"Are 3pDelirious and 3pBryce dating? Also, do you guys have any special skills or powers?"
In the Dining Room
Everyone: *Eating Dinner*
3pBryce: Dating? Oh, I think we do more than dating~.
3pDelirious: Shut up and eat before it gets cold.
3pVanoss: W-Well, the only person who has powers here is Cartoonz, since he was one of the lucky few chosen by the "voters".
Cartoonz: I appreciate the voters picking me to have certain powers, but I don't think they knew I wasn't a violent person. The main goal of this sickening game is to be the last one standing, and most of the more violent or stronger people have powers-
3pLui: They asked if we have any powers or skills, not how this place work.
3pCartoonz: Sorry, I just thought I should clear some things up before-
3pLui: For fuck's sake, just tell them your power.
3pCartoonz: Right. I have the ability to become aliferous. I can grow any type of wing I want, but I normally choose feathered-wings, the ones that resembles angel wings the most. I can heal people, too, but I can't really heal someone who's close to dying. I also have the ability to see people's halos, which is an interesting power to have but not very useful in battle...
3pNogla: It's probably to see if your enemy is too strong for you. If the halos are black, it means that they're really bad or evil, committing many crimes and killing people mercilessly.
3pTerroriser: It can also aid you in detecting whether someone is trustworthy or not.
3pNogla: Yeah... honestly, I thought Mini or Moo might get the powers.
3pVanoss: As for skills... w-well, I can be really manipulative and trick people easily...
3pBryce: Pfft, that's a skill?
3pVanoss: I-I don't know... but I'm really good at it. Delirious is really clever when it comes to solving puzzles, so he's the detective of the group, but he hates fighting.
3pDelirious: Damn right. I don't want some random's blood all over me.
3pVanoss: He's also a good seducer and is often bait. Mini is the most violent and murderous out of all of us, and he can tolerate pain very well. He's often our tank.
3pMini: Which is why I deserve the powers! But no, the voters chose the most softest bitch here!
3pCartoonz: Well... I'm not the most softest, but I certainly do not fight.
3pVanoss: Wildcat is mainly a helper. He doesn't have a specific skill, but he's a quick learner.
3pWildcat: At least I don't have to do any hard jobs!
3pVanoss: Nogla is amazing at being silent, and is often one of the assassins in our team. He specialises in sniping. He's got a sharp eye. He's also a dark horse, somehow always coming out on top.
3pNogla: ... I have my ways.
3pVanoss: Lui is one of the most smartest here, so he helps me with planning and paperwork sometimes.
3pLui: Which only gives me more of a headache.
3pVanoss: S-Sorry... Terroriser is an android and my bodyguard, only obeying my orders or Ohm's. I'm not sure how Ohm is able to take control of him, though.
3pOhm: I'm a master hacker. I know how to get my way with devices and robots.
3pVanoss: T-True... Like Ohm said, he's a hacker. A really good one, too. Moo is the best fighter here, so he's normally first to throw a punch.
3pMoo: I tend to accidentally kill and break things often. Oh, yeah, I accidentally broke the fighting dummy. Sorry about that!
3pVanoss: Again? *sighs* I'll buy a metal one next time, then. Basically is also a really strong person, but he's horrible at fighting, so he's the one to carry anything heavy.
Basically: Like a supporter!
3pVanoss: Cartoonz is our healer, since he isn't a violent person.
3pCartoonz: Being a healer is more traumatising than you'd think, seeing the deep cuts-
3pVanoss: W-We don't need the details, Cartoonz! Finally, Bryce has experience in poison, so he's an assassin and thief. He can steal things really quickly without being noticed. He also can spike drinks that can kill whoever drinks it. He's a seducer as well.
3pBryce: Yeah. I'm probably better at seducing than Delirious. *Finishes his food*
3pDelirious: *Takes his plate* You sure about that, hun?
3pBryce: Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
3pLui: My god, why don't you two fuck in your bedroom already? *Throws his plate at 3pDelirious*
3pDelirious: *Catches it* I'd love to, but who's going to clean all the dishes? None of you lazy-ass idiots want to do it, so I might as well. *Takes the plates to the sink*
3pVanoss: I would, but-
3pDelirious: *In a mocking voice* "I'm too busy, I have so much work to do!" Yeah, okay, not sure how you get so much paperwork when we don't even form alliances with many teams, but whatever. *Begins washing dishes*
3pVanoss: W-Well, the paperwork is mostly planning. Speaking of planning, I have to find a way to send the money to PDP safely. I'll be in my office if you need me. *Leaves the dining room*
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