Lukas Lino Takashi
-Lino, given from Ashlyn
-Frosty, given from Aiden
Lukas is 13 years old
Lukas' birthday is January 14th
Lukas is a Male
Lukas is Straight
Ice, Anything cold, Pizza, Icecream, Gaming, Caitlyn, kpop
Large Crowds, Coffee, the color orange
•°•°•∆Favorite Color∆•°•°•
Icy Blue
MetaNeko (Half Cat/Half MetaHuman, has ears)
Can speak Korean fluently, writing, epic gamer, always cool
-Elemental, has the elemental power over ice
-Transformation, can transform into a cat or kitten at will
Gaming, pranking his siblings
•°•°•∆Work Status∆•°•°•
•°•°•∆School Status∆•°•°•
Drop-Out at young age due to power development
Ashlyn Kiouko, Mother
Jasper Kiouko, Uncle
Maxwell Takashi, Father
Felix Takashi, Twin Brother
Waterlily Takashi, Little Sister
Caitlyn Skies, Crush
ADHD, Memory Loss, Anxiety
•°•°•∆Personality Traits∆•°•°•
Smart, Funny, Silly, Caring, Overprotective, Likes to Swear even though he's not supposed to
•°•°•∆Mental State∆•°•°•
Mostly Stable, has past truama from before he traveled back into the past (aka our present)
•°•°•∆Eye Color∆•°•°•
•°•°•∆Natural Hair Color∆•°•°•
"It is what is is I guess."
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