Frenzied Arcanine! Part 1
Chohime's Pokèmon: Storm, the Pikachu. Rio, the Lucario (Shiny). Fae, the Gardevoir (Shiny). Orem, the Orreon (Shiny). Hono, the Charizard. Elsa, the Lapras (Shiny). Eighteen Mewtwos. Seventeen Mews. Cynda, the Quilava. Ro, the Dartrix. Osha, the Dewott. Bido, the Bidoof. Star, the Staravia. Inx, the Luxio. Zel, the Buizel (Male). Zee, the Buizel (Female). Yaya, the Ponyta. Cho, the Beautifly. Ra, the Abra. Moon, the Staravia. Rif, the Drifloom. Wisp, the Wispeon. Orb, the Wispeon (Shiny). Clive, the Obliveon. Jlive, the Obliveon (Shiny). Atem, the Phaoreon. Lucy, the Lueon. Kle, the Chevaleon. Quetzal, the Quetaleon. Teoti, the Omeon. Envo, the Spectreon. Aria, the Wingeon. Galea, the Iveon. Galeo, the Iveon (Shiny). Kelly, the Kelpeon. Wunba, the Titaneon. Reeve, the Racceon. Lee, the Meleeon. Cho, the Plecoeon. Chuck, the Champeon. Conta, the Contageon. Elas, the Elasteon. Kiri, the Kirineon. Chang, the Lepideon. Draco, the Drakeon. Draka, the Drakeon (Shiny). Targe, the Targereon. Sou, the Souleon. Three Pikachus. Six Kricketots. Six Zubats. Ten Geodudes. Queenie, the Combee. Three Cascoons. Ten Psyducks. Five Burnearys. Ga-hime, the Dustox. Drew, the Budew. Pairs, the Parasect. Paris, the Paras. Carni, the Carnivine. Four Gastly. Anma, the Yanma. Gunk, the Croagunk. Four Rhyhorn. Ten Roselia. Four Roserade. Six Stunky. Two Cherubi. Two Cherrim. Six Glameow. Six Purugly. Sixteen Eevees. Sixteen Skorupi. Twenty Mothim. Eighteen Aipoms. Twenty Remoraid. Sixteen Spheal. Twenty Walrein. Fifty Machokes. Twelve Mr. Mimes. Sixteen Vulpixs.
Paldea Region Pokémon: Gatit, the Sprigatito. Flora, the Floragato. Scara, the Meowscarada. Coco, the Fuecoco. Calor, the Crocalor. Dirge, the Skeledirge. Joe, the Quaxly. Joel, the Quaxwell. Aval, the Quaquaval. Taro, the Tarountula. Pido, the Spidops. Mi, the Pawmi. Mo, the Pawmo. Paw, the Pawmot. Woop, the Wooper (Paldean Form). Clod, the Clodsire. Fido, the Fidough. Dach, the Dachsbun. Aikō-ka, the Tandemaus. Ikka, the Maushold (Family of Four). Kazoku, the Maushold (Family of Three).
Alpha Pokémon:
Obsidian Fieldlands: Alpha, the Alpha Kricketune. Luna, the female Alpha Kricketune. Bob, the Alpha Bibarel. Ravio, the Alpha Staravia. Gol, the Alpha Golbat. Ara, the Alpha Parasect. Kazam, the Alpha Alakazam. Veler, the Alpha Graveler. Dash, the Alpha Rapidash. Scy, the Alpha Scyther. Lax, the Alpha Snorlax. Era, the Alpha Heracross. Stan, the Alpha Stantler. Bliss, the Alpha Blissey. Inferno, the Alpha Infernape. Xio, the Alpha Luxio. Flo, the Alpha Floatzel. Opun, the Alpha Lopunny. Odra, the Alpha Goodra (Hisuian Form).
Crimson Mirelands: Tana, the Alpha Tangrowth. Gela, the Alpha Tangela. Kilia, the Alpha Lickilicky. Rai, the Alpha Raichu. Nix, the Alpha Onix. Rhy, the Alpha Rhyhorn. Ursa, the Alpha Ursaring. Selia, Alpha Roselia. Terra, the Alpha Torterra. Serade, the Alpha Roserade. Vespi, the Alpha Vespiquen. Risu, the Alpha Pachirisu. Krow, the Alpha Honchkrow. Sku, the Alpha Skuntank. Powdon, the Alpha Hippowdon. Toxi, the Alpha Toxicroak. Nivine, the Alpha Carnivine. Yami, the Alpha Yanmega. Slig, the Alpha Sliggoo (Hisuian Form). Qwil, the Alpha Overqwil.
Cobalt Coastlands: Psy, the Alpha Golduck. Max, the Alpha Machoke. Tracy, the Alpha Tentacruel. Suey, the Alpha Chansey. Gyara, the Alpha Gyarados. Octyl, Alpha Octillery. Rein, the Alpha Walrein. Emperor, the Alpha Empoleon. Mothra, the Alpha Mothim. Gastro, the Alpha Gastrodon. Allen, the Alpha Ambipom. Tora, the Alpha Purugly. Posi, the Alpha Drapion. Lumi, the Alpha Lumineon. Dusk, the Alpha Dusknoir.
Alabaster Icelands: Champ, the Alpha Machamp. Buzz, the Alpha Electabuzz. Sela, the Alpha Sneasel. Nub, the Alpha Swinub. Swine, the Alpha Piloswine. Faena, the Alpha Gardevoir. Hime, the Alpha Chimecho. Glalio, the Alpha Glalie. Drake, the Alpha Garchomp. Luca, the Alpha Lucario. Aboma, the Alpha Abomasnow. Mamo, the Alpha Mamoswine. Galle, the Alpha Gallade. Lass, the Alpha Froslass. Ark, the Alpha Zoroark (Hisuian Form).
Adoptive Children: Vessa, the Spiritomb. Lu, the Togepi. La, the Togepi. Na, the Togepi. Su, the Togepi.
Storm's Soul Evolution: Pikakelp (Electric/Water-Type). Pikagasus (Electric/Flying-Type). Pikagasuskelp (Electric/Flying/Water-Type). Pika-Yuki-Otoko (Electric/Ice-Type).
Iscan cooked Chohime a meal and he's surprised by her tales of adventures she had done since joining Galaxy Team making him to be surprised making him to wonder more about her and she even saw Palina had showed up and joined them as she heard all of it.
"So, the Pearl Clan worships Palkia and the Diamond Clan worships Dialga?" Palina asked Chohime as both were shocked by this making Chohime to nod as it's making them to wonder even more as Chohime had no problem explain about the two to them really.
Chohime heard a lot of Pokémon outside and sent Storm to see how many and it's fully twenty Chatot making her to sigh mentally as she went out and captured them all making both Palina and Iscan to be shocked by this fully as that's a lot of Pokémon really.
Chohime left at night time and promises to be safe for the two's calm minds as she runs off with Storm following her as Palina and Iscan hopes she'll be alright as she went into the Deadwood Haunt making them to hope she'll be alright.
Chohime found somehow eighteen Dusclops making her to wonder as this is not going to be a good thing making her to sneakily capture all of them and then she saw sixteen Duskulls making her to wonder how Iscan is going to handle this fully.
Chohime went back to Iscan's house and Palina went back to her spot making her to see that he's waitign for her making her to be careful as she shouts his name out and he waves her over as she's really came back safe and he wonders if she found one out there.
"Hey! Um... D-did you bring it? You know... The Pokémon with a name that sounds like, dum, d-dust... Bops..." Chohime just shows the eighteen Pokéballs with them out shocking him as he thought there's only one of them making him to freak out.
"You really brought them...? N-no! Don't bring them out!" She unleased all eighteen Dusclops from their Pokéballs freaking out Iscan and he faints.
"Knew he would faint from seeing you, guys. *Sighs*" Chohime said as Storm agrees with her as this is not a good thing for him really. Iscan woke up and saw the Dusclops were still there in front of him making him to see that Chohime's napping in the arms of one of them.
"I fainted, didn't I?" They all agreed with nods of their heads as Chohime woke up and saw Iscan now awake making her to pout at him as she had to wait four hours for him to wake up as he looks sheepish.
"R-right... I guess... I guess I've got to do my part, seeing how, um, determined you are... To get to that island... With Basculegion... Usually I, um, ask Palina if the Growlithe she takes care of can help me with this bit. but this time, you need to help since... Well, since we're making this snack so that you'll be accepted by Basculegion.
O-once I give the signal, you... Have one of those *Dust bops* of yours use it's Dark pulse..." Chohime nods as had Storm went onto his shoulders and covered his eyes after the food was done being made as Iscan feels calm somehow thanks to this.
"Three... Two... One... GO!" Chohime had Yamihime use her Dark Pulse on the food and a delicious aroma wafts through the air- Basculegion's favorite snack is now ready making Chohime to love the smell, but she knows she can't eat it really.
"Both the aroma and the shape are... Perfect! It's the perfect ball of Basculegion Food! Then let us make for Ginkgo Landing. We can summon Basculegion there." Chohime nods as she returns Yamihime making her to head there fast as Storm helped Iscan greatly with that.
Chohime had to fly there and make sure that Iscan doesn't see it as she makes sure to be careful and got to him without him even seeing her which helps her out greatly as she gently taps him on his arm making him to turn around and saw her.
"Oh, hello, Chohime... I-I was just waiting for you..."
"Hello, Iscan." Iscan had a wide mouth making Chohime to get it right as Iscan and Palina are dating each other making her to throw something at Iscan who caught it and fall on one knee and held it out to Palina making her to gasp.
Iscan realized what just happened as Chohime looks away as he just realized she made him propose to Palina making her to hide her giggles with Storm making Palina to love it. It's a pretty bracelet with a pink pearl and a blue diamond making it to look perfect.
"Iscan... Are you..."
"Y-Yes..." Iscan knew Chohime wouldn't admit to it as Palina stole his first kiss making him to kiss her back making Chohime to keep her back to them both for privacy as this is a private moment for them really as she looks at the wild Pokémon who did see it and nods to her work really.
'Heheh!' Chohime turned around once Storm said it's good to look again making her to see that Palina's wearing the bracelet on her left wrist making Chohime to smile as now Iscan looks very happy even thou he knows that Chohime's not going to be admitting to making the bracelet for him to use on Palina really.
"Chohime, I'm sure you can keep a secret, right?" Chohime gave a fake innocent look to them both.
"You're just friends, right? You help each other once in a while, too... right?" Palina chuckles as Iscan just sighs as it seems Chohime's keeping a secret. Chohime gave a innocent smile making Iscan to laugh as Chohime has his trust thanks to that.
"Both me and the Growlithe pups were eager to meet the great Basculegion again. Iscan, can you?" Iscan nods as he calls for the Basculegion. Chohime's shocked to how big the Basculegion that Iscan looks after is as it's freaking HUGE really.
"He's HUGE! Will just ONE BALL really keep him FEED?!" Chohime asked as Storm agrees with her making both to laugh at her face.
"Go on, Chohime. You can give the food to Basculegion now." Chohime nods and throws the food at Basculegion making him to eat it in one whole go.
"Oh." Iscan said as Basculegion loves it.
"The Great Basculegion..." Palina's surprised that Chohime managed to get Basculegion to accept the food from her and it feels like that Chohime's special in someway really.
"O-oh... Thank Goodness... I was a little worried about whether Basculegion would accept this favor... So, uh, Chohime... You should let Basculegion hear your playing." Chohime nods and plays the Celestica Flute towards Basculegion and he opened his heart as he learned well the sound of her playing.
Chohime received the Splash Plate form Basculegion making her to wonder how she managed to win their trust to have the plate and now she's confused as it feels like she could be related to the hero they use to work with before in the past.
"Now you can ride Basculegion across Tranquility Cove and head to Firespit Island."
"My congratulation to you, Chohime." Chohime pets the little Growlithe making him to like her as she's always petting him and did promise to play with him again making both Iscan and Palina to chuckle as Chohime has him on her lap again.
"Palina... Do you want to tell her?" Palina agrees to it as she turns to Chohime.
"I mentioned to you before how the previous lord rescued his Growlithe pup. During that incident, Iscan and Basculegion saved my life as well. Since then, I've felt a great deal of affection for Iscan here. I truly adore him...
But I know there are those who speak ill of me behind my back... So I try to meet with Iscan where there are no prying eyes to preserve his reputation." Chohime knew it's more and she needs to help them out more somehow making her to think.
"W-well, I was just doing what any decent person would do when I saved you..."
"Perhaps... But nonetheless. After that day, I found the strength to accept Growlithe as he is and not force him to become the next lord. And it was all thanks to the courage you showed me, Iscan." Chohime might have an idea and hopes it'll work.
"Ah... Perhaps we should save this discussion for another time, after all." Palina giggles at him as Chohime hopes it'll work for them after she's done, but then the larger Growlithe got taken and Chohime's tossed into the water making both Palina and Iscan to freak as Chohime can't even swim whatsoever really.
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