Party Crashers
Ice: Oh. My. gosh. O.O
Elsa: what? *looks @ Ice's phone* wow.
Ice: IKR!?!?!
Jack: will someone please tell us what is going on?
Ice: 3k reads on this book!
Everyone: WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?
Ice: I can't believe that someone would actually want to read this book let alone 3,000 people!
Rap: I thought that you would get exited over even 1,000 reads
Ice: to be fair I haven't checked the reads for a long time
Hiccup: sorry to be a party pooper but we still have a dare
Jice has to go on a date and it has to be at a hard core party
Ice: what the Taco Bell!!!!!
Everyone except Ice: * turns toward Ice & looks @ her funny*
Ice: what? I don't like to say the h word...
Jake: I shall go to a hard core party & Ice will happen to be there but it won't be a date!!!
Merida: *using quote hand sign* shall?
Jake: what? that's just how I decided to say it....
Rap: I have said it once & I will say it again they are perfect for each other!!!
Elsa: *walks so close to Ice that I can feel a little spit on me* If anything happens at that party so help me I will destroy you!
A/N: soo nervous! it's not my fault for the dare! (no offense MWriteStory3) Elsa....Well, there is no telling what she will do!
Ice: I...I...I kkkknnnnoooowww
Rap: well, aside from that weird thing that felt awkward for everyone else...a. sorry, couldn't help that joke. lets get you all prettied up! *pulls Ice into room*
Jake: I guess I have to get into something at least a little better than an old t-shirt and jeans *flys home (the ice castle & yah he has powers like Jack)*
Hiccup: there's more to the dare
Don't tell Jice this but Jelsa & Crystal have to follow them
Crystal: I don't want to follow Jake on a date
Jack: it's ok w/ me I was gonna do that anyway now if I'm caught I have an excuse
Merida: why?
Jack: first of all this is what I do for most of the people I know's dates & second of all he's my son
Elsa: normally I wouldn't want to but I want to find some reason to crush Ice in-
Everyone except Elsa: o_O
Elsa: *sweating* a million hugs?
Merida: red alert! red alert! overprotective parent on the loose!
Elsa: shhhh! Don't let them hear
Jice: don't let us hear what? *points to each other* hey! how'd u get here so fast! jinx! double jinx! infinity-
Rap: We get it!
Jake: wow, Ice you're- *sees Elsa glaring @ him* ok
Ice: & u! you're- *sees Elsa glaring @ her* ok too
A/N: I thought I would be easier to write how they look in this a/n so here: Ice is in a dress that the top is a light blue & a little above the waist a belt that is white & braided w/ a buckle that is brown. The bottom has a back round the same color as the top but has a second layer that is like a doily so the first layer shows. Her brown hair is curled w/ a small clip pulling it back. Then Jake has a blue long sleeve plaid t-shirt paired up w/ some skinny jeans. (Sorry that I was more described than Jake but boys don't dress as specifically as girls)
Ice: soooo, uh there's this party I heard bout down the street & the kid who's throwing it has his parents out of town yah, we should go now
Jake: yah, we should go....
Jice: *leaves house*
Jelsa & Crystal: *secretly follows Jice*
Jake: so how'd you figure out about the party?
Ice: there is none stupid
Jake: then why'd we leave?
Ice: ok, I'm going to the arcade & you can go where ever you want
Jake: I thought maybe we couldn't find a party so I looked on Facebook & there are 3 different parties close by that we could go to
Ice: you really want to do this dare?
Jake: uhhhhh yaaaaah...... we have to......... for the readers *face red*
Elsa: *hiding in bushes* humph!
Crystal: *whispers*mom, you just don't want us to grow up
Elsa: *whispering*Crystal, do you want to turn us in?!?!?!?
Jake: I think I heard a whoosh (LEGO MOIVE REFERENCE!!!!!!)
Ice: don't be like that. Its only 7:00 & barely dark
Jake: let's just go to the party
@ party
Ice: ah! To manny people! Soooooooo claustrophobic!!!! *curls up in ball on the floor*
Jake: it's ok, let's take you to a place w/ less people *picks up Ice &heads to backyard*
Elsa: I can barely hear what anyone is saying! What are they doing?
Crystal: I think they're heading towards the backyard
Jack: what do you think they're doing?
Crystal: idk
Jelsa & Crystal: *run towards backyard*
Elsa: what do you think- oh..... uh hi?
Ice: *still in a ball* wwwwwalls ccccclosing in!!!!!!! O.O
Frost family (I like how that sounds): *carrying Ice on a bed sheet & walking to Ice's home*
Crystal: why did we steal this?
Elsa: we needed to carry Ice back
Jack: I prefer to call it borrowing & forgetting to give it back
Elsa: *shoots Jack the look*
Jack: I'm really sorry Elsie
Jake: *thinking* this is so awkward carrying my date home w/ mom, dad, & Crystal
Elsa: *some how randomly being able to hear Jake's thoughts* DATE!!!!!
Jake: *thinks* er, the dared date not like date, date
A/N: I hope this is good enough cuz I'm not the kind of person that is graphic bout the.....stuff that goes on @ hard core parties
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