Vicky: guys you see the dare
Anna: plz......we all know that me as a leader and my team , we will win for sure
Hiccup: sweaty you have nice dreams
Anna: you're saying that I can't win??!!! Then it's on
Zack: *comes in* what the.....? Did I miss something?
Annabella: well, that was a dare for my parents and they both are fighting who is going to win
Merida: well, I think Anna will win cause she is better
Clara: sup *sees hiccanna fighting* what's that all about?
Alice:*teleports* probebly they are fighting, cause hiccup thinks he is going to win and Anna thinks she is going to win
Emma: I bet Anna will
Kiya: comment
Annabella: should we stop them?
Jack: let me do it *comes in between hiccanna* guys stop fighting,......I am elsas and no one else's *smirks* *gets kicked out and flys throw the sky onto the couch* ok that was a bad idea
Vicky: you think?
Harlee: guys *hiccanna looks at Harlee* let's do the dare and see on our own eyes
Natalie: and don't kill each other
Anna: fine, lets go get changed everyone
Vicky: no, you two have to get changed, you both will have a uniform color, so when you pic someone they will wear the same color
Hiccup: makes sence ......what colors do we get ?
Vicky: Anna's team will have pink uniforms and hiccups team will have blue uniforms
Hiccanna go get changed
Vicky: let me check who is there here.....there is Clara, annabella,Anna,hiccup,Elsa,merida, rapunzel, Jack, Zack, Alice, Harlee, Emma, Natalie,and me.....wait where did Kiya go ?
Elsa: she went shopping
Vicky: oh ok hehehe
Jack: who will pick first
Anna: lady's first
Hiccup: fine
Anna: I pick Annabelle
Annabelle: yay!!! *goes get changed*
Hiccup: hey!!!! Fine I pick Vicky
Vicky: fine by me *goes get changed*
Anna: oh no you didn't .....I pick merida
Merida: pink???!!! Fine *goes and get changed *
Hiccup: I pick Jack then
Jack: yas!!! I don't have to wear pink *goes and get changed*
Anna: I pick Zack
Zack: O.O pink???!!! Fine *storms out to get changed*
Hiccup: Clara
Clara: ok *goes get changed*
Anna: Alice
Alice: yas *teleports*
Hiccup: Elsa
Elsa: finally *goes get changed *
Anna: Harlee
Harlee: ok *goes and get change *
Natalie: I am out *goes out*
Hiccup: Rapunzel
Punzel: ok *goes and get changed *
Anna: Emma
Emma: ok *goes and get changed *
Hiccup: wait, we need one more
Eugene comes with chips in his hands
Eugene: em......what's going on?
Hiccup: you are now in my team *hands Eugene blue uniform*
Eugene: fine *goes and get changed*
After everyone changed
Vicky: *comes on the table with a microphone* lady's and gentelmen, we are now presenting hiccanna sports day, here is our beautifull princess Anna of arendelle, and her royal team*points to Anna's group*
Anna: *flips her hair* thank you
Vicky: Anna's team have annabella...
Annabella: hi
Vicky: merida.....
Merida: *annoied face* yeah yeah
Vicky: Zack .....*chuckles*
Zack: no comment
Vicky: Alice....
Alice: hello *waves*
Vicky: Harlee .....
Harlee: *waves and smiles*
Vicky: and Emma !
Emma: *smiles and waves*
Vicky: and now, here we have Hiccup chef of Berk and Dragon rider, and his snowflake dragons team *points to hiccups team*
Hiccup: *bows* thank you
Vicky: hiccup's team have Jack frost....
Jack: *winks* sup
Vicky: Elsa....
Elsa: *waves* hello
Vicky: Punzel....
Punzel: *puts hand up and waves* hi !!!!!
Vicky: Eugene....
Eugene: yeah yeah
Vicky: Clara.....
Clara: *waves*
Vicky: and me! *waves to people* so now that we presented our awesome teams lets move on to what challenges we have for then *clicks a bottom on her remout and the room changes into a huge gym hole* (sorry but I don't have any ideas of what thinks should I add on gym for them, so is will figure something else out) on three.....wait I will call kristoff to get us started
Kiya: I'll do it
Vicky: oh, here *gives Kiya the whistle and goes to her team *
Kiya: on three we will start!
Hiccups team
Hiccup: ok, watch out on thouse steps, they are moving, so that's why we need to go on pairs so if one of you fall the other will help you ok?
Hiccups team: ok
Hiccup: I will show you....Vicky come here
Vicky: ok
Hiccup: on three we jumps ....two.....three *jumps*
Vicky: *jumps at the same time*
Hiccup: ok, so you see, you have to jump at the same time to make sure you both are on the moving thing now pair up
Jack goes with Elsa
Clara goes with Rapunzel
Eugene goes along
Hiccup's team:*jumps up and down that they made with the first one*
Anna's team
Anna: ok, we have here the most dump thing ever, which are the ropes, we have to jump from one rope to another and get to the end
Zack: no better go and instead of jump just go on one than pull the other to ourselfs and then let go of the first one going on the other one
Anna: I don't listed guys in pink
Zack: -.-
Anna: let's go
Anna's team do this and they make it
Alice: we made it yay
Annabella: there are a lot more to come
Kiya: remember that if someone falls or get injured then they are out, and the one team that will have the most people in their team, win
2 hours later
Kiya: hiccups team wins with five people left and Anna's team loses with only fore people
Merida: I slipped so that's not my falt
Zack: I trip over my own legs
Alice: I accidently used my powers with panic and I teleported somewhere where I got stuck
Punzel: I hate sport
Elsa: me too
Hiccup: so Anna, we know now who is better *smirks*
Anna: yeah yeah
Hiccup: *kisses Anna's cheek* good game
Anna: *smiles* good game *hugs hiccup*
Jack: Elsa are you ok
Elsa: yeah don't worry
Jack: I am sorry, that you fell
Elsa: it wasent your's my legs falt
Jack: *hugs Elsa* ok, but I am worried still, that you got hurt
Elsa: *kisses Jack* I am fine, don't worry
Jack: *smiles* ok
Zack: Vicky I need to tell you something
Vicky: what is it, pink man
Zack: stop it......anyway, my name is not's Ethan (I changed his name to my brothers second name, my brother second name is Ethan and I don't like some guy called Zack so I needed to change it)
Vicky: it's fine, I like that better.....than Zack
Ethan: ok, I was worried you will hate me
Vicky: no, I am not like that
Annabella: let's go to ice cream shop
Vicky: ok.......I hope you like this chapter and ask and Dare us .....bye
Everyone else: bye
Punzel: *whispers* plz dare Ethan and Vicky together......that will be funny and awesome *giggles*
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