Introducing some new people!!
Lianna: Okay guys, we have some new people joining us.
Jasmine: Hello everybody! Jasmine here.
Mime: *Feeling love struck on Jasmine*
Jasmine: Mime! *Hugs Mime*
Mime: (Jasmine!!) *Hugs Jasmine back*
Lammy: Hey! Mime is mine you little bunny!
Jessica: Shifty!
Shifty: Hey Jessica. *Hugs Jessica*
Margo: Hey guys. I'm Margo.
Truffles: Hey, don't worry Lammy. I can date you.
Lammy: Get away from me you f*****!!!!
Truffles: :'(
Molly: Don't worry Truffles. You can still date me.
Truffles: :)
Jessica: Don't worry, someday, the two of us will get married.
Shifty: Aw.. my brother is already married.
Mime: (I know I wanna marry you Jasmine, but Lammy would kill me.)
Jasmine: Don't worry Mime, you'll be mine.
Lammy: Stay away from my Mime!
Jasmine: *Sticks middle finger at her*
Lianna: Well, I hope Jessica, Jasmine and Margo have a fun time here to ask and dare. Be sure to ask and dare these guys and the rest of us.
Everyone: Bye!
The End.
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