Movies Mysterious Islands Pranks and....sorry Hiro but......Scorpions....
(A/N my sister is totally like 'Am I too Fab for you?' OMG she's adorable!!)
Hic: Okay, here's the dare.
I dare for Merida, Hiccup, and Hiro to reannact an old western movie.
Where the evil guy (Hiro) ties the damsel in distress (Merida) to the railroad tracks
And the intrepid Hero, (Hiccup) has to save her after riding in fashionably on his
"Horse" (Toothless) then, after jack and Rapunzel make the amazing movie,
Elsa and Ash have to go try to sell it infront of Taco Bell while Alice dresses up as an evil tax collector
And threatens people when they don't buy it.
Hic:Hey guys! Get in here!!
-after an explanation.-
Jack:(the beret is back.) Okay. Here we go. (Speaks in French accent)Hiro! Get in position! Your just some random evil guy who enjoys seeing red heads die! You've captured the damsel Mistress Merida and now your gonna tie her to-
Alice:(hair's orange) Yeah yeah we get it!!
Hiro: Can we just do this? (On his face was a mustache like this { and a beard like this >......) :{>
Mer:(crosses arms while wearing frilly dress) Can' believe Ima doin' this......
Rap:(holds up camera) Aaaaaand......
Hiro:Heheheheh. (Ties Mer to magic railroad tracks.-thanks to Alice-)
Hiro:(sits down on nearby stool and plays cards with Ash over a barrel of water)
Elsa:(leans into Rap) Is he supposed to be there!
Hiccup:I'm here Ter save you ma'am. (Rides in with Toothless. Makes a cocky pose while bobbing his head) Looks like you've gotten yourself in a heap of trouble.(looks over to see Ash and Hiro asleep over the barrel)
Merida:JUS' SAVE MEH!!!!!!
Hic:ALRIGHT!!! (Unties Mer)
Rap:(whispers) Okay Mer, now act grateful!
Mer:(rolls eyes and kisses Hiccup) Mah Hero.
Hic:(picks up Mer, sits her onto Toothless and they both ride away into the sunset. Followed by a random yeti walking across the screen.)
Jack:AND CUT!!! Cut, strip, check the gate, moving on!! (Takes of Beret and storms away)
Ash:(Wakes up) Elsa!! C'mon we gotta sell these things!!(grabs Elsa and runs away)
Rap:I'll go dress Alice up!! (Grabs her and drags her away)
-At Taco Bell-
Elsa:Yes I guarantee you, this movie was made by the best!
Man:Well who was it made by?
Hiro:(says matter of factly) Jack Frost!
Man:(starts turning around but finds Alice in a business suit. Her hair is brown-and in a bun- and she's wearing some pretty cool shades!)
Alice:(speaking while emphasizing every phrase) I am sorry sure,but I do believe you owe me some taxes. And I'd be happy if you showed some appreciation to your life and all around you, why not try it on that wonderful movie those kids are selling? Otherwise...(thorn vines pop out of the ground and snake around the man's leg) I'll help you with your decision...
Man:HERE YOU GO!!! (Shoves entire wallet into Ash's hands) I HAVE TO GO NOW!!! (runs away screaming)
Ash:(counting $) hey, he gave us extra...
Elsa:How much extra?
Ash:Guess. (Slaps Alice with Money)
Alice:(deep in thought) 200?
Ash:Close. 230.
Alice and Elsa:(mouths drop)
Alice:(clears throat and turns around) Hold on. (Turns back while removing glasses) WHAAAAA?
Ash:Ya heard me!!
Alice:(straightens posture) I'm gonna go, and put this in a place where Frost can't find it. I'll see Ya back at home, if anyone doesn't want it just call me.
-After she leaves-
Ash:.....Well I'm hungry. Is there anywhere we can eat?
Elsa:Turn around 50 degrees.
Ash:(turns around) Hey a Taco Bell!
-back at home-
Hiro:(looking through IPad)
Alice:I feel like going to Disney Land...
Rap:Me too!!
Mer:I wanna go Fer them roller coasters!!!
Jack:(jumps up) LETS GO TO DISNEY LAND!!!!
Hic:Yeah well there's one problem with your idea.
Hiro:We don't have the money....
Jack:(looks up with a smile and turns to Camera) HEY GUYS!!! All of you lovely, happy, wonderful, amazing, fantast-
Alice:Don't try to butter them u-
Jack:FREAKING AWESOME readers out there, please send in some donations and-
Hiccup:JACK!!! Don't ask for mon-
Jack:(pushes Hiccup's face away) some Disney-World related dares, you guys can make a fantastic chapter all about Disney. Just by sending those two things!! Alice can make it happen! HIT IT!!!!
Alice:(stands up)
Because you know I'm
Jack:(joins in)
All about that disney
'Bout that Disney,
No Dreamworks!
Hiccup:But we're from dreamworks!!
Jack and Alice:
All about that Disney,
Bout that Disney,
No Dreamworks!
All about that Disney, bout that
Jack and Alice:
Yeah it's pretty clear! I ain't no Universal Fool!
But we can watch it watch it, like we're supposed to do!
'Cause we've seen the goo-goofy, that Donald Duck Hates,
Hiro:(opens cabinet, which has a bunch of disney movies in it)
Jack and Alice:We've got all the right movies in all the right places!
Rap:O.O (watching the entire thing with a smile)
Merida:(laughing hard)
Jack:We've heard the rumor schemes,
Of me showing up!
Hiro:(shouts) In Frozen 2!!
Alice:We dunno if it's real,
C'mon Disney MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
Jack and Alice:
If you got Fanboy/Fangirl fever,just embrace it out!
Cause every bit of Disney Movies are great from,
The end to the start!
Hic:(looks at camera) Please take no offense to those two idiot's (Jack:Hey!) song. They still like those two companies but Disney wins by more.
Mer:Bu' yu can come over an' give Jack an' Alice a good kick in the-
Elsa:(walks in) WE'RE BACK.
Ash:(holding up giant wad of cash) some more people saw what Alice did-Uh....did we miss something? (Alice and Jack are in a pose)
Hiro:Hey we got a dare!!
I dare the whole group to react to the movie..Titanic, and Hiro has to eat a black scorpion. Already cooled and dead. P.S love the book so much.-meehhh
Jack:Why thank you.
Hiccup:This book wouldn't be. Hit without us!
Both:(makes cocky superhero poses)
Mer:Oh shut Yer yaps. Yu don' have a wee bit of muscle on Ya. An' yu kno' tha' Alice can take YU two away from the book. Righ?
Ash:She can. It happened to me once....(shudders) It
Rap:I loooooove this movie-
Alice:Oh no
Rap:-And I can't wait. LETS GO TO THE NEXT SCENE!! (Flips onto next page)
-after three hours-
Alice:(sobbing while hair is dark. Dark blue)
Jack:WHY?!?!??(sobs into Elsa's shoulders)
Mer:(trying not to cry)
Ash:Are you crying Mer?
Ash:I'm pretty sure you-OOF!! (Gets punched in the face)
Hic:Okay, now for Hiro's dare.
Rap:ILL COOK!! MER GET ME A SCORPION!!! (Runs into the kitchen)
Hiro:(stands up) IM NOT EARING IT AND YOU CANT MAKE M-(gets tackled by Ash and Alice) GET OFF YOUR BIG BUTTS ARE CRUSHING ME!!!!
Ash and Alice:NEVER!!!
Celestine:(yip happily and jump onto Ash with those two)
Elsa:(leans into Jack) I can't wait until they're on their first date!
-with Mer-
She's in the front porch
A bunch of scorpions crawl over.
Mer:Come 'ere yu!!(snatches a couple of scorpions)
-some Scorpion scorching later-
Hiro:(sitting at a table with a scorpion infront of him) Do I really have to do this?
Mer:Woman up! Alice wan's to do it tu!!
Hiro:(looks At Alice. Who's sitting next to him with a hungry look on her face,Celestine is walking around the platter o)
Jack:Okay. Eat it!!
Hiro:(takes a bite of the claw) GAH!! GROSS!!!
Alice:(takes two bites) OMG!! This is delicious!!
Hiro:(looks at her weirdly)
Alice:(mouth full) Wha?
Hic:You have to eat the whole thing!
Hiro:(groans and eats. )
-painful minutes later-
Ash:(grabs Alice's hand and lifts it into air) The world champion eater right here!!
Rap:Yaay!!(jumps up and down) I'm happy you liked it!!
Mer:Hey Hamada!? How was it?
Hiro:Trying not to barf here!......wait......(runs into bathroom and barfs)
Elsa:(walks into room with terrified look on her face) Uh.....guys?
All:(turns around in sync)
Elsa:We have.....a dare......
(For this dare we have to remember what we saw in Ms.Tucker's class)
I dare for EVERYONE (hehehe) to get on an airplane and travel to the mysterious island.
They have to survive for as long as possible, but when they finally snap
"Someone" will come and save them.
-Kirsten (IpukaniWrites )
Alice:(looks up from plate)....oh snap...
Rap:What? Why? Why oh sn-
-I'm in a helicopter in my crazy mind trying to find my will to live--they're now in a helicopter. Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean-
Elsa:Hey who's flying this thing?
Hiro:Wait, why would you ask that.
Elsa:Everyone's in the passenger seats.
Jack:(looks at pilot seat)
Hic:Wait a minute....
Helicopter:(starts roughly rocking back and forth)
Alice:(hair turns white)
Ash:(saw it happen) We're in trouble now.....
-a tornado appears out of nowhere-
Rap:(shrieks as she clutches her giant braid)
Jack:RELAX!! NEIGAL CAN HANDLE-(door to helicopter is thrown open and he's blown away into the storm) THIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!
Helicopter:(heading closer to water)
Hic:This is it guys!! Anybody got anything to say?!
Mer:I love yu guys!!!
Rap:Me too!! And Merida?
Mer:What is it lassie?!
Rap:I accidentally broke your bow and got a new one!!
Mer:WHA?!?!I'M GOIN' TU-
Ash:O-O You shouldn't have done that!!
Alice:I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!(tries to grab Hiro's throat but is knocked out)
-who knows how long they were unconscious-
Rap:wake up!!(lightly slapping everyone's cheek)
All:(slowly wake up)
Elsa:(looking around frantically) Where's Jack?!
Hic:(playing with the camera) Bad news guys. The camera's broken.
Alice:DANG IT.
Hiro:(stands up on rock) Okay guys, let's grab some of our stuff and find a way off the beach.
-4 days later-
Alice:(holding onto Celestine) HE COULDNT FIT THE HELICOPTER!!!!!
Hiro:(running while holding a giant egg) NOTE TO SELF:
Ash:(running) THOSE ARE NOT ROCKS!!!!!!!!
Giant Lizard:(chasing after them)
-Next Day-
Rap:(walks into their home. Aka a cave) Hiro! Alice! C'mere.
Both:(walks over)
Rap:(holds up message in a bottle) We have a dare.
I dare Hiro to make a remote for the Solar Surfer, and Alice you
Have to tape Hiccup onto it while he's asleep. Then do what you wish with him. (Evil laugh)
Hiro:(rubs hands together) Oh yeah! I'll go get some supplies!
-2 hours later-
Hiro:(holding a remote made out of bamboo,wires from Rap's watch, an old C battery, and coconuts)
Mer:Who knew Ya could do so much with coconu's?
Alice:(makes tape appear out of nowhere and ties him to the solar surfer)
Hic:(wakes up) Alice?! Hiro?! Celestine?!?!(Celestine is sitting on his chest) What are you guys doi-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!(gets flown away)
Rap:don't hurt him!!
Elsa:(missing Jack to care)
Mer:(grabs Remote) Pass me tha'!! (Starts playing with remote)
Celestine:(lays down and covers eyes with her paws)
-1 week later-
-they're in a cave by the water-
Elsa:(sobbing hysterically) I MISS JACK!!!
Mer:(in corner rocking back and forth)
Hic:(eyes bloodshot, covered in burnt marks) Remind me never....mess with a giant lizard's eggs! Or Alice and Hiro!!!
Alice:I need to find that will to live........
Ash:Me too.........
Rap:Danger.....(looks around with weird smile) danger everywhere...........
Alice:O-O why are you looking at me like that?!(starts getting anxious)
Hiro:(tackles Alice)
Alice:GET OFF OF ME!!!!!!! I AM NOT FOO-OUCH!!!!
Hic:(watching from afar, thinking it's an hallucination)
All girls:(doing the same)
Alice:ASH!!!!! OUCH!!
Ash:(tries to get Hiro off) GET OFF OF ALI-OUCH!! HE BIT ME!!
???:(mysterious figure grabs Hiro)You guys finally snapped?
Alice:(stands up) Is that.....
???:This handsome devil? Yup!!
???:....And Neigal.....
???:And me!!
???:Yes Alex, you too....
-light shines better-
Alex:-_- (smacks him upside the head)
Jack:We're here to save you guys!!
Elsa:(sees Jack) JACK!!! (Stands up and kisses him.)
Alice:(makes gagging gesture)
Ash:So how do we get out. There's a category 5 hurricane out there!(gestures outside)
Alex:If you have a submarine your a-okay!
-in giant submarine-
Alex:Jack? Who's driving?
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