Frenzy Avalugg! part 1
Chohime's Pokèmon: Storm, the Pikachu. Rio, the Lucario (Shiny). Fae, the Gardevoir (Shiny). Orem, the Orreon (Shiny). Hono, the Charizard. Elsa, the Lapras (Shiny). Eighteen Mewtwos. Seventeen Mews. Cynda, the Typhlosion (Hisuian Form). Ro, the Decidueye (Hisuian Form). Osha, the Samurott (Hisuain Form). Bido, the Bidoof. Star, the Staravia. Inx, the Luxio. Zel, the Buizel (Male). Zee, the Buizel (Female). Yaya, the Ponyta. Cho, the Beautifly. Ra, the Abra. Moon, the Staravia. Rif, the Drifloom. Wisp, the Wispeon. Orb, the Wispeon (Shiny). Clive, the Obliveon. Jlive, the Obliveon (Shiny). Atem, the Phaoreon. Lucy, the Lueon. Kle, the Chevaleon. Quetzal, the Quetaleon. Teoti, the Omeon. Envo, the Spectreon. Aria, the Wingeon. Galea, the Iveon. Galeo, the Iveon (Shiny). Kelly, the Kelpeon. Wunba, the Titaneon. Reeve, the Racceon. Lee, the Meleeon. Cho, the Plecoeon. Chuck, the Champeon. Conta, the Contageon. Elas, the Elasteon. Kiri, the Kirineon. Chang, the Lepideon. Draco, the Drakeon. Draka, the Drakeon (Shiny). Targe, the Targereon. Sou, the Souleon. Three Pikachus. Six Kricketots. Six Zubats. Ten Geodudes. Queenie, the Combee. Three Cascoons. Ten Psyducks. Five Burnearys. Ga-hime, the Dustox. Drew, the Budew. Pairs, the Parasect. Paris, the Paras. Carni, the Carnivine. Four Gastly. Anma, the Yanma. Gunk, the Croagunk. Four Rhyhorn. Ten Roselia. Four Roserade. Six Stunky. Two Cherubi. Two Cherrim. Six Glameow. Six Purugly. Sixteen Eevee. Sixteen Skorupi. Twenty Mothim. Eighteen Aipoms. Twenty Remoraid. Sixteen Spheal. Twenty Walrein. Fifty Machokes. Twelve Mr. Mimes. Sixteen Vulpixs. Sixteen Duskull. Twenty Chatot. Seventeen Dusclops. Yamihime, the Dusclops. Fifty Growlithe (Hisuian Form). Ten Stantlers. Two Wyrdeer. Seventeen Basculin (White-Striped Form). Twenty Yanmega. Thirty Kleavor. Fifty Voltorb (Hisuian Form). Twenty Gobats. Ten Gibles. Sixty Whiscash. Forty Barboah. Ten Bronzors. Fifty Bronzong. Sixty Ursarings. Twenty Rotoms. Twenty Sneaslers (Hisuian Form). Twenty Magnezone. Twenty Hippopotas. Twenty Hippowdon. Four Chingling. Four Chimecho. Ten Wormadam (Plant Cloak). Ten Wormadam (Sandy Cloak). Ten Wormadam (Trash Cloak). Fifty Bergmite. Forty Snorunt. Ark's Ai, the Zoroark (Hisuian Form). Thirty Swinub. Thirty Piloswine. One hundred Zorua (Hisuian Form). Eighty Mamoswine. One hundred and fifty Braviary. Two Rats. Kilia, the Kirlia.
Paldea Region Pokémon: Gatit, the Sprigatito. Flora, the Floragato. Scara, the Meowscarada. Coco, the Fuecoco. Calor, the Crocalor. Dirge, the Skeledirge. Joe, the Quaxly. Joel, the Quaxwell. Aval, the Quaquaval. Taro, the Tarountula. Pido, the Spidops. Mi, the Pawmi. Mo, the Pawmo. Paw, the Pawmot. Woop, the Wooper (Paldean Form). Clod, the Clodsire. Fido, the Fidough. Dach, the Dachsbun. Aikō-ka, the Tandemaus. Ikka, the Maushold (Family of Four). Kazoku, the Maushold (Family of Three).
Alpha Pokémon:
Obsidian Fieldlands: Alpha, the Alpha Kricketune. Luna, the female Alpha Kricketune. Bob, the Alpha Bibarel. Ravio, the Alpha Staravia. Gol, the Alpha Golbat. Ara, the Alpha Parasect. Kazam, the Alpha Alakazam. Veler, the Alpha Graveler. Dash, the Alpha Rapidash. Scy, the Alpha Scyther. Lax, the Alpha Snorlax. Era, the Alpha Heracross. Stan, the Alpha Stantler. Bliss, the Alpha Blissey. Inferno, the Alpha Infernape. Xio, the Alpha Luxio. Flo, the Alpha Floatzel. Opun, the Alpha Lopunny.
Crimson Mirelands: Tana, the Alpha Tangrowth. Gela, the Alpha Tangela. Kilia, the Alpha Lickilicky. Rai, the Alpha Raichu. Nix, the Alpha Onix. Rhy, the Alpha Rhyhorn. Ursa, the Alpha Ursaring. Selia, Alpha Roselia. Terra, the Alpha Torterra. Serade, the Alpha Roserade. Vespi, the Alpha Vespiquen. Risu, the Alpha Pachirisu. Krow, the Alpha Honchkrow. Sku, the Alpha Skuntank. Powdon, the Alpha Hippowdon. Toxi, the Alpha Toxicroak. Nivine, the Alpha Carnivine. Yami, the Alpha Yanmega. Slig, the Alpha Sliggoo (Hisuian Form). Qwil, the Alpha Overqwil.
Cobalt Coastlands: Psy, the Alpha Golduck. Max, the Alpha Machoke. Tracy, the Alpha Tentacruel. Suey, the Alpha Chansey. Gyara, the Alpha Gyarados. Octyl, Alpha Octillery. Rein, the Alpha Walrein. Emperor, the Alpha Empoleon. Mothra, the Alpha Mothim. Gastro, the Alpha Gastrodon. Allen, the Alpha Ambipom. Tora, the Alpha Purugly. Posi, the Alpha Drapion. Lumi, the Alpha Lumineon. Dusk, the Alpha Dusknoir. Hisako, the Alpha Ninetales. Cerberus, the Alpha Growlithe. Fenrir, the Alpha Acranine.
Coronet Highlands: Clef, the Alpha Clefable. Liam, the Alpha Golem. Cross, the Alpha Crobat. Lix, the Alpha Steelix. Lux, the Alpha Luxray. Thimma, the Alpha Mothim. Magi, the Alpha Mismagius. Bron, the Alpha Bronzong. Drake, the Alpha Gabite. Perior, the Alpha Rhyperior. Vire, the Alpha Electivire. Glis, the Alpha Gliscor. Obo, the Alpha Probopass. Odra, the Alpha Goodra (Hisuian Form).
Alabaster Icelands: Champ, the Alpha Machamp. Buzz, the Alpha Electabuzz. Sela, the Alpha Sneasel. Nub, the Alpha Swinub. Swine, the Alpha Piloswine. Faena, the Alpha Gardevoir. Hime, the Alpha Chimecho. Glalio, the Alpha Glalie. Drake, the Alpha Garchomp. Luca, the Alpha Lucario. Aboma, the Alpha Abomasnow. Mamo, the Alpha Mamoswine. Galle, the Alpha Gallade. Lass, the Alpha Froslass. Ark, the Alpha Zoroark (Hisuian Form).
Adoptive Children: Vessa, the Spiritomb. Lu, the Togepi. La, the Togepi. Na, the Togepi. Su, the Togepi. Bons, the Bonsly. Net, the Bonsly. Bonso, the Bonsly. Brad, the Bonsly.
Legendary Pokémon: Landorus, Enamorus, Thundurus, Heatran, Shaymin, Regigigas.
Storm's Soul Evolution: Pikakelp (Electric/Water-Type). Pikagasus (Electric/Flying-Type). Pikagasuskelp (Electric/Flying/Water-Type). Pika-Yuki-Otoko (Electric/Ice-Type). Pikaviper (Electric/Crystal-Type).
Chohime just loves playing the flute as it's soo smoothing and calming making many Pokémon to fully love it when she plays for them a whole lot before she traveled and became a Pokémon Trainer, but her friends didn't mind and lives with her papa and mama making them to be safe from Team Rocket really.
"Thanks, Sabi." Adaman said as he thanks her making her to smile.
"Sure. Having Chohime to fly around with should be fun for Braviary." Sabi said as Chohime looks to her a bit confused.
"Yeah? I'm glad. A world where people and Pokémon like and work together, huh... Tell me- Why do you think the lightning that comes from the rift would cause these frenzies? Do you think this is all almighty Sinnoh's anger? Or do you think this is a trial it's putting to us? If it's a trial- If we prove ourselves worthy, and we quell the last noble, calm Avalugg...
Then the rift really ought to close. Right? Even if the one who seems to be clearing this trial is a newcomer like you, not one of us who've been living here in Hisui for ages now." Adaman thinks out loud making Chohime to groan as she just told them and they keep forgetting about that.
"Why do you and Irida keep forgetting what I said about the Diamond Clan worshiping Dialga and the Pearl Clan worshiping Palkia?!" Chohime shouts making the two to look nervous as they don't get it really making Chohime to think someone's behind it making the man to check for her without her even knowing it.
"How come you're playing all wise? I thought you weren't a big thinker, Adaman." Sabi said as she's shocked by this, but ignores it for now as the three elders of the two Clans are shocked and will need to keep their leaders safe from this person and fast, too.
"Hush, Sabi! I can feel history on the move. And as far as I can see, the one ushering in this new era is you. So if I stick with you, someday I might get to meet almighty Sinnoh myself!" Adaman said making Chohime to sigh as she shakes her head at this.
"The question is... Does listening to Adaman fascinate you? Or bore you to tears? Hmm? Anyway, Chohime... It's time for you to go soar with Braviary! If you jump from way up here, Braviary can take you gliding just about anywhere!" Sabi said as Chohime nods her head at her.
"But don't forget to get the Eternal Ice. That's why you needed Braviary in the first place, right?" Adaman said as Chohime nods and went to the edge making Irida to be scared for her really as Adaman has to hold her close to his chest.
"Avalugg's Legacy is down there! Now go get a feel for flying with Braviary. When you're done soaring in the skies and want to land, just ask him to dive!" Sabi said as Chohime nods before looking over her shoulders and sees Adaman holding Irida close to his chest.
"For two people saying they're not a married couple, you two do look too close to each other. Secretly married and just pretending to hate each other?" Both blush as they deni it before Chohime smirks and asked them if they are sure before she spins off and plays the flute for Braviary making him to catch her with his wind gridler host.
"NEVER DO THAT AGAIN, CHOHIME!" Irida shouts making Chohime to laugh as she glides down to the Eternal Ice at Avalugg's Legacy making Chohime to drop as Braviary watch her land and rolled onto her back making her to wave at Braviary making him to shout at her which she shrugs making him to roll his eyes at her.
"Now Gaeric did say a piece, but he didn't say how big of a piece now, did he?" Chohime took a large piece of the Eternal Ice making her to wonder why Gaeric didn't say how big of a piece she would need to get as it doens't make much sense now really as she saw Irida and Adaman plus Rei and Akari below her.
"IRIDA! YOUR TEACHER IS SHITTY IN GIVING INSTRUCTIONS SINCE I DIDN'T KNOW HOW BIG OF A PIECE I WAS SUPPOSE TO TAKE, SO I TOOK A LARGE PIECE!" Chohime shouts down towards her making Irida to slap herself in the face for that as Adaman shakes his head as that's now a good thing really.
"Wahahaha! At last, this summit is conquered! And I see you made it, too! Flew down to this place and obtained the Eternal Ice, did you? What drives that burning zeal of yours, I wonder." Chohime sticks her tongue out and then jumps down making Gaeric to be shocked at both of her actions really.
He saw a large piece of Eternal Ice being catched by Adamna, Rei and Akari while Irida catches Chohime making him to wonder why she did that and why there's a bigger piece than there should be making him to not expect that as he thought she would have gone for a small piece.
"Now, don't try to repeat the wonderous feat you're about to see me perform! A tall leap like this can only be managed by highly toned bodies like mine!" He jumped down and Irida letchers him afterwards about telling how big of a piece was needed as Chohime took a large piece cause of this.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Gaeric thought she'll take a small piece, not a large one making Chohime to shake her head as Adaman holds her as Rei and Akari takes the Eternal Ice to Gaeric making them to sigh as the piece is heavy and Chohime's only nine-years-old really and she can lift that thing easily somehow.
"Why can't I repeat that? I've done it millions of time and I never hurt myself."
"What?! What the fuck?!" Everyone's in shocked at that as she can do it very easily hence why she jumped down and allowed Irida to catch her cause she trusts her and whoever catches her each time she does it really making them to not judge her anymore.
"I do have to respect the effort you've put in. I may still have my own doubts weighing on my minds, but I will make the necessary preparations so that you can face my lord, Avalugg." Chohime thinks of something.
"Can't I juts play a song on my flute or sing him a song? Like the other Lords and lady I quelled?" Both Adaman and Irida slaps their foreheads at that making Gaeric to look at her as he wonders if that's how they all calmed down soo fast really. He thinks as it might be a good idea, but the offering...
"Meet me at Icepeak Arena. I'll be waiting for you there." Gaeric walks away making Chohime to pout.
"He didn't even answer my two questions. Meanie!" Irida chuckles as she never laughed this much before making Adaman to agree with her on that one. Rei and Akari were rolling on the ground laughing making Chohime to hate not getting her questions answered really. Chohime got placed down and twenty Misdreavus attacked them.
"I hate this." It's making her to capture them all fast making them to see why Chohime snapped when she got attacked twice making her to be getting tired of it all and wants it to all fully stop.
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