The Birds and The Bats Part 1
PBL : Hello friends. I have a wonderful dare to accomplish, but first to young Dick and Babs!
*PBL 'stumbles' upon the two fifteen year old making out but they ignore her completly*
*PLB finds Bruce, in full Batman mode*
*Bruce runs to Batcave only to find Dick and Barbara making out*
*Bruce clears throat*
Dick: Bruce! Babs and I were
Bruce: Barbara, I think it would be best if you went upstairs.
*Barbara leaves Batcave*
Bruce: (still in full Batman mode) Dick I think it's time you and me had a little chat.
*Dick gets horrified expression*
~An hour later~
Bruce: Does this make sense
*Dick has a blank stare*
Bruce: I'm glad we could have this talk.
*Barbara comes back*
Babs: Boy Wonder, are you okay?
Dick: he told me things.......horrible, horrible things.
Barbara: Shhhhh, it will be okay.
Dick: He could have at least taken his mask off.....
PBL: Now that Dick is mently scarred, this chapter should be over. Comment and Vote and-
*looks at really shaken up Dick*
PBL: Maybe, only maybe should we stop touring Dick. Maybe not.....anywho, stay traught! (You thought I was going to say whelmed, didn't you?)
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