What the what?!?!?
Ice: seven
Jake: thousand
Jack: views
Elsa: on
Rap: our
Merida: book
Hiccup: Why can't I have a part?
Ice: uhm, this is awkward.......
Anna: *comes in* whatcha doin?
Hiccup: Excluding me!
Anna: so, same old, same old?
Hiccup: UHHH!!!! *leaves*
Ice: maybe we should include Hiccup more
Jake:*evilly smiles* yah we should
Ice: u thinking what I'm ma thinking?
Jake: on the count of three, one...two...three...
Jice: prank! *gets out whip cream and chases Hiccup with it*
Hiccup: *running* gahhhhh!
Jake: pins him down
Ice: *sprays whip cream on him*
Hiccup: STAP!!!! I AM NOT A DESSERT!!!!!!!!!
Jice: *lets go of Hiccup* you wanted to be included
Hiccup: *dumps water on Ice* Revenge!
Merida: who gave you that idea?
Hiccup: @hi_my_name_is_blank
Rap: never listen to anything the Internet tells you
Jack: but I thought that if its on the Internet it means it's true
Elsa: *face palm*
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