Prolong and Team Galaxy
Two people were walking around as they see a lot of Pokèmon fully around them making the little girl to giggle and then run after them as they play all together. The other one just smiles as he sits down under a tree and let's her play as she looks happy.
The girl's hair's up in a high bun with some hair in a loop framing her face as she's nine-years-old making her to be excited to celebrate it with her big brother. He has shoulder-length red hair with a slight cowlick at the top.
His eye color matches his name, being a light silver-gray. He's also somewhat tall. He seems to favor the color black in his wardrobe. His preferred outfit consists of a black long-sleeve jacket with red trim, gray trousers and black gloves. Silver likes how much fun his little sister's having.
Then he saw a medium sized space-time rife making him to shout for his little sister, but she looks up at it and can feel that there's someone calling for help making her to have her partner Storm on her shoulders as she keeps her bag over her head and right arm.
"I'll be back soon." She runs and jumps up as she heads for the space-time rife making Silver to watch as she vanishes making him to pray to Arceus that she'll be alright as he's worried about her as she's still too young to faces things alone fully.
'Please be safe, sister.'
Location: Unknown, Time: 4:30 P.M, Region; Unknown
The girl fully wakes up and she noticed her clothing had changed before she saw Storm, her Pikachu laying on the ground out cold making her to pick him up as he's out cold badly making her to look around and noticed she's in a forest she never seen before.
She heard foot steps in the snow and stays where she is before she keeps her breathing even and calm as she saw a Zoroark, but it looks very different from what she knows of thanks to Lance making her to stay still as it seems to be cautioned to her.
It's main body color's now disheveled with light gray with red and white accents. It's head and face are similar to it's Unova counterpart, but colored gray. It has gray ears with black insides and two white markings on both sides of the face.
The ears also have light red split parts. The long mane has changed into a longer mane that's colored white with the ends of each tips being colored light and dark red, while covering the right side of Zoroark's face.
The arms and legs have several red spots and light red fur that dangles around. The claws and toes of Zoroark are colored black. The eyes are now red with yellow sclera. Hearing more foot steps, she didn't turn around as the Zoroark noticed her eyes were glowing before it left her.
Her eyes stopped glowing and she gets up as she turns around to see a group of people making her to be cautioned which got them to flinch, but one walks forward and she glares fast making him to be chuckling at her as if she told a joke.
"I see you're fearless with a lot of courage for one soo young being out here all alone with just a Pikachu with you." The person said making her to hold Storm closer and steps back from him as she can't trust him one bit as if he's aura is one to not trust at all.
"I'm Commander Kamado of Team Galaxy here in Hisui Region. We're all stationed at Jubilife Village. You're welcome to come with us, little one." Kamado said as he has fully everyone heading back making her to not trust him, but she follows.
'I have no where to go since I got here. Oh Arceus! Why have you sent me here?!' She thinks as they start to walk making her to keep her distance from that Kamado guy since she's not going to be trusting him with her or Storm's life at all ever.
Location: Jubilife Village Entrance Gate, Time: 8:30 P.M, Region: Hisui
They finally got to the Jubilife Village after four hours of walking as she sees the entrance gates to the village. She looks fully around and noticed that there's just hardly any Pokèmon at all in the village as it looks weird to not have any of them fully around.
It's making her to wonder what's going on in this Region right now as she keeps Storm close to her as she's not going to leave him with anyone as they might try to kick him out of the village which she'll never allow if she can stop it fully.
Many stares at her as she's too young to join them making her to glare as she hates this before she saw two ten-year-olds making her to fully stick to them more as she stays far away from that Kamado. She sits with them as she keeps Storm with her fully.
"Hi! I'm Rei and this is my best friend, Akari!" Rei said as he reminds her of Pearl from what Lance told her once and Akari reminds her of Platinum from what Lance told her. She wonders if their both Diamond and Platinum's ancestors maybe.
"I'm... I'm Chohime (Butterfly Princess) and this is Storm, my partner." She doesn't trust anyone here and she's sooo going to be keeping her identity a secret since she doesn't like that Kamado guy one bit. Both Rei and Akari had fun talking to her as she has a lot of insight on Pokèmon.
Chohime saw Kamado looking at her and she sticks her tongue out at him and he chuckles. Chohime hates him as he just rubs her in the wrong way as both Rei and Akari just noticed her looks towards Kamado making them to wonder what's going on.
Chohime's shown to her room and she never let her guard down as something doesn't feel right and she'll never lower her guard down no matter what as she trust her instincts and what she's sensing in this new Region as she wonders what's going on here.
It's nighttime and Chohime looks out as she wonders where the Hisui Region fits with the other regions as she left it as it's best to not get too suspicious of her while being here. Storm woke up about four hours ago and he's feeling better as he hates that feeling that he went through.
Chohime explains what he missed now that they're on the rooftop. Storm hates this as he looks down and he saw how everyone's living without Pokèmon being around them all fully and he hates it actually. Chohime's not going to be lowering her guard at all as she looks around her.
Storm agrees as she can feel just how strong the aura is in this region making her to glare as she fully wonders if Arceus sent her here to do something in the past like help the village really or something. Chohime wonders if there's even a reason for why she's the only one to do this actually.
Chohime wakes up and she heads down for breakfast as she saw both Rei and Akari making her to wonder who's the members and who's in the group making her to have Storm scout and to be quiet as he looks around and got close to Kamado's office as he got the information she needs.
'The Survey Corps (Japanese: 調査隊 Survey Team) is tasked with exploring the Hisui region and it's Pokémon. It has a rank system ranging from No Star for new recruits to Full Star (10 stars). Whether or not this system applies to the other corps is unknown.
The members are: Captain Cyllene, Professor Laventon, Akari/Rei and you, Chohime.' Chohime doesn't like that as she hates this as she needs to pass a test to be a proper member of the team and the group fully making her to hate that guy even more.
'The Security Corps (Japanese: 警備隊 Security Team) defends Jubilife Village. The members are: Captain Zisu, Beauregard, Dorian, Miki, Tsumugi, Clarissa, Ren, Wanda, Netta, Keaka, Bagin, Bren, Gared, Ichika, Kew, Ress, Wenton, Yoshimi, Perri and Yojiro.'
'Shit! I'm going to be needing to be away from the village if I plan to even get some privacy in this past time of Sinnoh Region really.' Chohime wasn't happy as she needs to be careful if there's twenty members in that corp and she's going to be hating this fully.
'The Medical Corps (Japanese: 医療隊 Medical Team) treats wounded people and creates medicines. The members are: Captain Pesselle, Anise, Cea, Fujie, Pana and Tomma. Not that many on that corp really, Chohime.'
'What?! What the fuck?!' She didn't like the sound of that one more than the Security Corps one. Chohime knows it takes more people to help if someone's badly hurt and this is not a good idea making her to wonder if there's a way to get more to join in.
'The Supply Corps (Japanese: 製造隊 Manufacturing Team) is in charge of the logistics of Jubilife Village, maintaining the amount of materials necessary for the village. The members are: Captain Tao Hua, Marli, Gully, Maris, Astair, Pippa, Brice and Taeko.
The Agriculture Corps (Japanese: 畑作隊 Farming Team) grows crops for Jubilife Village and takes care of the Pastures. The members are: Captain Colza, Bjorn, Kichi, Miller, Almous and Rye. Even though she does not wear the uniform, Marie's a villager managing the Pastures, Chohime.'
'Great. Now I just need to figure out how to find their farms then.' Chohime wonders where the farms are as she needs to find it and plant more since she doubts they have enough to feed the village alone fully.
'The Construction Corps (Japanese: 建築隊 Construction Team) are responsible for the construction and setting up the base camps. The members are: Captain Sanqua, Yorrichi, Floaro, Bosley, Canala, Nawaki, Craig and Kip.
Odo's also called a "fresh Construction Corps recruit", but he does not wear the uniform and is still called a villager in his mission.' Chohime doesn't like this as she has Storm to come back before anyone sees him and Storm got back sneaky fast.
Chohime sneaks him food as she keeps him out as he hates his Pokèball and she's not going to stop him as Kamado didn't noticed at all which she calms at. A man walks over to Chohime, Rei and Akari making her to glare at him fast.
"Whoa there! I don't mean any harm!" Chohime doesn't trust him, but allows him to talk for now.
"I'm Laventon and these three belong to me. But the thing is, they're responding to you as if you were might to own all three of them really. Their names are..."
"Cyndaquil, Rowelt and Oshawott. Fire, Grass and Water-type Pokèmon." Chohime said making everyone to be shocked that she knew what they're called as they jumped into her arms making Storm to move to her shoulders to not be squashed.
"Can you handle all three?" Chohime nods as she looks down and wonders what to name them making her to think of a name for them and she might have a name for them. Chohime hopes they loved their names as she's not going to leave them behind.
"Cynda, Ro and Osha." All three cheers making them to know she names her Pokèmon as she remembers what she got yesterday at night with Storm and the message that Arceus gave her on the phone making her to wonder why just her.
'I bestow upon thee this Arc Phone and thy mission: Seek out all Pokèmon.' Chohime knew what this means and accepts the challenge. Chohime needs to capture three different Pokèmon to pass making her to just nod and then leave to do so.
Many were shocked as they can't believe that she's going out there already and is about to fight Pokèmon making both Rei and Akari to go with her to keep an eye on her making her to sigh mentally and just allow them as she knows Arceus gave her new clothing for this time period.
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