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Warden Ingo! part 5

Chohime's Pokèmon: Storm, the Pikachu. Rio, the Lucario (Shiny). Fae, the Gardevoir (Shiny). Orem, the Orreon (Shiny). Hono, the Charizard. Elsa, the Lapras (Shiny). Eighteen Mewtwos. Seventeen Mews. Cynda, the Typhlosion (Hisuian Form). Ro, the Decidueye (Hisuian Form). Osha, the Samurott (Hisuain Form). Bido, the Bidoof. Star, the Staravia. Inx, the Luxio. Zel, the Buizel (Male). Zee, the Buizel (Female). Yaya, the Ponyta. Cho, the Beautifly. Ra, the Abra. Moon, the Staravia. Rif, the Drifloom. Wisp, the Wispeon. Orb, the Wispeon (Shiny). Clive, the Obliveon. Jlive, the Obliveon (Shiny). Atem, the Phaoreon. Lucy, the Lueon. Kle, the Chevaleon. Quetzal, the Quetaleon. Teoti, the Omeon. Envo, the Spectreon. Aria, the Wingeon. Galea, the Iveon. Galeo, the Iveon (Shiny). Kelly, the Kelpeon. Wunba, the Titaneon. Reeve, the Racceon. Lee, the Meleeon. Cho, the Plecoeon. Chuck, the Champeon. Conta, the Contageon. Elas, the Elasteon. Kiri, the Kirineon. Chang, the Lepideon. Draco, the Drakeon. Draka, the Drakeon (Shiny). Targe, the Targereon. Sou, the Souleon. Three Pikachus. Six Kricketots. Six Zubats. Ten Geodudes. Queenie, the Combee. Three Cascoons. Ten Psyducks. Five Burnearys. Ga-hime, the Dustox. Drew, the Budew. Pairs, the Parasect. Paris, the Paras. Carni, the Carnivine. Four Gastly. Anma, the Yanma. Gunk, the Croagunk. Four Rhyhorn. Ten Roselia. Four Roserade. Six Stunky. Two Cherubi. Two Cherrim. Six Glameow. Six Purugly. Sixteen Eevee. Sixteen Skorupi. Twenty Mothim. Eighteen Aipoms. Twenty Remoraid. Sixteen Spheal. Twenty Walrein. Fifty Machokes. Twelve Mr. Mimes. Sixteen Vulpixs. Sixteen Duskull. Twenty Chatot. Seventeen Dusclops. Yamihime, the Dusclops. Fifty Growlithe (Hisuian Form). Ten Stantlers. Two Wyrdeer. Seventeen Basculin (White-Striped Form). Twenty Yanmega. Thirty Kleavor. Fifty Hisuian Voltorb. Twenty Gobats. Ten Gibles. Sixty Whiscash. Forty Barboah.

Paldea Region Pokémon: Gatit, the Sprigatito. Flora, the Floragato. Scara, the Meowscarada. Coco, the Fuecoco. Calor, the Crocalor. Dirge, the Skeledirge. Joe, the Quaxly. Joel, the Quaxwell. Aval, the Quaquaval. Taro, the Tarountula. Pido, the Spidops. Mi, the Pawmi. Mo, the Pawmo. Paw, the Pawmot. Woop, the Wooper (Paldean Form). Clod, the Clodsire. Fido, the Fidough. Dach, the Dachsbun. Aikō-ka, the Tandemaus. Ikka, the Maushold (Family of Four). Kazoku, the Maushold (Family of Three).

Alpha Pokémon:

Obsidian Fieldlands: Alpha, the Alpha Kricketune. Luna, the female Alpha Kricketune. Bob, the Alpha Bibarel. Ravio, the Alpha Staravia. Gol, the Alpha Golbat. Ara, the Alpha Parasect. Kazam, the Alpha Alakazam. Veler, the Alpha Graveler. Dash, the Alpha Rapidash. Scy, the Alpha Scyther. Lax, the Alpha Snorlax. Era, the Alpha Heracross. Stan, the Alpha Stantler. Bliss, the Alpha Blissey. Inferno, the Alpha Infernape. Xio, the Alpha Luxio. Flo, the Alpha Floatzel. Opun, the Alpha Lopunny. Odra, the Alpha Goodra (Hisuian Form).

Crimson Mirelands: Tana, the Alpha Tangrowth. Gela, the Alpha Tangela. Kilia, the Alpha Lickilicky. Rai, the Alpha Raichu. Nix, the Alpha Onix. Rhy, the Alpha Rhyhorn. Ursa, the Alpha Ursaring. Selia, Alpha Roselia. Terra, the Alpha Torterra. Serade, the Alpha Roserade. Vespi, the Alpha Vespiquen. Risu, the Alpha Pachirisu. Krow, the Alpha Honchkrow. Sku, the Alpha Skuntank. Powdon, the Alpha Hippowdon. Toxi, the Alpha Toxicroak. Nivine, the Alpha Carnivine. Yami, the Alpha Yanmega. Slig, the Alpha Sliggoo (Hisuian Form). Qwil, the Alpha Overqwil.

Cobalt Coastlands: Psy, the Alpha Golduck. Max, the Alpha Machoke. Tracy, the Alpha Tentacruel. Suey, the Alpha Chansey. Gyara, the Alpha Gyarados. Octyl, Alpha Octillery. Rein, the Alpha Walrein. Emperor, the Alpha Empoleon. Mothra, the Alpha Mothim. Gastro, the Alpha Gastrodon. Allen, the Alpha Ambipom. Tora, the Alpha Purugly. Posi, the Alpha Drapion. Lumi, the Alpha Lumineon. Dusk, the Alpha Dusknoir. Hisako, the Alpha Ninetales. Cerberus, the Alpha Growlithe. Fenrir, the Alpha Acranine.

Alabaster Icelands: Champ, the Alpha Machamp. Buzz, the Alpha Electabuzz. Sela, the Alpha Sneasel. Nub, the Alpha Swinub. Swine, the Alpha Piloswine. Faena, the Alpha Gardevoir. Hime, the Alpha Chimecho. Glalio, the Alpha Glalie. Drake, the Alpha Garchomp. Luca, the Alpha Lucario. Aboma, the Alpha Abomasnow. Mamo, the Alpha Mamoswine. Galle, the Alpha Gallade. Lass, the Alpha Froslass. Ark, the Alpha Zoroark (Hisuian Form).

Adoptive Children: Vessa, the Spiritomb. Lu, the Togepi. La, the Togepi. Na, the Togepi. Su, the Togepi.

Legendary Pokémon: Landorus, Enamorus, Thundurus, Heatran, Shaymin.

Storm's Soul Evolution: Pikakelp (Electric/Water-Type). Pikagasus (Electric/Flying-Type). Pikagasuskelp (Electric/Flying/Water-Type). Pika-Yuki-Otoko (Electric/Ice-Type). Pikaviper (Electric/Crystal-Type).


Chohime shakes her head as her eyes were back to being normal making her to still refuse to battle making Melli to hmphs as this is boring making Adaman to glare as he can't take this anymore making the elders to agree with him on this one as this is not going to work no matter what.

"How will you proceed, Chohime?" Ingo asked as Chohime needs to get to Electrode and fast.

"Not battling her." Melli looks angry as she went to hit her in the face, but a growl was heard and Ark showed himself making Melli to freeze as she sees a Alpha Pokémon behind her making her to be scared of Ark which got Chohime to get through and get to Electrode which Adaman and the elders agreed with.

Ark went after Chohime making Melli to be furies with that sneaky move which Chohime didn't even do as Ark did it himself shocking Melli as it seems Chohime respect Pokémon much more and allows them to do whatever they want to do really. Ingo smiles out of site as he's impressed by Chohime's Pokémon and herself as well, too.

"What a lively character. I cannot fandom Warden Melli's intentions... But for now, let us all press on! Once we're through here, it will be just a little further. Let us move with speed, but not haste!" They nodded as they went to catch up with Chohime. With Chohime, she noticed she's in the Ancient Quarry making her to wonder as it looks almost like a maze really.

'So this is the Ancient Quarry. The stones used to build the temple atop this mountain were all cut from this place. Whether by humans and Pokémon working as one, or by the labor of Pokémon alone. I cannot say. The stones that were left behind should serve to cover me from the gazes of wild Pokémon.' Chohime thinks as the information went through.

"Why do they help me out soo much really, I'll never know. Let's keep on going, Ark." Chohime says as she needs to get a move on and Ark agrees with her as it's not a good thing to stay in one spot for so long as you can get attacked by the wild Pokémon or by other trainers and that's not a good thing actually making Ark to protect their trainer until they're out of here as they kept getting attacked by wild Pokémon in bunches really.

"Right." Chohime saw ten Bronzors and she feels like this might be bad making her to worry before Ark attacked them and they were close to fainting making Chohime to capture them all making her to wonder how the freak she's getting soo many Pokémon in the past really cause this is not normal actually.

Chohime kept moving forward before she had to hide behind a stone pillar as there's about fifty Bronzong in front of her making Ark to even be worried as this isn't good before Fae had used Synchronoise on them all and have them close to fainting making Chohime to capture them all.

She moved up the stairs and got out of the Ancient Quarry making her to hope she doens't need to capture soo many Pokémon in one go like that as Ark agrees with her as Fae went back into her Pokéball with Ark as Chohime follows the path for a bit and watches out for wild Pokémon.

Chohime saw over sixty Ursarings making her to panic as she hides in the tall grass in a crouch position right now making her to not move a muscle as she doens't want to get hurt by those many bears. The many Ursarings can smell her and she's scared before Wisp, the Wispeon went out and distracted them all.

Chohime bolts as Wisp went invisible and shows up beside Chohime running with her, but all sixty saw her and bolts after her making her to freak before wisp used Glare and Scary Eyes on them making them to be perfect targets to Shadow Balls making Chohime to capture them all.

Chohime helped a Bronzor with his friend and the camp got set like the other camp sites the Galaxy Team has set up making Chohime to head to where she needs to go which is cliffs making her to worry if she'll be able to climb it as she never climbs a sheer cliff before making her scared for her life.

'I would never expected to be able to climb such sheer cliffs as these before. But with Sneasler as an ally, it becomes the work of a moment. They might be so at home on a cliff, one might think they knew some secret- Some hidden move...' Chohime thinks as she knows there's no such things in Hisui Region really.

'What am I thinking? Hidden moves? There are no such things in Hisui, surely...' Chohime thinks as she never heard of the move Hidden Power yet making Arceus to make sure she knows it for when she travels the Johto Region in her timeline making him to be ready for it as she needs to learn it herself.

Chohime felt weird as she feels like she's being watched as she looks around before she looks up and saw Sneasler looking down at her as if it's expecting something from her, but she stays still since Ingo isn't here right now, but then a Ursaring showed up and she turns around in time to get Slash in the face over her right cheek making Sneasler to glare down and then jumps down.

"Sne-Sneasler?" Chohime asked as it used Icy Slash on the bear making it to be sent flying into the air as it went straight into the water behind the camp site making Sneasler to turn towards Chohime who whines a bit at the pain from her cheek which has Sneasler to lean towards her and Chohime stays very still since she doens't know what Sneasler's going to do to her if Ingo's not here yet.

Sneasler licks the slash scars since there's three making Chohime to stay still as Sneasler licks her face making her to wonder if this is what it feels like to have a Memma to lick her Chibimon's wounds making Sneasler to keep licking until the three wounds has stopped bleeding making Chohime to see a bandage in Sneasler's claws.

Chohime's still stay as Sneasler places the bandage on her right cheek which covers the whole whole area making Chohime to know that Sneasler cares in their own way making her to not mind as Sneasler feels like a female to her which Sneasler is as Chohime explains to her about Electrode, the Lord of the Hollow and how she needs her help.

"Sure. I don't mind helping you out since I know for a fact you need to be here to be able to stay alive after hitting your period when you hit ten-years-old." Chohime's shocked as she didn't know about it and wonders if her father had known about it at all really.

Sneasler gave Chohime the Toxic Plate making her to wonder if she'll be able to find the others and see Arceus to go back home finally making her to hope so as she had enough of Hisui Region really making her to never want to come back here again, but she'll miss her friends she made here actually.

Then suddenly all the Alpha Pokémon in the area showed up making Chohime to freak as Ark shows up and beats them up making Chohime to captures them all making Chohime to wonder why as Sneasler looks at her as that looks to be all of the Alphas in Hisui Region making them to worry for the child as they shouldn't be going through this at all.

'I just want to go home now.' Chohime wishes for this to end, but she knows she needs to collect the plates to see Arceus and get home from there making her to hope that Ingo can come, too. He can't stay here in the past as that's not going to be a good thing really.

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