Warden Palina! part 3
Chohime's Pokèmon: Storm, the Pikachu. Rio, the Lucario (Shiny). Fae, the Gardevoir (Shiny). Orem, the Orreon (Shiny). Hono, the Charizard. Elsa, the Lapras (Shiny). Eighteen Mewtwos. Seventeen Mews. Cynda, the Quilava. Ro, the Dartrix. Osha, the Dewott. Bido, the Bidoof. Star, the Staravia. Inx, the Luxio. Zel, the Buizel (Male). Zee, the Buizel (Female). Yaya, the Ponyta. Cho, the Beautifly. Ra, the Abra. Moon, the Staravia. Rif, the Drifloom. Wisp, the Wispeon. Orb, the Wispeon (Shiny). Clive, the Obliveon. Jlive, the Obliveon (Shiny). Atem, the Phaoreon. Lucy, the Lueon. Kle, the Chevaleon. Quetzal, the Quetaleon. Teoti, the Omeon. Envo, the Spectreon. Aria, the Wingeon. Galea, the Iveon. Galeo, the Iveon (Shiny). Kelly, the Kelpeon. Wunba, the Titaneon. Reeve, the Racceon. Lee, the Meleeon. Cho, the Plecoeon. Chuck, the Champeon. Conta, the Contageon. Elas, the Elasteon. Kiri, the Kirineon. Chang, the Lepideon. Draco, the Drakeon. Draka, the Drakeon (Shiny). Targe, the Targereon. Sou, the Souleon. Three Pikachus. Six Kricketots. Six Zubats. Ten Geodudes. Queenie, the Combee. Three Cascoons. Ten Psyducks. Five Burnearys. Ga-hime, the Dustox. Drew, the Budew. Pairs, the Parasect. Paris, the Paras. Carni, the Carnivine. Four Gastly. Anma, the Yanma. Gunk, the Croagunk. Four Rhyhorn. Ten Roselia. Four Roserade. Six Stunky. Two Cherubi. Two Cherrim. Six Glameow. Six Purugly. Sixteen Eevees. Sixteen Skorupi. Twenty Mothim. Eighteen Aipoms. Twenty Remoraid. Sixteen Spheal. Twenty Walrein. Fifty Machokes. Twelve Mr. Mimes. Sixteen Vulpixs.
Paldea Region Pokémon: Gatit, the Sprigatito. Flora, the Floragato. Scara, the Meowscarada. Coco, the Fuecoco. Calor, the Crocalor. Dirge, the Skeledirge. Joe, the Quaxly. Joel, the Quaxwell. Aval, the Quaquaval. Taro, the Tarountula. Pido, the Spidops. Mi, the Pawmi. Mo, the Pawmo. Paw, the Pawmot. Woop, the Wooper (Paldean Form). Clod, the Clodsire. Fido, the Fidough. Dach, the Dachsbun. Aikō-ka, the Tandemaus. Ikka, the Maushold (Family of Four). Kazoku, the Maushold (Family of Three).
Alpha Pokémon:
Obsidian Fieldlands: Alpha, the Alpha Kricketune. Luna, the female Alpha Kricketune. Bob, the Alpha Bibarel. Ravio, the Alpha Staravia. Gol, the Alpha Golbat. Ara, the Alpha Parasect. Kazam, the Alpha Alakazam. Veler, the Alpha Graveler. Dash, the Alpha Rapidash. Scy, the Alpha Scyther. Lax, the Alpha Snorlax. Era, the Alpha Heracross. Stan, the Alpha Stantler. Bliss, the Alpha Blissey. Inferno, the Alpha Infernape. Xio, the Alpha Luxio. Flo, the Alpha Floatzel. Opun, the Alpha Lopunny. Odra, the Alpha Goodra (Hisuian Form).
Crimson Mirelands: Tana, the Alpha Tangrowth. Gela, the Alpha Tangela. Kilia, the Alpha Lickilicky. Rai, the Alpha Raichu. Nix, the Alpha Onix. Rhy, the Alpha Rhyhorn. Ursa, the Alpha Ursaring. Selia, Alpha Roselia. Terra, the Alpha Torterra. Serade, the Alpha Roserade. Vespi, the Alpha Vespiquen. Risu, the Alpha Pachirisu. Krow, the Alpha Honchkrow. Sku, the Alpha Skuntank. Powdon, the Alpha Hippowdon. Toxi, the Alpha Toxicroak. Nivine, the Alpha Carnivine. Yami, the Alpha Yanmega. Slig, the Alpha Sliggoo (Hisuian Form). Qwil, the Alpha Overqwil.
Cobalt Coastlands: Psy, the Alpha Golduck. Max, the Alpha Machoke. Tracy, the Alpha Tentacruel. Suey, the Alpha Chansey. Gyara, the Alpha Gyarados. Octyl, Alpha Octillery. Rein, the Alpha Walrein. Emperor, the Alpha Empoleon. Mothra, the Alpha Mothim. Gastro, the Alpha Gastrodon. Allen, the Alpha Ambipom. Tora, the Alpha Purugly. Posi, the Alpha Drapion. Lumi, the Alpha Lumineon. Dusk, the Alpha Dusknoir.
Alabaster Icelands: Champ, the Alpha Machamp. Buzz, the Alpha Electabuzz. Sela, the Alpha Sneasel. Nub, the Alpha Swinub. Swine, the Alpha Piloswine. Faena, the Alpha Gardevoir. Hime, the Alpha Chimecho. Glalio, the Alpha Glalie. Drake, the Alpha Garchomp. Luca, the Alpha Lucario. Aboma, the Alpha Abomasnow. Mamo, the Alpha Mamoswine. Galle, the Alpha Gallade. Lass, the Alpha Froslass. Ark, the Alpha Zoroark (Hisuian Form).
Adoptive Children: Vessa, the Spiritomb. Lu, the Togepi. La, the Togepi. Na, the Togepi. Su, the Togepi.
Storm's Soul Evolution: Pikakelp (Electric/Water-Type). Pikagasus (Electric/Flying-Type). Pikagasuskelp (Electric/Flying/Water-Type). Pika-Yuki-Otoko (Electric/Ice-Type).
Chohime couldn't stop laughing as she's just Licked Attacked by the little Growthlithe making her to feel out of breath making the woman to gently get him off of her as she takes slow, calm shallow breaths in as she sits up from that small attack of his.
"You got one big Lick Attack there, little guy." He grows playfully as he wants to do it again to her making the woman to chuckle as she gently pets his head to calm him down.
"I'm Palina of the Pearl Clan. And who might you be, little one?"
"I'm Chohime, Miss Palina." Palina blushes at being called Miss by Chohime, but she likes the child since she's very cute really.
"Ah, so you're that child from the Galaxy Team. I heard how you aided Kleavor and Lilligant when none other could quell their frenzy. You're strength must be amazing, and yet... You have such a gentle face. So, what brings you to the Cobalt Coastlands?
We have no lord here, much less a frenzied one for you to quell. Our previous lord... Was swallowed by the waves. He was rescuing his young pup that had been swept out to sea, and ended up giving his life to ensure the pup's safe return.
If you were to guess, which of these Growlithe would you say is the previous lord's child?" Chohime figures telling the truth would be better, but first to answer the question as she knows who it was fully really.
"This one, the smallest one. May he be the runt, he can get bigger if he doens't evolve making him to be twice the size once he evolves into his father." Chohime said making the smallest one to growl playfully and do small pounces at her as Palina giggles.
"Oh, you have quiet a good eye. This quiet, skittish Growlithe is the child of the previous lord, thou... Why open to you is going to be a mystery for me to solve." Chohime knows it can sense her powers and wants to play with her more than be shy around her cause she's still a child herself really.
"I've no doubt this little one has the potential to be a fine lord, but witnessing his father's demise has left deep scars in his heart. There are those who expect me to train him more strictly and force lordship upon him before he is ready... but I could never bring myself to do that.
No matter what the rest of the Pearl Clan says, my mind is quite made up, I'll stay by this little one's side and let him live his life as he wishes. So, now that you know our situation, might I ask your purpose is coming to the coastlands?"
"A Ghost been attacking people on Firespit Island and to help the heir, but the last one's more of a favor from Irida since she's worried for you and doesn't want to lose you, so I'm going to help the heir and hope the Pearl Clan doesn't kick you out like Irida fears they might force her to do.
Irida truly cares deeply for you and doesn't want to lose you, so... I'm going to help you train the heir in a very slow manner and let him do it in his own time. Who cares what the others think, if you believe he needs time to heal from seeing his own father sacrificing his own life for his son, then I'll warn Irida and make sure the Clan backs off.
Pressure like this is wrong and I'll never allow a chibimon to go through things like this no matter what the cost." Chohime said as she let's the Growlithe to be on her lap as she gently pets him and let's him nap there may her legs give in and go to sleep cause of his weight.
Palina's shocked as her words making her to smile as she can see a caring child and one who can help her look after her princess of the coastlands. Palina would give it a go as Chohime seems to be very serious about her words cause of her eyes. She never seen a more serious look on a child before.
Palina's shocked by Chohime's serious words as the lord's son went to her and she pets him as she let's him sleep on her lap making her Pikachu to join in making him to smile and feel safe somehow making her to know Chohime's a serious, kind and caring child no matter their age.
"Child, you said you were here to help the heir and to figure out the shadows on Firespit Island?" Chohime nods as Palina looks to where the island is.
"I see. There are rumors the place is haunted by strange shadows these days. You'll need to aid of a Pokémon known as Basculegion if you wish to cross the sea. You should speak to Iscan, a warden of the Diamond Clan. He should be able to help you.
There is definitely something strange happening out on Firespit Island. Those shadowy figures are concerning, of cours, but then there's also the odd lightning that came from that rift in the sky. Lightning is a sign that the heavens are angry... I worry that we may have offended almighty Sinnoh somehow.
In the past, the Pearl Clan and Diamond Clan were locked in conflict over which side revered the true almighty Sinnoh. Even if we've reached an uneasy peace, the true almighty Sinnoh must be angered because there are still those who worship a false image of it. Ah, but I digress... I do apologize.
Iscan lives on Aipom Hill, just past Gingo Landing. I imagine you'll find him there." the little one didn't want her to leave making her to promise to come back and play with him if he wants making him to be happy as he pouches at her in excitement.
Since Star and Moon and battled a lot of of Chohime's Pokémon to get strong enough to evolve, they both became a Staraptor making Chohime to be happy for the two. Chohime managed to find sixteen Eevees and captured them making her to have more Eevees as she wanted to check something.
Then she got to Aipom Hill and found a house making her to walk up and gently knock on the door making her to wonder what kind of guy is Iscan really as it seems him and Palina could be secretly courtshipping each other without the other Clan members knowing about it.
"Do... Do I have a visitor? I-I'll be right out... Give me a moment..." Chohime backs up to not fully crowd him to be polite before she saw him coming out and he looks towards her.
"So, um... I'm Iscan of... Of the Diamond Clan... A Galaxy Team member... With a Celestica Flute? O-oh. You must be Chohime, right?" Chohime nods as she can tell he didn't think she would be a child as he expected she'll be a teen really.
"H-have I done something to warrant your visit?" Chohime can tell he's shy and nervous, so she'll be calm with him.
"Miss. Palina said that you, Mr. Iscan can help me get to Firespit Island to deal with the shadowy figures over there since members of Galaxy Team were getting attacked by them. Do you think your Pokémon charge could give me a hand to get across the water?" Iscan blushes a bit at being called Mr by her really.
"W-well, if you insist... Then you'd probably need Basculegion's favorite snack. That should help him warm up to you. But preparing his favorite... Oh... It's, um, more than a little difficult... More like an impossibly high hurdle... Or... Really... Just impossible, if I'm being honest..."
"How so, Mr. Iscan? Impossible?" Chohime wonders as it can't be that impossible to look after a Pokémon really.
"I-I'll tell you... I have the right materials, but... But then you... Well, you see, this next part is something I could never manage, but you need to catch this one Pokémon that appears at night..."
"Go on, please Mr. Iscan. Which Pokémon do I need?" Chohime needs to know to get onto the island.
"Y-y-you really want to know? You... Really don't value your own life, do you? It's D... D... Dus... Dusclops... Oooh, even saying it's name fills me with dread... So... The materials for the food... Have to be imbued with flavor by Dusclops's Dark Pulse... That's the only way you can make Basculegion's favorite food, you see..." Chohime knows how to do that and she can simple just ask once she sees one really.
"Got It! I'll do it! It won't be hard as long as it's not an Alpha, I can handle it really." Chohime said as Iscan looks shocked at her like she's crazy or nuts really.
"W-Wow, is everyone in the Galaxy Team like you? Your nerves aren't just steel... They're... Titanium. It's positively frightening how, um, fearless you are. D-Du... Agh, I can't say it... Well, the Pokémon I need has only one eye and can be found wandering around Deadwood Haunt...
Ah, Deadwood Haunt is the area that looks like a hand on your map... You'll know you're there when you find the wrecked boats... I-I try very hard to avoid those one-eyed Pokémon, and so now I know a lot about them, you see... Would... Would you like to wait here until night, when that Pokémon appears...?"
"Yes, sir!" Chohime doesn't mind waiting here until then really.
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