Merida: *to Ice* what are you doing?
Ice: painting
Rap: is that supposed to be me? *points to picture self* I am not that tan
Ice: I had some trouble with the skin tones, kay?
Jack: where's the rest of me?
Ice: got lazy
Jake: *comes in wearing a hoodie over his head* whatcha looking at?
Hiccup: Ice's drawing that makes me look like a girl
Elsa: why is Jake blonde? He has brown hair
Ice: actually, he had brown hair
Jake: shut up...
Elsa: take off your hoodie
Jake: why?
Elsa: I said take it off!
Jake: *takes off hoodie* *hair is bleached*
Jelsa: O_O Jake... that was the most-
Jack: Awesome thing you've ever done!
Elsa: I was going to say stupid
Jack: oh yah.... stupid, you're grounded?
Elsa: he is, now, next the dare
I dare the girls to be gangster type of girls for one day and the boys gonna work out some abs XD
Ice: anyone know how to be gangster?
Other girls: *shrug*
Rap: let's look it up on the Internet!
Merida: it says gangster means being part of a criminal ring.
Elsa: I'm not sure if I can do that
Ice: what are you? Chicken?
Elsa: no, I'm cooler than cool
Rap: what's cooler than cool?
Jelsa and Jice: Ice cold!
A/N: sorry, I just had to do that joke XD
Merida: seriously?
Jake: so, am I included in the work out part for the dare, or am I grounded?
Ice: he has to do the dare, contract rules
Elsa: *groans* fine....
Ice: just out of curiosity... are the boys gonna b shirtless during the workout?
Jake: I guess we could....
Rap: I'm calling Eugene!
10 min later (at gym)
Hiccup: *shirtless* what do we do?
Eugene: I think we're supposed to lift those things *points to weights*
Jake: watch this *tries to lift just the bar itself* grrrrr *falls backwards*
Ice: >.< still luv ya bae!
Elsa: BAE!?!?!
Ice: gangster????
Elsa: you know what else they do in gangs?
Ice: waaaaaat?
Ice: Ahhhh! *looks at Mer and Rap*
Mer and Rap: *shakes heads*
Ice: I- I- I mean... You wanna fight? Bring it on! No powers, no weapons, just you and me
Elsa: *freezes Ice's feet* I don't play fair *walks up to Ice and punches her in face*
Ice: *faints*
Elsa: what did I just do?!
Every one else: O.O
A/N: dare over..... I see a bright light, pretty, I'm gonna walk to it
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