Warden Calaba! Ursaluna! part 3
Chohime's Pokèmon: Storm, the Pikachu. Rio, the Lucario (Shiny). Fae, the Gardevoir (Shiny). Orem, the Orreon (Shiny). Hono, the Charizard. Elsa, the Lapras (Shiny). Eighteen Mewtwos. Seventeen Mews. Cynda, the Quilava. Ro, the Dartrix. Osha, the Dewott. Bido, the Bidoof. Star, the Staravia. Inx, the Luxio. Zel, the Buizel (Male). Zee, the Buizel (Female). Yaya, the Ponyta. Cho, the Beautifly. Ra, the Abra. Moon, the Staravia. Lu, the Togepi. La, the Togepi. Na, the Togepi. Su, the Togepi. Rif, the Drifloom. Twenty-six Eevees. Two Pikachus. Six Kricketots. Six Zubats. Ten Geodudes. Queenie, the Combee. Three Cascoons. Ten Psyducks. Five Burnearys. Ga-hime, the Dustox. Drew, the Budew. Pairs, the Parasect. Paris, the Paras. Carni, the Carnivine.
Alpha Pokémon:
Obsidian Fieldlands: Alpha, the Alpha Kricketune. Luna, the female Alpha Kricketune. Bob, the Alpha Bibarel. Ravio, the Alpha Staravia.
Alabaster Icelands: Champ, the Alpha Machamp. Buzz, the Alpha Electabuzz. Sela, the Alpha Sneasel. Nub, the Alpha Swinub. Swine, the Alpha Piloswine. Faena, the Alpha Gardevoir. Hime, the Alpha Chimecho. Glalio, the Alpha Glalie. Drake, the Alpha Garchomp. Luca, the Alpha Lucario. Aboma, the Alpha Abomasnow. Mamo, the Alpha Mamoswine. Galle, the Alpha Gallade. Lass, the Alpha Froslass. Ark, the Alpha Zoroark (Hisuian Form).
Storm's Soul Evolution: Pikakelp (Electric/Water-Type). Pikagasus (Electric/Flying-Type). Pikagasuskelp (Electric/Flying/Water-Type). Pika-Yuki-Otoko (Electric/Ice-Type).
Chohime knows she did the right thing as she has a whole lot with her when she came to this timeline. Akari has them to stop to rest and Chohime remembers the item she got from the little girl, Vessa back in Jubilife Village.
Chohime's walking home when she heard a voice calling out to her and it's that of a little girl making her to turn to where she heard the voice coming form and found her making her to wonder who she is fully.
"Ashley..." The little girl said as Ashley walks over and knees before her as it seems this girl's a ghost or something.
"Hey, little one. What's up?" The little girl blushes at that statement of being called little one.
"I've been waiting for you, Ashley... My name's Vessa. There's something real important I need to tell you. Would you come with me?" Chohime nods and holds out her hand after getting up as Vessa brings her somewhere quiet to talk which's a bridge.
"Um, this is kind of a secret, but... something terrible has happened. Hisui is in a whole lot of danger. Hundreds of years ago, a being that brought calamity to this region was sealed away by someone using the power of a strange magic.
But now, for some unknown reason, the magic has come undone and the seal is broken. I hate to think what might happen at this rate... So please, Ashley, hear me out. I need you to restore the broken seal..." Chohime may be shocked the little girl knows her name, but this is critical.
"Just tell me what to do, Vessa and I'll try my hardest to fix the seal." Vessa nods as she's happy Chohime's going to be helping her out with this.
"Oh, thank you! I'm so happy you believe me! I just knew you'd be willing to help. This Odd Keystone is for you. Keep it safe." Chohime nods as she holds onto it.
"After the seal was broken, a whooole bunch of wisps scattered across Hisui... A hundred and seven of them in total. With the Odd Keystone I gave you, you'll be able to gather them all. See, the wisps are normally invisible. But not to the holder of the Odd Keystone.
I know it's a huge task, but please... you just have to gather all the wisps for me! There's one real close to where we are now. How about you start that that one?" Vessa turns around to a tree.
"See that flame hovering over there? Try touching it!" Chohime jumps over to it as she's very different to Humans really. Chohime gently touched it and saw it go into the Odd Keystone.
"The wisp... has been absorbed into the Odd Keystone, just as it should have been. Thank goodness I picked you to help me with this... Come talk to me if you ever need help finding the remaining wisps! And one last thing- As you gather more and more wisps, I'll give you some rewards as thanks! I'll wait here for you while you carry out your search. Good Luck!"
Flashback ends...
Chohime loves it as she had fun learning more about her powers really. Chohime can still remember how Vessa had asked her for help and she managed to do it very well. She got all of them just from her dreams as that's how she met Vessa actually without the little girl even knowing about it fully as she didn't want to hurt her feelings.
Seven wisps to find in Jubilife Village, twenty wisps to find in Obsidian Fieldlands, twenty wisps to find in Crimson Mirelands, twenty wisps to find in Cobalt Coastlands, twenty wisps to find in Coronet Highlands and twenty wisps to find in Alabaster Icelands.
Chohime has collected all of the wisps and managed to learn a bit more about her powers. It seems she can see far and bring things to her if she needs it, but it seems to have a limited rang making her to use more power than she should use making her to be drained from it.
"Thanks for helping me. You've collected one hundred and seven wisps so far. WoW! You've gathered every last one of the wisps! I really can't thank you enough. *Sigh* Now we can finally seal away that havoc-wreaking bundle of mischief one more.
But... We'll need to go to the Shrouded Ruins. That's the only place of the sealing will work... We should meet there at the same time of day as when we first met. Hope you remember!" Chohime nods as she can tell that the girl's going to be there.
Flashback Ends...
Now she needs to go there at night time making her to head out towards the Shrouded Ruins making Akari to wonder why as it's night time now and she remain hidden as she see Vessa showing up behind Chohime, but she can't hear what they're saying.
"Ashley! I'm glad you came. Let's get started, shall we?" Chohime nods as she walks over to her.
"First of all, a confession. I may have told you one teeny-tiny lie. About the wisps... There are actually one hundred and eight of them. I've been holding on to the last one-"
"I know. I knew the whole time and yet I still helped you cause it was serious." Chohime said as Vessa looks shocked before she gave a small smile.
"Thanks for still helping me. Could you put it in the Odd Keystone with the others?" Chohime nods as she knows what's going to happen to her.
"But wait- before that, well... Ashley... What do you think of me?" Vessa asked as she's a bit nervous.
"May you be a strange little girl, you're brave, cute and adorable that I want to adopt you as my own child." Vessa's shocked at this as she blushes up a storm from that.
"A 'strange one,' huh...? Yeah, you're right. You really do understand me. Here it goes, the final wisp... After this, the traveler who used that strange magic will finally forgive me...right? Ah. Close your eyes for a sec, would you?" Chohime shakes her head.
"No matter what form you take, I would still want to adopt you, Vessa." Chohime said as she hugs her making Vessa to have tears going down her face as she hugs Chohime back.
"Mama..." Vessa said before she become the final wisp and Chohime gently brings her to the Odd Keystone. The Odd Keystone started glowing and the Odd Keystone disappeared without a trace. Chohime doens't mind as she stands up and smiles.
"Did you have fun? Doing one more mischief... Vessa, the Spirit Tomb?" Chohime said as Akari came to her before she said that as both heard a child's voice in the air making Chohime to smile as she got her answer.
"Making you gather all those wisps was my last bit of mischief... Thanks for playing along. Please... Don't forget about me..." Chohime smiles as she'll never forget about her as she knows what she'll do as she can tell that Akari's confused to what's going on here really.
'Can't wait to capture Vessa, so she can stay with me really. I'll even bring her back with me. She needs to stay with me since I'm adopting her fully as my daughter. She'll love it fully I bet ya. Hehe.' Chohime can sense the presence of a strange Pokémon.
Akari saw the Pokemon in front of them as she turned around to look behind herself cause of the feeling, but Chohime got her to not shout as she looks at it and sneaks over before she got behind it and hugs it fully shocking it.
"Join me on my journey... Vessa?" The Pokemon's shocked before it cries and spins around fast making it to nuzzle Chohime's chest as it wants to be with her. Chohime shows a Ultra Ball and captured her making her to then bring her back out making her to be happy.
Vessa got to be with her new mama as Chohime doens't mind Vessa calling her mama one bit as her Spiritomb form has the ability to go Human making her to use it when alone with her mama more so which Chohime doens't mind fully as she's happy to have her back with her.
Chohime even got Oval Stone ×one, Rare Candy ×one, Seed of Mastery ×one, Dusk Stone ×one, Exp. Candy L Exp. Candy L ×one, Linking Cord ×one, Grit Pebble ×five. Reaper Cloth ×one, Seed of Mastery ×three (80 wisps), Exp. Candy XL ×two (90 wisps), Grit Rock ×three and Twice-Spiced Radish ×three as a reward.
"Let's get to the Solaceon Ruins." Chohime said as they walk there making Vessa to go Human and hold her mama's hand without Akari even seeing her which Chohime knows she's doing this on purpose to cause of mischief fully here really.
Chohime wouldn't even stop her daughter as this is going to be fun for her and she feels like she should allow Vessa to enjoy her time making her to have fun with her daughter as it might be a bit fun to be mischief with her making it to be fun for a little bit as long as it's not harmful really.
Chohime, Vessa and Akari got back to the Solaceon Ruins in the morning and Storm collected a Chesto Berry and Springy Mushroom making Chohime to smile. Irida stays with Calaba as Irida saw all three plus one extra holding Chohime's hand coming back.
"You got the wall fragment back safe and sound, Chohime! Well, I guess you're well aware now of Calaba's reputation- They say she's stubborn, too old-fashioned, and so on... But she's given the Pearl Clan all she has, ever since she was young.
She lived her prime years here in the Hisui Region- rusting in the guidance of almighty Sinnoh. I don't think it's that she hates the Diamond Clan or the Galaxy Team- Rather I think she simply loves the Pearl Clan very, very much. Maybe with this, she'll understand you more." Irida said making Chohime to see that cause of how old she is.
Chohime shouldn't have been soo harsh with her, but Calaba shouldn't have started it with what she had started really making Chohime to wonder if she should apologies to her, but she won't as Calaba's the one to start it with her making Chohime to not apologies to her for telling the truth to her really.
Chohime figures she should give Calab the wall fragment as she looks like she's going to be needing it to see what's written on the wall, but something is telling her that it's critical to get the two Clans to work better together and to not fight anymore in the future much better than how she did it fully really.
'Guess I should give the wall fragment to Calab and just get this over this as she's not going to be looking at me since Irida's here.' Chohime thinks as she goes and walks up to Calab to give her the wall fragment fully really.
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