To Africa
It still seemed funny to her , the party had been like two weeks away , she and Jeremy were cool now , but once in a while it all came back ...His words ...
"Just promise me you won't die soon ..."
Not like she wants to die , in fact who wants to die . Banging the table beside her , Ashley had forgotten she was in school . A glare from her arithmetic teacher had done a good thing by reminding her anyway .
"Ashley Knowles , stand up ".
She expected it anyway, but she didn't expect the whole class to not stare at her . Miss Dalton was always like this . 35 years old and not married .Very very VERY HARSH
"I'm sorry ma'am , I don't want deten...". Ashley spluttered out , before getting interrupted
"Who mentioned detention , it seems you want it . "Giving her another death glare that obviously said "don't try me ", she ordered her to sit down .
One of the price for thinking doing Arithmetics anyway . she thought .
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During lunch , Jeremy noticed Ashley didn't come to the "Big Table ", as they all called it . It consisted of Ashley ,Jeremy ,Melissa and Toby ,although the way the friendship thing went was Jeremy for Ashley ,and Melissa for Toby .
He also didn't fail to notice her throughout class ,even during swimming lesson which was unusual .
No doubt he had tried talking to her but her one word replies made no sense .
Jeremy had barely touched his lasagne before he heard the bell ring . He had Grammar next and knew he couldn't bunk the class ...
"Let's get going Jeremy " Toby called out to him
"Toby , didn't you notice he barely touched his food " Melissa tried to whisper , but it was loud enough for Jeremy to hear .
"I think its because of Ashley " Toby replied before tapping Jeremy's back "she'll be fine , now let's go "
Finally standing up , Jeremy sighed and walked to class .
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Alessia was surprised. Her boss . George . Walin . Americas sweetheart , had asked her to lunch , and here they were , at Tachin's ,a very big restaurant having lunch .
She was startled at first till ,he finally sent his driver to come for her . How romantic , she thought . Beating herself out of the thought , she realized she hasn't been listening to anything he was saying .
"So do you finally have a reply " he inquired . They had been sitting for up to five minutes and all she did was stare at the menu .
"Oh my God , I'm sos sorry , I think I'll just have white wine tho " she replied .
"You've said that before , and yes it has been delivered , what's wrong Al , are you thinking?"
"Oh I'm sorry I'm just startled , like its been a while since I've been asked out for lunch and ...."
Getting interrupted by a phone call was not what she wanted , but she decided to ignore
"Sorry , I don't know who's callin..."
"Then pick it up ".
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"Hey tears ain't going yo solve anything " ,
George finally spoke out ,
"Just go over there and see things for yourself "
" I know I'll go but , she was quite okay when she left this morning , and I ..."
"Hush , get up . I'll drive you down there , let's go "
Finally succumbing to his order , Alessia got up , but no doubt she could feel it . She wasn't herself anymore . Walking out the door , she began to curse the day she met Ashley's father . If only he had stayed ...
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"Mum , what's George and Jeremy doing here ?"
"Hey keep calm , you just woke up "
"I know but , I don't want to see them here , especially Jeremy " . She had tried to whisper but it was loud enough for Both George and Jeremy to hear
"Why don't you want me Ash ?" George finally spoke up . "We do care you know "
"Of course you do but , I don't know just excuse me for a second ", Rolling her eyes she continued "including you mum "
After glaring at her for like a minute , they all left . Ashley , left alone in the school dispensary ward burst into hot tears
"God , why do I suddenly feel like a burden to them all , why do I keep getting this feeling like I'm loosing it . Mum ,Jeremy , George love me a lot but they go through a lot because of me . Lord ,if only my dad had stayed back to help . If only he ha..."
Bursting into another round of loud tears again , This time , Jeremy , Alessia and George walked in . George spoke first .
"We all heard you Ash , and we've decided "
" why on earth would you guys listen to my ..."
"Shhh , you know you always want to go to see the Zebra and the Elephant but your mum keeps telling you that you can't travel with your health ?"
"What about that ?" . She felt less concerned but deep inside of her she wanted to know the big news
"I'll be sponsoring your mum and you down to Africa , at least you'll be away from Jeremy and I "
"Oh no ", she gasped . Jumping down from the bed , she ran to hug George . "why on earth is mum just sitting there staring " , she thought .
"I don't want to be far from you and Jeremy , its just that it makes me want a real family and I don't want ..."
"Jeremy , go to class "
"Okay dad ", he replied cleaning the tears . "Bye Ashley , I hate to tell you but , you're going tomorrow "running out of the hall devastated , Ashley tried to run along but was prevented by her mum
"Ashley , schools over at least , all you're waiting for is the terms result , it'll be fine "
"Yes Ashley all we need to do is meet Principal Morrill and voila " . Trying to keep the smile on his face to make Ashley feel better was the hardest thing he has ever done . Quickly mumbling a short prayer he took excuse to the principals office ..
Hugging her daughter , Alessia repeated her previous words "it'll be well , I promise you "
"Yes mom",Ashley replied and sobbed ...
It had better be well lord m I can't watch mom go through all this for me
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