Warden Calaba! Ursaluna! part 1
Chohime's Pokèmon: Storm, the Pikachu. Rio, the Lucario (Shiny). Fae, the Gardevoir (Shiny). Orem, the Orreon (Shiny). Hono, the Charizard. Elsa, the Lapras (Shiny). Eighteen Mewtwos. Seventeen Mews. Cynda, the Quilava. Ro, the Dartrix. Osha, the Dewott. Bido, the Bidoof. Star, the Staravia. Inx, the Luxio. Zel, the Buizel (Male). Zee, the Buizel (Female). Yaya, the Ponyta. Cho, the Beautifly. Ra, the Abra. Moon, the Staravia. Lu, the Togepi. La, the Togepi. Na, the Togepi. Su, the Togepi. Rif, the Drifloom. Fourteen Eevees. Two Pikachus. Six Kricketots. Six Zubats. Ten Geodudes. Queenie, the Combee. Three Cascoons. Ten Psyducks. Five Burnearys. Ga-hime, the Dustox.
Alpha Pokémon:
Obsidian Fieldlands: Alpha, the Alpha Kricketune. Luna, the female Alpha Kricketune. Bob, the Alpha Bibarel. Ravio, the Alpha Staravia.
Storm's Soul Evolution: Pikakelp (Electric/Water-Type). Pikagasus (Electric/Flying-Type). Pikagasuskelp (Electric/Flying/Water-Type).
Six days later...
Chohime's fully recovered as she got twelve more Eevees making her to have twenty-six Eevees now making her to wonder why. Chohime wonders as Storm and the rest of her many Pokémon seem to be very busy as they kept going to the fields to go and collected a whole lot of stuff.
They even battled a lot of Pokémon, but never captured them as she needs her rest which's fully outside the village since Akari and Rei reported it back making it easier, but Kamado wants her back in the village not knowing that Human medicine's makes her loopy.
Both Rei and Akari had noticed he wants her back for another reason making them to not trust him anymore as they want to look after Chohime. The professor joins in a bit and gets them missions making it easier for them to look after Chohime better.
Azeru, a Clan member of Adaman's told Kamado about Ursaluna who thanked her and told Akari to tell Chohime about her new mission making her to nod and bolts fast as she told Chohime who nods as this should be very easy to do really.
Irida wanted to send someone, but she doens't know who to do it as even Adaman wants to do the same, but they need to care and look after their Clan. Chohime gave Akari some money to buy a Feather Ball set from a merchant in two making her to get three sets to make it fair for her, Rei and Chohime herself.
Akari even gave Chohime a Stealth Spray recipe to use out there making it to be perfect really. Chohime heads out to Mirelands making Akari to go with her as she can do more surveying out there for Team Galaxy which Chohime doesn't mind her doing really.
Rei kept Kamado busy back at Jubilife Village making Chohime to feel like Kamado's going to be pissed at Rei really for this fully actually. The Crimson Mirelands' a area teeming with poison wielding Pokémon and plenty of others besides making Chohime to keep an eye out.
Laventon's there as well, too making Chohime to feel sorry for him cause Kamado's going to be getting mad at him really. Akari flinches as she saw that Cyllene's also there as well, too making Chohime to flinch and hide behind Akari making her to rub her head.
Cyllene saw how Chohime looks and noticed the injuries seemed to be healing well she doesn't need more help from the village and Akari seems to be going with her before a Budew showed up making Chohime to crouch down and it jumps into her arms.
"Seems to be injuried and it came to you for help." Cyllene said as Chohime looks after the male making him to rub against her as she keeps it in her arms. Storm even came with a Caster Fern making Cyllene to be shocked by this as that's a smart Pokémon.
"I'll leave it be and report back that she's healing well and doesn't need any extra help with her injuries." Cyllene said before she left and Chohime sighs of relief mentally as Akari sighs as well, too as that's a good thing really.
"Good luck, you three." Laventon said as he let's them go making Chohime to keep carrying the male Budew in her arms making him to love it as Akari smiles at the site. Akari wonders how many Pokémon Chohime has which distracted her long enough to capture Budew.
Chohime let's it wonder around her feet as they head to Solaceon Ruins making them to see lots of new Pokémon in the area. Orem found Hearty Grains making Chohime to be happy with that as Drew, the Budew also collected some apricorn for her.
"Thanks, Drew. And thank you, Orem." Chohime loves having Pokémon with her, but a female Parasect showed up out of the blue making Storm to Tackle her making Chohime to sigh of relief as Storm got it low and then another one showed making Chohime to have time.
She captured the female Parasect and then saw it's a male Paras making her to noticed it's badly hurt making her to walk over and treats the inures making Paras to make happy sounds before Chohime captured him and allows him to be on her head.
They went to the bridge and Chohime sneakily snuck up on a male Carnivine making her to capture it fast and she also grabbed a Caster Fern before they went to the tunnel to head to the Solaceon Ruins. They saw Calaba and Chohime bows in respect since she's an elder.
"Bowing cause I'm a elder? Haha! My, my, my. Never had that happen to me before. I'm Calaba of the Pearl Clan. Warden Calaba to you. Ho? Now would you look at that... You have a Celestica Flute. You must be the one they say fell out of the space-time rift." She said to Chohime.
"Yes, ma'." Chohime said making Calaba to feel like she's getting more respect than she should be getting from Chohime.
"I see... I see... I've already heard about your Pikachu. That your Pikachu quelled Kleavor in his frenzy after you had called him out. I'm sure many people were saved by your Pokémon's actions, but I wonder if there wasn't some other way to handle the situation..." Chohime wonders that, too.
Chohime wonders what Calaba means by that as she got into pain and coughing blood up while Storm just battled to keep the Lord of the Woods back from her. Akari apologies for talking while not being spoken to, but she explains what really happened.
"And both Adaman and Irida wanted to keep Chohime's states safe, ma'am." Calaba's shocked as Chohime blushes since she didn't think those two would do this to keep her safe even more really. How did they managed to do this fully?!
"I see... But still... What you did is hardly different from bullying a Pokémon into submission, after all. And you run about catching Pokémon up into those little balls you carry... I don't need any help from your sort. Or the Diamond Clan, for that matter.
That young lady, Azeru, offered to help, but associating with the Diamond Clan... It just won't do. Be on your way. There is much I must do, and I'd prefer not to be distracted any further." Calaba said and was about to walk away if Chohime didn't speak up.
"Then you don't care for the environment?" She stops as she looks to Chohime again.
"I was told be capturing the Pokémon from my mother and father that it shrinks the number of Pokémon in the wild and it would save the environment since too many Pokémon in the wild can cause damage to the environment and that's overpopulation of them isn't a good thing.
Pokémon population must be cut down a bit to save the environment and yet here you are criticizing both me and Akari for capturing Pokémon when we're saving the environment from being destroyed by Pokémon overpopulation and you're criticizing us for it.
I respected you cause you would have known how bad the situation is and knows may you hate it, you would still accept help from us and from the Diamond Clan may you hate associating with the Diamond Clan, it would help and make sure there's no war between the Clans.
But I guess I was wrong in that thought after what you said to us three. Come on, Akari. Let's see if Irida wouldn't mind us helping and have her pull the Clan Head status over this... Criticizer of a woman." Chohime said as she walks away leaving Calaba to be very shocked.
'I hope this works or else I'll deal with Ursaluna by force really.' Akari can see that Chohime hates being criticized and Akari feels the same as Chohime got a different reason for capturing the Pokémon she meets. Akari likes what Chohime said as she has a good reason for her actions making her to wonder more about the nine-years-old.
Chohime had to stop for a bit as her feet were killing her and Akari were shocked Chohime's feet were bleeding. Luckily Akari packed a first-aid kit and it also has some Pokémon medicine making her to treat Chohime's feet.
Akari carries Chohime and shows where the Pearl Clan's settlement is in the Alabaster Icelands making Chohime to be worried if they think they're intruding, but Akari said they weren't since they're going to go talk to Irida. Akari carried Chohime all the way there to see Irida.
Fifteen Alpha Pokémon showed up out of the blue really and Chohime's eyes glowed making the many Pokémon to flinch as Storm looks to be changing as he went tall, his yellow fur went pure white with the black to go icy blue color, his feet went human.
His head went like Gardevoir, but the male one which'd called Gallade, has a male version of the Yuki-Onne's clothing, white lightning's coming from his checks which are colored icy black and his hair's black and blue lips as he also has white lightning coming from his hands as well, too.
"Pika-Yuki-Otoko..." Chohime said as Storm's now a Electric/Ice type Soul Evolution Pokemon since Pikakelp's a Electric/Water type, Pikagasus' a Electric/Flying type and Pikagasuskelp's a Electric/Flying/Water type making the Pika-Yuki-Otoko form to be a new Soul Evolution from of the Chu Clan.
Chohime looks on as Storm uses Ice Beam, Electro Ball, Aurora Beam, Thunder Bolt and Shadow Ball plus Focus Punch on them and they'll all weak making Chohime to capture them all and had band-new Pokémon to have on her team as Storm went back to normal.
"Guess Storm learned Ice Beam which allows him to Soul Evolve into his Pika-Yuki-Otoko form, a Electric/Ice type Soul Evolution of the Chu Clan."Chohime said as this is new to Akari as they pick the many balls up and kept heading to the Pearl Clan Settlement.
One member of the Pearl Clan saw them and Irida rushes out fast as she saw both Chohime and Akari and Chohime complains about Calaba and then Akari just fully laughs as she had to fully explain Chohime's argument point to Calaba.
"Your parents, Chohime are correct, but capturing them isn't the right way to us as we work fully together and would place Pokémon Eggs in to allow them to grow up together as siblings. That's how both Clans work, but I can't argue with what they told you really." Chohime nods to her.
"I, Irida leader of the Pearl Clan, will go talk to Calaba." Irida said as they bows to her and they spent the night there as honorary guest making them to be surprised by Irida's house since they're staying with her for their honorary night there really.
Chohime woke up and looks around the village and wonders a bit, but never touches anything and never spoke to anyone if they woke up as she stays to herself. A couple of children woke up and saw her making her to stay away to keep the peace since she's a outsider.
The adults saw her actions and then the children attacked making her to hit them on the heads plus their Pokémon and letchered them as they could have hurt themselves if they did that, not to mention their Pokemon partners as well, too making them to apologies to both her and their Pokemon really.
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