A/N:There was a chapter mix up & I added a chap before "oh no" but it was made after "oh no" it's called "thriller"
I dare Elsa not to talk to Jack for the whole day
Elsa: gladly! After that prank I don't feel like talking to him any way!
1hour later
Jack: Elsa! Elsa! Why won't you speak to meeeeee! wait! I have an idea!
10min later
Jack: *has chocolate box in hand* Elsa, look what I got for you
Elsa: *stares at box longingly*
Jack: *using persuasive voice*come on I know you want it. just say the magic word
Merida: *whispers to Elsa* stay strong
Elsa: ccccconceal dddddon't fffffeal. I CAN'T!!!!!!!! PLEASE JACK!!! PLEASE!!!!!!! *eats chocolate*
Jack: ha! forgive me now?
Rap: yah, I think so...
Elsa: *scarfing down box*
Ice: *enters* HTTYD NOW HAS A WHOLE NEW MEANING TO ME!!!! Oh, let me guess Elsa, chocolate. *pushes button & cage drops on Elsa* any way I saw How to Train Your Dragon for the first time ever!!!
Hiccup: WHAT!?!?!?!? I knew about the movie Frozen but there's a movie about me?
Ice: how do you know it's about you?
Hiccup: name one place that isn't Berk that trains dragons?
Ice: that's why you're the smartest
Merida: *looks dreamily* yes, he is
Ice: any way *pulls out fish* eat it.
Hiccup: *barfs*
Rap: was that necessary?
Ice: nope! but it was fun!
Random fan: what about How to Train Your Dragon 2?
Ice: in this world it never happened not will it happen. To manny new concepts to address.
Everyone except Ice: ???????
Ice: alternate reality talk. Yah, I'm that awesome.
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