Special Delivery
Hiccup: why is it taking so long? Its been 6 hours!
Rap: you don't understand, *mumbles* no men do
Merida: So this is how you feel about this stuff!?!?!
Hiccup: I didn't mean it like that!
Rap: sure you didn't, sure.....-_-
Merida: hey, I hear the phone!
@ hospital
Jack: 0.0 What!?!?!?! I gotta tell the rest of the big five this!!!!*calls them*
Merriccup & Rap: *on phone speaker* hello? Jack?
Jack: yah, hi...
Rap: mortal or immortal?
Jack: pretty sure, immortal
Merida: girl?
Hiccup: or boy?
Ice: *in room listening & thinking* I mean It's crazy! we finish each other's, sandwiches!
Jack: Uh...... both?
Rap: what do you mean?
Jack: twins.....-_-
Elsa: *listening from other end* JACK FROST YOU BETTER BE HAPPY!!!!!!
Jack: *whispers into phone* I just wanted to start off with one! Uh oh, I better go.....
Hiccup: Ice, how can you be so calm about this?
Ice: cuz it's the circle of life! and it moves us all through faith and hope, through despair and love! Till we find our place! in the path unwinding! in the circle, the circle of liiiiiiiife!!!
Rap: *mutters* we didn't need to hear that......
Ice: YOU DO IF YOU WANNA LIVE!!!!!!!!! well then, let us wait for Jack and Elsa to come back.
Hey there! you! *pointing to you* I know you've been always secretly hoping that you could name Jelsa's daughter and son if you're a Jelsa fan! comment on what names you like and I'll chose the one I like comments must come no later than June 13, 2014 happy summer! (Hah! just realized that an ice baby is being born on the start of summer!)
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