
( Two months later. )
Mal: * Walks in looking normal. * I am so glad that is over.
Me: It was funny well it lasted.
Jay: Yeah. I got a few pictures it was hilarious.
Carlos: Same
Mal: Run.
Me, Jay, and Carlos: * Starts running. *
Mal: * Runs after us. * I'm going to turn you three into toads for the next ten years!!!🤬
Me: * Running. * Please comment and give us dares and truths thank you
Jay: And bye!
Carlos: Mabe forever!
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