Body Swapped!!!!(part2)
Merida: what the____!!!!!!!!!! You can't switch us back!!!!!!!!! If a) I didn't need you to switch us back when we find out the problem & b)I'm trapped in Hiccup's body-
Hiccup: hey!
Merida: I would beat you silly!!!!! and I kinda need to go well, technically Hiccup does. UH!!! I'm talking like him now! the point is that I need to go to the restroom but not like this *points to herself in Hiccup's body*
Ice: stop being a drama queen-er king
Merida: I am not over dramatic!!
Ice:*smirks* prove it!
Merida: fine! *storms off to bathroom*
Ice: haha! I tricked her into going
Hiccup: hold on. 3.....2.....1 *hears screaming from bathroom*
Elsa: *face palm*
Rap: how did you know that?
Hiccup: think about it. You've been married to Eugene for a long time right?
Rap: yah......
Hiccup: have you memorized at least most of his reactions?
Rap: now I feel stupid
Jack: cuz you are
Elsa: that's my cousin you're talking to!
Jake: *enters room* mom, dad, It's been 2 days since you've left. is every thing ok?
Hiccup: does everything look ok?!?!?
Jake: what the heck!!! Why is Hiccup's voice coming from Merida!!!!!!
Jack: I was wondering when Ice's powers would stop working
Ice: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Jack: well yah, remember when you had this crazy addiction to My Little Pony shows?
Ice: uh huh
Jack: I hated when you decided to turn me into Twilight Sparkle (it's a character in the series) for a whole day so I extracted you author powers when you were sleeping
Rap: creepy
Jack: and put it in the freezer. It was only a matter of time till you ran out
Jake: dad!
Rap: *whispers to Jake* so you do like Ice?
Jake: shut up
Ice: *runs to kitchen* *sees Crystal baking* what are you doing?
Crystal: oh, I just made a blue berry pie
Ice: ewwww, I hate blue berry pie!
Crystal: I bet you'll like this one cuz I used something different in it
Ice: what? -_-
Crystal: Um, this purple stuff in the freezer
Jake: *comes into kitchen* haha! I heard you have to eat the pie!!!
Crystal: what?
Ice: Your dad took my author powers & put it in the freezer & you ended up putting it in your pie so I have to eat blue berry pie which I hate
Everyone besides Jice & Crystal: *comes into kitchen*
Ice: I rather surrender my powers than eat that stuff
Merida: *stares deep into Ice's soul* you are going to eat that pie because I am not going to be a boy for the rest of my life!!!!
Ice: ok, that was weird cuz you look like Hiccup
Merriccup: EAT THE STUPID PIE!!!!!
Ice: fine... *eats piece of pie* *gags*
Hiccup: eat it
2hours later
Ice: I shall never eat any type of pie again...
Crystal: Who wants blue berries?
Ice: me me me!!! *sees everyone staring @ her* what? I never said that I didn't like blue berries, I just said I didn't like pie.
Hiccup: I'm happy in all that u like blue berries but-
Merriccup: CHANGE US BACK!!!!!!!
Ice: ok! I get the message! *waves hand, poof*
Merida: I'm me! I'm me! I'm me!
Hiccup: I'm me too!
Jack: *puts a picture of Pinocchio on Hiccup* you mean you're a real boy? HA! I've been waiting to do that!
Ice: not so fast. *turns Jack into a unikitty* you shall stay that way for a week cuz you stole my powers
Jack: please hit me with a stick
Ice: ok! *hits Jack w/ a stick*
Jack: *unconscious*
Jake & Crystal: Dad!!!!
Elsa: Jack!!!!
Ice: bye!.
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