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Frenzy Avalugg! part 2

Chohime's Pokèmon: Storm, the Pikachu. Rio, the Lucario (Shiny). Fae, the Gardevoir (Shiny). Orem, the Orreon (Shiny). Hono, the Charizard. Elsa, the Lapras (Shiny). Eighteen Mewtwos. Seventeen Mews. Cynda, the Typhlosion (Hisuian Form). Ro, the Decidueye (Hisuian Form). Osha, the Samurott (Hisuain Form). Bido, the Bidoof. Star, the Staravia. Inx, the Luxio. Zel, the Buizel (Male). Zee, the Buizel (Female). Yaya, the Ponyta. Cho, the Beautifly. Ra, the Abra. Moon, the Staravia. Rif, the Drifloom. Wisp, the Wispeon. Orb, the Wispeon (Shiny). Clive, the Obliveon. Jlive, the Obliveon (Shiny). Atem, the Phaoreon. Lucy, the Lueon. Kle, the Chevaleon. Quetzal, the Quetaleon. Teoti, the Omeon. Envo, the Spectreon. Aria, the Wingeon. Galea, the Iveon. Galeo, the Iveon (Shiny). Kelly, the Kelpeon. Wunba, the Titaneon. Reeve, the Racceon. Lee, the Meleeon. Cho, the Plecoeon. Chuck, the Champeon. Conta, the Contageon. Elas, the Elasteon. Kiri, the Kirineon. Chang, the Lepideon. Draco, the Drakeon. Draka, the Drakeon (Shiny). Targe, the Targereon. Sou, the Souleon. Three Pikachus. Six Kricketots. Six Zubats. Ten Geodudes. Queenie, the Combee. Three Cascoons. Ten Psyducks. Five Burnearys. Ga-hime, the Dustox. Drew, the Budew. Pairs, the Parasect. Paris, the Paras. Carni, the Carnivine. Four Gastly. Anma, the Yanma. Gunk, the Croagunk. Four Rhyhorn. Ten Roselia. Four Roserade. Six Stunky. Two Cherubi. Two Cherrim. Six Glameow. Six Purugly. Sixteen Eevee. Sixteen Skorupi. Twenty Mothim. Eighteen Aipoms. Twenty Remoraid. Sixteen Spheal. Twenty Walrein. Fifty Machokes. Twelve Mr. Mimes. Sixteen Vulpixs. Sixteen Duskull. Twenty Chatot. Seventeen Dusclops. Yamihime, the Dusclops. Fifty Growlithe (Hisuian Form). Ten Stantlers. Two Wyrdeer. Seventeen Basculin (White-Striped Form). Twenty Yanmega. Thirty Kleavor. Fifty Voltorb (Hisuian Form). Twenty Gobats. Ten Gibles. Sixty Whiscash. Forty Barboah. Ten Bronzors. Fifty Bronzong. Sixty Ursarings. Twenty Rotoms. Twenty Sneaslers (Hisuian Form). Twenty Magnezone. Twenty Hippopotas. Twenty Hippowdon. Four Chingling. Four Chimecho. Ten Wormadam (Plant Cloak). Ten Wormadam (Sandy Cloak). Ten Wormadam (Trash Cloak). Fifty Bergmite. Forty Snorunt. Ark's Ai, the Zoroark (Hisuian Form). Thirty Swinub. Thirty Piloswine. One hundred Zorua (Hisuian Form). Eighty Mamoswine. One hundred and fifty Braviary. Two Ralts. Kilia, the Kirlia. Twenty Misdreavus.

Paldea Region Pokémon: Gatit, the Sprigatito. Flora, the Floragato. Scara, the Meowscarada. Coco, the Fuecoco. Calor, the Crocalor. Dirge, the Skeledirge. Joe, the Quaxly. Joel, the Quaxwell. Aval, the Quaquaval. Taro, the Tarountula. Pido, the Spidops. Mi, the Pawmi. Mo, the Pawmo. Paw, the Pawmot. Woop, the Wooper (Paldean Form). Clod, the Clodsire. Fido, the Fidough. Dach, the Dachsbun. Aikō-ka, the Tandemaus. Ikka, the Maushold (Family of Four). Kazoku, the Maushold (Family of Three).

Alpha Pokémon:

Obsidian Fieldlands: Alpha, the Alpha Kricketune. Luna, the female Alpha Kricketune. Bob, the Alpha Bibarel. Ravio, the Alpha Staravia. Gol, the Alpha Golbat. Ara, the Alpha Parasect. Kazam, the Alpha Alakazam. Veler, the Alpha Graveler. Dash, the Alpha Rapidash. Scy, the Alpha Scyther. Lax, the Alpha Snorlax. Era, the Alpha Heracross. Stan, the Alpha Stantler. Bliss, the Alpha Blissey. Inferno, the Alpha Infernape. Xio, the Alpha Luxio. Flo, the Alpha Floatzel. Opun, the Alpha Lopunny.

Crimson Mirelands: Tana, the Alpha Tangrowth. Gela, the Alpha Tangela. Kilia, the Alpha Lickilicky. Rai, the Alpha Raichu. Nix, the Alpha Onix. Rhy, the Alpha Rhyhorn. Ursa, the Alpha Ursaring. Selia, Alpha Roselia. Terra, the Alpha Torterra. Serade, the Alpha Roserade. Vespi, the Alpha Vespiquen. Risu, the Alpha Pachirisu. Krow, the Alpha Honchkrow. Sku, the Alpha Skuntank. Powdon, the Alpha Hippowdon. Toxi, the Alpha Toxicroak. Nivine, the Alpha Carnivine. Yami, the Alpha Yanmega. Slig, the Alpha Sliggoo (Hisuian Form). Qwil, the Alpha Overqwil.

Cobalt Coastlands: Psy, the Alpha Golduck. Max, the Alpha Machoke. Tracy, the Alpha Tentacruel. Suey, the Alpha Chansey. Gyara, the Alpha Gyarados. Octyl, Alpha Octillery. Rein, the Alpha Walrein. Emperor, the Alpha Empoleon. Mothra, the Alpha Mothim. Gastro, the Alpha Gastrodon. Allen, the Alpha Ambipom. Tora, the Alpha Purugly. Posi, the Alpha Drapion. Lumi, the Alpha Lumineon. Dusk, the Alpha Dusknoir. Hisako, the Alpha Ninetales. Cerberus, the Alpha Growlithe. Fenrir, the Alpha Acranine.

Coronet Highlands: Clef, the Alpha Clefable. Liam, the Alpha Golem. Cross, the Alpha Crobat. Lix, the Alpha Steelix. Lux, the Alpha Luxray. Thimma, the Alpha Mothim. Magi, the Alpha Mismagius. Bron, the Alpha Bronzong. Drake, the Alpha Gabite. Perior, the Alpha Rhyperior. Vire, the Alpha Electivire. Glis, the Alpha Gliscor. Obo, the Alpha Probopass. Odra, the Alpha Goodra (Hisuian Form).

Alabaster Icelands: Champ, the Alpha Machamp. Buzz, the Alpha Electabuzz. Sela, the Alpha Sneasel. Nub, the Alpha Swinub. Swine, the Alpha Piloswine. Faena, the Alpha Gardevoir. Hime, the Alpha Chimecho. Glalio, the Alpha Glalie. Drake, the Alpha Garchomp. Luca, the Alpha Lucario. Aboma, the Alpha Abomasnow. Mamo, the Alpha Mamoswine. Galle, the Alpha Gallade. Lass, the Alpha Froslass. Ark, the Alpha Zoroark (Hisuian Form).

Adoptive Children: Vessa, the Spiritomb. Lu, the Togepi. La, the Togepi. Na, the Togepi. Su, the Togepi. Bons, the Bonsly. Net, the Bonsly. Bonso, the Bonsly. Brad, the Bonsly.

Legendary Pokémon: Landorus, Enamorus, Thundurus, Heatran, Shaymin, Regigigas.

Storm's Soul Evolution: Pikakelp (Electric/Water-Type). Pikagasus (Electric/Flying-Type). Pikagasuskelp (Electric/Flying/Water-Type). Pika-Yuki-Otoko (Electric/Ice-Type). Pikaviper (Electric/Crystal-Type).


Chohime and the group heads off to Icepeak Arena making Chohime to be safe as she didn't have to battle any Pokémon along the way as she's relieved about that as they walk there and saw Gaeric talking to someone making her to fear scared and hides behind Adaman who didn't mind it cause of the fear she's in.

"Why, isn't it Adaman. Irida. Rei and Akari! What a pleasure, finding a familiar face- Or any faces- In this far corner of Alabaster Icelands. I came to bring Gaeric an order of Swordcaps, and he was more than willing to have a chat about Avalugg! What do you say? Interested in a bit of gossip?" All four looks to each other.

"We don't see a problem with that, Volo." Adaman answers for them as Chohime stays behind his back.

"And why wouldn't you be! So, Avalugg, yes? The fifth of Hisui's nobles..."

"That he is! And you know what? He's an absolute beast!" Chohime grips tightly onto Adaman's clothing making him to know she didn't like that Avalugg's being called a beast in front of her right now.

"Well, yes. According to what I was told, not only doe she barrage you with chucks of ice- He also fires off massive icicles, and he can cause sharp ice crystals to erupt form the ground below you! Doesn't that seem a bit too powerful to take on? What's more, apparently the Avalugg of old could be up to a hundred feet tall. Doesn't that seem a bit too big to take on?"

"Oh, you'll be all right! You just have to eat some Swordcaps, then give your training your all- Nothing better for building muscle than that. Onward now- To the Arena!" Gaeric said as he turns around and walks straight to the arena as Volo looks back to the group.

"Hmm, yes, well, I did want to see that Avalugg but perhaps not at the cost of my life. So I suppose my freezing digits and I will be off!" Volo left as Chohime stays quiet as he walks away from them and she remain quiet until he's out of ear reach.

"I feel like he catched me when I had that major fever after unfrenzying Arcanine." Chohime said as s he comes out of hiding making Rei to explain he was making her to wonder why she fears him actually. They headed out to the arena and saw Gaeric at the alter to Avalugg making them to hurry a little.

"So we are to quell Avalugg, as you wished... In the end, the strength of your feelings won out. Or maybe your real strength comes from the way that you walk among both people and Pokémon. Well! I suppose I'd better get to work making some balms using that Eternal Ice. I've heard how they are made, and with muscles like mine, it'll be only a moment's work!"

"Can't I just play my flute or sing him a song?" Chohime asked making Gaeric to look at her weird as Adaman and Irida had to explain about her flute play for Lady Lillian and her singing to Lord Arcanine making him to be shocked as Rei and Akari just shakes their head as Gaeric makes the balms for backup and they'll throw them into his mouth themselves.

"And there you have it! If you truly wish to quell Avalugg, then walk on. The oath lies before you! But know that Avalugg will hurl chunks of ice at you without relent! You'll need unrivaled dodging ability!" Chohime nods as she went forward with her flute as Rei and Akari has the bag of balms making Adaman and Irida to drag Gaeric there to watch.

Chohime saw how big this Lord Avalugg was making Rei and Akari to be shocked as well, too at his size, but Chohime doens't look scared as she bows to him making him to bow back before she brings her wooden flute and plays a song making him to remember the song he heard.

Avalugg calms as the glow went into Chohime's body and he wants the hear the second song making Chohime to be surprised as she looks to him shocked that he could hear that far away from his home making her to bow to him again as she places her flute to her mouth as she plays the song to him.

Gaeric's surprised as Avalugg calms and looks more at peace making him to wonder how is Chohime as Adaman and Irida smiles making Rei and Akari to come over and gives the balms out of the bags making him to accept and love the taste as Chohime psychic it up and placed them all there, but made sure he can still chew.

Chohime received the Icicle plate form Avalugg making her to thank him as she wonders where the rest are as she'll be needing them to see Arceus to go home, but something's telling her that it's not going to be possible like she thinks it is really. Chohime just wants to go home. Is it too much to ask?

"Gaeric, sir, you needn't to look quiet so downcast..." Irida said making Gaeric to still look down.

"B-but seeing mighty Avalugg quelled- And by such a child... A child that fell from the very sky... Is this Chohime girl some kind of monster in disguise?!"

"She is no monster. She's the one who risked her life without a second thought in order to quell our frenzied, suffering nobles." Irida said as she saw Chohime being tossed up and she landed onto Avalugg's head making her to laugh as as he tosses his head up and down making her to laugh even more before she fall asleep making Avalugg to sleep as well, too.

Rei and Akari gave the bag to Adaman and climbs up and slept near Chohime to keep an eye on her as Adaman came closer to Irida and Gaeric making the two to be surprised since Avalugg never done that before making Adaman to let them sleep making them to agree as they left the area.

Chohime woke up and saw Rei and Akari beside her as she gets up and yawns as she stretches making her to look down and saw Gaeric, Irida and Adaman making her to see that Avalugg gave her a slide to go down on as she slides down and laughs as she does it making Rei and Akari to join her later.

"That was fun! Thanks, Avalugg!" Chohime shouts as she waves at Avalugg who roars at her as she heads for Irida.

"Gaeric cares for the Pearl Clan with all his heart and believes in almighty Sinnoh just as deeply. So he has feared more than any of us that getting involved with the Diamond Clan and your Galaxy Team could cause our people to flag in their devotion to almighty Sinnoh. But that will change. " Gaeric looks confused.


"I know your fears will change once you see what I've seen. Chohime has much to teach us. She's shown us how we can overcome all manner of strife, so long as our Pokémon are with us! She's made me want to help Glaceon realize greater strength as well- And to see my whole world grow broader!"

"It seems you already changed, Irida." Gaeric said as he can see her stronger somehow.

"I knew you could pull that off, Chohime. You quelled every last frenzied noble! So is that space-time rift going to start closing up now or what?" Adaman said as he looks towards the space-time rift.

"There's little way of knowing for sure. Thought the rift does seem perhaps a little smaller, somehow."

"Let's hope so, anyway. Well, with any luck, things will settle down now... Although even if the rift does start spitting out more of that strange lightning, we should still be all right as long as we've got Chohime."

"Indeed we should be. It's good to have him at our side."

"You know something, Irida? We may never agree on who's got it right about almighty Sinnoh, but you Pearl Clan folk aren't all bad in my book." Irida was shocked at this.

"When's the wedding? And don't say your not engaged. I can see a string of red on your pinkies! And that's the Red String of Fate, so..." both blush as Gaeric looks shocked at that as Chohime saw it with both Palina and Iscan making her to give a wedding gift for them both.

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