Ash and Gladion's New Adventure!
Gladion was sitting at the desk in his and Ash's room at Aether Paradise writing about the Ultra Beast incident in his journal with Ash and Twilight asleep on the bed.
As he finished writing, Gladion turned to the Umbreon sitting at his feet.
He wrote, "It feels like a lot of time has passed since that day we traveled through the Ultra Wormhole, entered the Ultra Beast's world, and saved Ash.
My boyfriend went through a terrible ordeal, but he somehow managed to become his normal, cheerful self again amazingly fast! "
He looked at the Umbreon sitting by his feet, "Twilight, it's been awhile, but we're going back to the Pokemon School tomorrow!"
"Umbreon! (Yay!)"
"Isn't it great?" he asked, picking the Pokemon up.
"Umbreon! (Yes!)"
"I think so, too, sweetie. My evening star."
Trainer and Pokemon shared an affectionate nuzzle as Ash watched them with sleepy eyes, smiling warmly.
(Insert Pokemon Sun and Moon theme song)
Ash and Gladion were walking along the beach hand in hand watching the sunset, talking about recent events. Then, Gladion turned to Ash.
"Ash, we've been together for two years now and I have something to ask you," he said.
Ash teased, "Okay, but can you guess what I'm thinking about right now? Maybe that's too hard."
Gladion: No, I just- (chuckles)
Back at Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet's house, they and their Pokemon were doing the dishes.
Ash: Why don't you just admit it and give up, Gladion?
Gladion: No, not yet!
Ash: What I'm thinking about right now is, I choose you!
Ash turned around and pointed at Gladion and Gladion pulled out a Poke Ball to show Ash a silver ring encrusted with diamonds inside.
Ash put his finger down and looked at Gladion in surprise with a flustered expression.
"May I, choose you?" Gladion asked, gazing intently.
Ash just nodded as Gladion slid the ring onto his finger.
The two then walked back to Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet's house to announce their engagement.
Meanwhile, Rowlet fell down and hit his head, much to Professor Kukui's chagrin.
Professor Kukui: Rowlet!! Not again. How many times have I told you to sleep somewhere else lower if you're going to fall? (sighs and picks up Rowlet.)
The door opens and closes as Ash and Gladion entered the living room with gleeful expressions, barely able to contain their excitement.
Ash: Professors, Gladion and I want to tell you something.
Gladion: We want you to be the first ones to hear.
Professor Kukui: What is it? And why are you two so happy?
Ash: We're getting married! (Shows them the ring)
Professor Burnet: Congratulations Ash and Gladion. Or should I say Mr. and Mr. Aether. It's about time you popped the question, Gladion.
Professor Kukui: I call dibs on taking the pictures!
Gladion: Thank you, Professors. We can't have our wedding ceremony without giving everyone a part in it.
(The next morning at the Pokemon School, Ash and Gladion entered the classroom.
But, their outfits changed.
Gladion sported a sleek, blue suit with a white tie and Ash was wearing a dress shirt and pants with the ring on his left ring finger.
But, Gladion was smiling and Ash was frowning.)
Lillie: Hi, Ash! What's wrong?
Ash: I just don't know how you guys can stand me or how Gladion still loves me. After all I did to you while I was fused with that Ultra Beast.
Gladion: Ash, that wasn't you, my love. It was the Ultra Beast speaking through you.
Kiawe: That's right. You had no idea what you were doing or saying.
Rotomdex: Ash, we love you the way you are.
Ash: I guess. Why? Why even trust me at all?
Lana: Oh, Ash.
Sophocles: Ash, you can't let this get you down.
Gladion: (thinks) I need to let Ash know that I love him for who he is. I don't care if the Ultra Beast was possessing him or not. He's Ash Ketchum, soon to be Ash Ketchum-Aether. Here goes nothing.
Gladion: You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh, I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
The darkness inside you
Can make you feel so small
Show me a smile them
Don't be unhappy
Can't remember when
I last saw you laughing
This world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
Cause I will always be there
And I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
Ash: So don't be afraid
Both: To let them show
Your true colors
True Colors are beautiful
I see your true colors shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid
To let them show
Your true colors
True Colors are beautiful
Like a rainbow
Everyone was shocked to hear Gladion sing so well, and Ash was just staring at his fiance in surprise and relief.
Relieved that his classmates don't have any hard feelings about the Ultra Beast incident, Ash said he and Gladion have an announcement to make.
Mallow: What's the announcement, Ash? Gladion?
Ash just held up his left hand and showed them the engagement ring that Gladion gave him when he proposed.
Lillie, Mallow, Lana, Kiawe,and Sophocles raised their eyebrows in surprise.
Sophocles: (notices the ring on Ash's finger) Ash, you and Gladion are?
Ash: We're getting married!!!!
Lillie: So, Gladion finally popped the question. Huh, Ash?
Ash: That's right, Lilz. 😁. He proposed last night.
Kiawe: So, when's the wedding?
Gladion: We could use your help with planning the ceremony. If you guys want to.
All: Sure!
Ash and Gladion then walked to the balcony of the school to look at the ocean.
Once they were out of earshot, Lillie cooked up a plan to surprise her brother and brother-in-law.
Lillie: (whispers) Hey, let's plan a surprise wedding ceremony for Ash and Gladion.
Mallow: (whispers) Good idea. My dad can take care of the catering while Nina can make special Alolan pancakes.
Sophocles: (whispers) I can take care of the fireworks, but what are we going to get Ash and Gladion as wedding gifts?
Kiawe: (whispers) I can try and find a new Pokemon for Ash, but what about Gladion?
Lana: (whispers) I think Lillie should be able to get Gladion something because she knows him the best besides Ash.
Rotomdex: Ash and Gladion are coming back! Sit down!
(Professor Kukui enters the classroom.)
Professor Kukui: Alola, everyone!
All: Alola!
Back at Mallow's restaurant, everyone was finishing the preparations for Ash and Gladion's wedding.
Even Professors Kukui and Burnet were helping because they had to make sure Ash and Gladion didn't know about the surprise wedding.
Ash and Gladion were at Aether Paradise to relax themselves and their Pokemon, so they had no way of knowing what was going on.
Sophocles: Principal Oak said he'd be happy to officiate for the wedding. How'd it go for you guys?
Kiawe: Olivia said that she'd be delighted to attend the ceremony. And she's bringing a surprise wedding gift for Ash and Gladion.
Lillie: Now, Ash and Gladion have no idea about the wedding right, Professors?
Professor Kukui: Right.
Professor Burnet: Now, all that's left is to wait for the big day to come.
The next morning was the day of the wedding, but someone *cough* Gladion *cough* refused to get out of bed.
And Lillie was tasked with waking him up.
And he was staying Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet's house with Ash.
Lillie: Gladion, wake up. Hey.
Gladion: What's up, Lillie? You know there's no school today, don't you? (Yawns) It's okay to sleep in.
Lillie: Then I'll just have to do this. Shadow, use Water Shuriken and wake him up!
Gladion: Stop, okay, I'm up! Rowlet?! You're never awake. What's going on here?
Lillie: Rowlet and Shadow aren't the only ones who are awake this morning! Hurry up!
Gladion: I'm coming.
Lillie: Ta-da!
Gladion came up the stairs and stared in shock at what was waiting for him.
Ash was wearing a black dress shirt with a blue overcoat and tie.
His pants were white and his shoes were shined.
To top it all off, his hair was styled in a low fishtail braid.
Needless to say, Gladion was just shocked at how nice his fiance looked.
Gladion: Ash, what's going on here?
Ash: It's never too early to be surprised. What do you say, my love?
Ash stepped out of the way and let Gladion come outside onto the balcony.
He was shocked to see a wedding on the beach woth all their friends in attendance.
Gladion: Is this supposed to be, our wedding?!
Ash: That's right. A surprise wedding ceremony to be exact. A gift from out classmates and teachers.
Gladion smiled and got dressed for the wedding ceremony.
On the beach, Ash and Gladion walked down the aisle together.
Principal Oak: So, Gladion's witness is Twilight. Am I right?
Ash: Now, don't forget about mine. Comet, out of the shadows!
Ash threw up a Poke Ball and out of it came Rayquaza!
Lillie: Looks like his witness is-
Mallow: Rayquaza, that's who it is!
Lana: Who would've guessed?
Sophocles: I wouldn't!
Kiawe: Me neither!
Principal Oak: We're gathered here today to unite Ash Ketchum and Gladion Aether in Alolan matrimony. Under the Alolan sky, Ash and Gladion fell in love. May we have the rings, please?
Lillie came up with the rings and handed them to Ash and Gladion, who took them and placed them on each other's fingers.
Principal Oak: Since I'm the officiant, I, Principal Samson Oak, declare you two husbands! Congratulations, Mr. and Mr. Aether!
Ash: (thinks) Gladion, the love of my life. I can already tell that we're going to be very happy together. And, I have a surprise that'll be worth the wait for the next nine months.
Ash stood next to Gladion and rested a hand on his stomach, the surprise he had pretty obvious.
Please comment on what gender you want the baby to be! That's right! Ash has a baby on the way!
A shout out to sortiz327 for being a good friend and brave girl during this pandemic.
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