Episode 185
This is all Princess-Liz by the way...
Princess-Liz : Jinx: Pshhh 17 Questions?!?!? I CAN DO MORE! : D
Izzy: * writes * You struggled last time with 16 and they did way better questions!
Jinx: * Rips paper in too pieces * Mitty Littsy Bittsy said to ask whatever was on mind! To turn what's in my mind into a question! My dear Izzy, I WILL DO MORE THEN 17 QUESTIONS!!!! ...then I'll probably go to bed it's late and i promised to wake up early for Mittsy...AND I KEEP MY PROMISES! : D Which brings me to the first question!
*appears on couch* H-huh?
:Mittsy do you keep your promises?
1. Eh, I guess.
: Izzy: * writes* You did not sing the question time song yet!
Jinx: O.O oh yeahhh.. Question time has started, has started, has started! Question time has started! La la la de da! : D * spins around and throws glitter *
Izzy: * face palm *
Jinx: I am Jinxy Winxy Dinxy! This is Mittsy Littsy Bittsy! : D
:Mittsy do you think i can beat Admin Weirdo 17 questions? : D
Izzy: * shakes head no*
Jinx: That was 2 right? : D Look that's three! That counts right? O.o heyy i asked 4! ^.^
Izzy: -.-
2. I think you can! With your craziness, add Izzy's impatience and my smiles and your determination...all that equals: Princess-Liz did more questions.
: Jinx: Hmm...on to serious questions then! ^.^ ...as if i could be serious! : P Mittsy do you think i am serious? How about crazy?
3. No...not much
4. YES.
:That counts as two right? Welp, fruit or vegetable? Popsicle or ice cream?
5. Fruit
6. I scream for ice cream
:If you could would you travel to Antarctic? House or apartment? Ship or boat? Wanna go on a cruise?
7. Hay to the yeah!
8. House
9. What's the difference?
10. Not really...
:Red or blue? Green or yellow? Rain or shine? Thought on Spider-Man? That one was for Laura xD ThisIsBerk
11. Both! Because both make purple!
12. Both.
13. Rain!
14. He cool I guess.
:Like Mario kart? Book or videogames? Write or read?
15. YEP!
16. Both!
:Do you like watching tv? Lile YouTube? Favorite My little Pony...Pony? I don't know anything about my little pony...oh wait i do! ^.^ I am not a bronie! Nor am i a dude o.o
17. Eh.
18. Yeah.
19. Umm....Vinyl Scratch...or was it the other way...GAH. Or as well all know her, DJPon3.
:ON TO MORE QUESTIONS...Wait how many has that been? Yes Mittsy Littsy Bittsy You're supposed to be counting! Can't trust Izzy sometimes...
18. Eighteen. I am counting...
Part 2
Princess-Liz : Izzy. -.- * writes * I think 24...
Jinx: SHE THINKS! which means i still haven't passed 17! : 0
Izzy* writes* Shouldn't you delete the part of night and bed? It's morning!
Jinx: * Shrugs * I was multitasking so i wrote this in notes to be safe...sometimes wattpad doesn't post my comment...imagine doing question time all over agaim! O.O
But you did eighteen...don't over exaggerate!
:Hey Mittsy, Has wattpad ever been mean to you? Has it not posted your comment so then your stuck re-writing it? I mean i can't be the only one!
19. Yes.
20. Yep!
Izzy: * Writes * I am pretty sure you passed 17 by now....
Part 3
Princess-Liz : Jinx: But i still have more Questions! Like do you write all your chappies on wattpad, Mittsy? Or do you write them down somewhere else, then copy and paste them to wattpad? I like writing them on my notes just cuz i can switch the color of the paper xD
21. On Wattpad.
22. Nope.
Izzy: -.-
: Jinx: Alright i am going Izzy! This was question time,Question time,THIS WAS QUESTION TIME!* jazz hands * I am Jinxy Winxy Dinxy! That was Mittsy Littsy Bittsy! Baiii!! Wuv you Mittsy! : D
Izzy: * writes * Took you long enough -.-
Jinx: 26...27...28!!!!!I DID 28!!!!... i Think....The_Frostwings
I counted 22...IM DONE. *appears in studio*
*tired voice* See you next time-
*reads card* Another question...?
Abigary :Vionic or Valuigi?
Um....*passes out*
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