I dare Elsa to go into a room of fanboys, if necessary tie Jack up.
Jack: NO!!!!!!!! I REFUSE THAT DARE!!!!!!
Rao: a) this is a dare for Elsa, b) tie him up Merida!
Elsa: oh poop
Jack: *tied up* Noooooooo!
Elsa: * gets shoved into room* HELP!
Fan boy #1: Why U so hawt? *drooling*
Fan boy #2: hey! she's mine!
Fan boy #3: no she's mine
Big fight which includes Elsa being pulled from one place to another
Rap: TIMES UP! *drags Elsa out of room and pulls lever that creates a trap door that all the fan boys fall into*
Elsa: I think I'm pregnant
Jack: who's the _____ father!?!?
Elsa: just kidding, but that was the craziest and most horrible thing I've ever done!
Rap: Just wondering, Jack what were you talking about with Merriccup on the last chapter?
Jack: oh yah, they're secretly dating
Merriccup: JACK!!! How'd you know?
Hiccup: *face palm*
Jack: uh, well, you should read our book on wattpad got to go! *runs out of room*
Merida: *reads wattpad* what!?!?! Hiccup, look at this!
Hiccup: *reads the chap* 0.0 oh, no. I thought he was only there for the last part!
Rap: Let's give them some time to cool off bye!
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