I'm Ba-ack!!!!
A/N: I'm back on wattpad! This is the story of how I got back on. (More or less)
Ice: Omg! I am going crazy! *in her room curled up in a ball* No fanfics, no Jelsa, no nothing important in my life! At least least I used to have an imaginary boyfriend! My mind has gone blank and all because of a stupid book on wattpad! At least I can watch How to Train Your Dragon *Turns on TV*
Hiccup: Who says we're gone? *appears out of nowhere*
Ice: Hiccup! *hugs him* I just don't know what went wrong! My mom banned me from wattpad then I couldn't see anyone anymore! Now let's get back Elsa! *turns on Frozen*
Elsa: *appears in sight* That was weird, we were talking to you and you were ignoring us
Ice: Now Rapunzel! *turns on Tangled* and Merida! *turns on Brave*
Rap & Merida: If this is some kind of cruel joke it's not funny! Hey! Stop copying me!
Ice: Now Jack! *looks around* Uh, oh
Elsa: Uh, oh what?
Ice: I don't have ROTG on DVD!!! *runs upstairs* Mo-om!!!
Elsa: I didn't know she had a mom
Punzie: me too
Ice's mom: So what you're telling me is that in order for you to see fictional characters I have to spend ten dollars on Amazon?
Ice: one, they're real, two, yes, yes you do
Ice's mom: No, I'm going to schedule another therapy appointment for you
Ice: Mom!!! *marches away* *calls from downstairs* I'm walking to the library!
Ice's mom: bring your phone and be back by six!
Ice: ok! *goes into her room, grabs phone* *whispers* we're all going to the library
Punzie: so, lemme get this strait, we're all figments of your imagination
Ice: Mmhm
Elsa: and in order to get Jack back into your imagination you have to watch his movie?
Ice: pretty much, I've basically forgotten a bunch about his personality and who he is so I can't see him... Ah Ha! *pulls out ROTG movie from the shelf* now to check it out!
Random little girl: why are you talking to yourself?
Ice: *crazed look in her eyes* These are my friends, you know Elsa right?
Random little girl: Mommy!!! *runs away*
Ice: what's her problem?
Hiccup: Well we're kinda imaginary
Ice: oops, sometimes I forget *runs through library doors towards home*
Merida: Sometimes, I think she's insane
Punzie: True dat, true dat
~~~~~~at the house~~~~~~
Jack: Woah, I just materialized out of nowhere. This is awesome!!!!!
Ice: Great! Now were all together!
Merida: Wait-
Ice: nobody else to find
Jack: where's-
Ice: all good
Elsa: Jake!!!
Ice: lalalalala! I can't hear you! *puts fingers in ears*
Elsa: what did you do to him?!?!?!?! *runs at Ice*
Jake: *holds back Elsa* I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation to this. Right?
Hiccup: Well, if we're her thoughts then maybe we can tell what she's thinking
Merida: Rap, you're best at this reading mind stuff, you've gone in her brain before
Rap: I sense she's trying to forget something like its something she's avoiding. Wow, I like totally feel like a mind reader!
Merida: but I thought she liked Jake
Ice: *stops lalaing and takes fingers out of ears* I did- I mean do, but it was too much, with the wedding dare, I got scared, then school stuff and I forgot things for awhile. After all you faded away, he stayed taking the form of some other guys I liked at school but they all still weren't Jake. Then little by little he started to slip out of my memory, I watched him fade away. *crying* and now he's gone unless I can remember exactly who he was
Rap: *smacks her* SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!!!!!!
Ice: Ow! What was that for!?!?
Rap: you are gonna get wattpad back and I know someone who can help!
HiILoveDisney: *opens door and comes in* did someone call for a lawyer?
Ice: how'd you know?
HiILoveDisney: I was waiting outside for Rap to say, "I know someone who can help!" But yah, I canals a presentation to your mom on why you should be on wattpad
~~~~~after presentation was made and presented~~~~~~
Ice's mom: *sighs* Ok, you can go back on wattpad
Ice: yay! *hugs HiILoveDisney* (she's a real friend and all people that read my book can see the characters)
Ice's mom: on one condition, you can't write fanfiction for a month or read other people's stories besides people you know in real life
Ice: *closes eyes* ok, I will do that
Ice's mom: one other thing, no replying to comments
Ice: can I at least read them?
Ice's mom: fine
~~~~~~one month later~~~~~~
Ice: testing testing one two three, are we back on? I think we are!
Jake: so ask and dare away!
Ice: hey, that's my line *pouts*
A/N: pay close attention to the conditions my mom said, I really can't read your books no matter how much I'm dying to and I can't reply to comments so please make your dates and questions really specific cuz I can't tell you if I can't understand it. One other thing, I'm gonna try to update every week but I I don't please don't hurt me. I love being back on. Bye!
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