Spin the bottle
A/N: this is a skip a head. The ice twins grew up, Merriccup had their wedding cuz I'm no good @ explaining weddings, & that's pretty much it.
Ice: so how's a *suddenly looks @ boy that she's never seen before* goooooooooooooooooooooooo
Elsa: *looks @ Ice suspiciously* It's been a long time since we've done these dares. This is Jake *points to the boy* and Crystal *points to girl that is sitting next to him*
Ice: *runs next to Jake & sits down*
Jake: Uh, who is she? *points to Ice*
Merida: That's Ice, but we all call her crazy.
Ice: *glares @ Merida*
Crystal: this is lame I'm leaving to prank the kangaroo
Jack: that's my girl!!!
Crystal: *leaves*
Elsa: Jaaack?
Jack: lllllest's just look @ the dare
I dare everyone to play spin the bottle sorry jack and punzie if he starts to get jealous hit hi w/ your pan
Merida: Wow, this person must love love stuff if that makes any sense.
Ice: yah, it does *looks dreamily @ Jake*
Jack: I hardly find that fair. Jealousy is an emotion and when you're happy you can't help but be happy and when y-
Hiccup: you should probably just hit him now
Jack: like you'll do any better!
Rap: I'm calling Eugene for an even number of guys and girls
Eugene: I heard my name! *panting*
Rap: you know me so well
Hiccup: there wasn't any bottles but I found game board spinner
Merida: ok, Then lets begin. I guess I'll go first *spins spinner & lands on Eugene*
Jack: *whispers to Elsa* Rap might need to hit herself w/ the pan hehe
Merida: *kisses Eugene on cheek* this is very disgusting
Hiccup & Punzie: *crosses arms*humf!
Elsa: It's my turn......*spins "bottle" & lands on Rap* at least she's my cousin *kisses forehead* awe it's like I'm putting her in bed
Punzie: *rolls eyes*I'm not that much younger than you
Jack: what ever! *spins "bottle" & lands on Elsa*
Hiccup: *mumbles* how convenient
Jack: *kisses Elsa on lips for like a long time*
Jake: mom! dad!
Ice: get used to it cuz if your staying, which I hope you are,*batts eyelashes* it will be like that
Jake: *spins "bottle" and lands on Ice*
Ice: *thinking* YAAAAASSSSSSS!!!!!!!!
Jake: *kisses Ice on cheek* *notices Ice happy and rolls eyes*
Ice: *spins "bottle" and lands on Merida* *kisses Merida on cheek*
Merida: *wipes off kiss like it was moldy bread*
Punzie: It can't be that gross *spins and lands on Jack*
Ice: Jackunzel!
Elsa: *smacks Ice really hard (trust me I know cuz it was me that got hit)*
Rap: I'm letting the viewers know that this is not funny
Ice: actually, the point was to be funny
Rap: *kisses Jack on CHEEK* not the grossest thing I've ever done
Eugene & Elsa: humf! *crosses arms*
Eugene: *spins bottle and lands on Jake* What!?!?!?
Ice: just do it *thoughts* at least everyone here is married besides Jake
Eugene: fine *kisses Jake on cheek* eeeewwwww!
Jake: *wiping off kiss like its a radioactive object* yuck!!!!
Hiccup: my turn *spins "bottle" and lands on himself* what ever..*kisses his hand*
Ice: so that's it!
Jake: mom? do you know the release command for author?
Ice: *clinging on to Jake*
Ice: really? I'm not that crazy about them.
Hiccup: somebody get a crowbar
Punzie: and possibly a hammer
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