Break up & make up
Jack: look who I found!
Blankie: put me down! *gets dropped down* who said I wanted to be here?
Merida: idk, but it's funny
Blankie: hi? Uh, this is for Jelsa *hands Jelsa note card*
Ice: what's that?
Blankie: oh, just the shopping list
Rap: but you don't live here
Blankie: oh do I? *pulls rope & room appears*
Everyone besides blankie: O.O
Blankie: pretty cool right?
Ice: in honor of you here, JELLO PARTY!!!!! *runs to kitchen*
Everyone except Jelsa: *follows Ice*
Elsa: what is it with Ice and Jello?
Jack: I don't even want to know. Hey, whatcha think's on the card?
Elsa: let's look
I dare Jack to break up Jice and Elsa has to put them back together again
Elsa: can't we just do the first part?
Jack: Elsie, don't be like that
Elsa: *raises eyebrow* so now it's Jack the serious?
Jack: Nevar! Just to prove it I will pull the biggest prank of all time!
Elsa: I guess I'll do my part
Jake: *thoughts* 'It's the end of the world as we know it!' I wasn't me! *runs out of room*
Ice: *sees red stain where Jake was sitting* what's this? *sniffs stain then licks it*
Hiccup: gross
Ice: ah ha! Jello stain! (Yes there are jello stains I know cuz I'm the jello queen) JAKE FROST COME BACK HERE!!!!!!!!!
Jack: *comes in* yyyyyes
Ice: You stole my jello, and I'm letting you know that I'm not gong to speak to you starting now!
Jake: fine! I didn't want to talk to you anyway! It's over!
Ice: *turns around & storms off to room in a sassy way*
Jake: *starts crying* Iiii- what was I thinking? I'm going home! *flies to ice castle*
Elsa: *sarcastic* nice one Jack, nice one
Rap: Nooooo! I had started a Jice printing company! All those t-shirts are useless and my ship is gone!
Hiccup: why do I ave a feeling that Jack did this?
Merida: so close to punching him in the face *having a day dream that involves a lot of brutal beatings*
Elsa: It's a dare, and here comes the hard part this 'Jice' thing is Humpty Dumpty and I have to put it together again
A/N: when did it ever say that Humpty Dumpty was an egg? I got that from another book but still!!
Even Later (ice castle)
Elsa: Jake, it's gonna be alright
Jake: no it isn't! I really blew it! I bet you wanted this to happen! Wait! did you do this?!?!
Elsa: no *thoughts* 'it was Jack'
Blankie: *hiding* *thoughts* ooo, Jice is in trouble!
@ Ice's room
Ice: *crying* I shouldn't of said thaaht!
Punzie: it's ok, Jake is probably crying too
Ice: nnnno, he broke up with me! hhe's probably happy!
Punzie: you want some jello? *hands Ice a bowl of jello*
Ice: I'm too upset to eat jello *pushes bowl away*
Merida: ok, this just got serious
Ice: *uses powers to create a robe* just leave me here! I'm gonna watch movies with girls luckier than me!
Everyone: walks out of room
Merida: *sarcastic* nice going jack! *punches him*
Jack: who said I did this?
Rap: common! this has you written all over it
Hiccup: and you posted it on Facebook
Jack: dang it! I knew I should of did it on twitter instead!
Blankie: oh boy, *face palm*
Elsa: *runs in* I know how to fix this!
Merida: since when did you want to help?
Elsa: since I got dared to. anyway, they both said that the other one is happier with out them so I just have to video tape each of them and how miserable they are.
Hiccup: so you think that'll work?
Rap: yay! I get to play Cupid!
Elsa: don't get a big head, I'm not even sure it will work.
Merida: *quietly slips in and put camera in Ice's room*
Elsa: *puts camera in Jake's room*
Jice (@ different places): my life is over! *bawling eyes out*
Ice: *eating ice cream wile watching chick flick* I'll never eat jello again!
Jake: *watching a Spanish opera* no Angeline! It's all fake! Julio wants to trick you!
Elsa & Merida: *takes cameras out of rooms & switches them*
Merida & Elsa: Ice/Jake, you should see this
Ice: he hasn't watched Spanish operas since his teddy bear went into his baby box. But that's a long story
Jake: she gave up jello!?!? wow, I can't believe it
Jice: *runs to studio* I'm sorry! no, it's my fault! I missed you! *hug*
Rap: this could only be pulled off by a book
Blankie: you can say that again
Rap: this could only be pulled off by a book
Blankie: why do I even try?
A/N: sorry, blankie. I know you didn't ask to be in my book, but ur a cool person & I thought it'd be cool to put you in. Hey, how manny people want blankie as a permanent character? Vote, comment, don't be shy to say what you think about it.
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