Truth or Dare
The scream of murder echoes through the house
Jake: *runs into room* Is pitch back? if he kidnapped anyone I'm gonna kick his- *sees Ice's hair* GAAH!!!!!
Ice: Hey! I got a blue streak in my hair it's not an apocalypse.
Jake: but it looks green
Ice: my mom's gonna fix it today
Merida: hey, whatcha- *sees Ice's hair* yech!
Rap: I think it's...... artistic
Hiccup: uhm.......
Jack: ? O.O
Elsa: It looks like some dog barfed on your hair
Ice: if you weren't Jake's mom and one of the main characters in my book I would-
Hiccup: read the dare, that's what you'd do. read the dare
i dare you too play spin the bottle and truth or dare
Ice: uhm, we already played spin the bottle
Jake: we did?
Ice: yah, remember, a lot of chapters ago
Rap: that was the day Jice stared!
Flash back
Ice: So, how's a *Suddenly looks @ boy she's never seen before (Jake)* goooooooooo
Elsa: *grits teeth* yay, Jice
Merida: Lets play truth or dare!
Rap: ok! Hiccup, truth or dare?
Hiccup: truth.... No dare! but then again-
Merida: he picks dare
Rap: I dare you to spread peanut butter and jello on your leg
Hiccup: Ó.Ò *puts it on leg* This is almost as bad as dragon saliva
Elsa: tmi
Hiccup: *goes to bathroom to wash it off*
Merida: Jack, truth or dare?
Jack: dare
Merida: I dare you to lick your foot
Jack: Noooooooo!
Merida: do it
Jack: *licks foot* blech! *wipes tongue w/ hands like there's no tomorrow* Merida, I dare you to rub your feet with ketchup
Merida: *rubs feet w/ ketchup* I am never gonna eat ketchup again
Elsa: Ice, I dare you to *does evil smile* break up w/ Jake
Elsa: Ò•Ó
Ice: Jjjake, I'm.... breaking up with u
Jake: bbbbbbut Ó~Ò
Ice: ok, show's over happy now?
Jake: phew! for a moment there I actually thought...
Ice: we've played truth or dare happy?
Rap: but what about me?
Ice: truth or dare
Rap: truth
Ice: how did you hair turn back magical?
Rap: oh it's because- *hiccup comes back in and barfs*
Ice: we better go
Everyone: bye!
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