10,000,000 Reasons To Fight!!
Gladion: Riding on Solgaleo, we went through the Ultra Wormhole.
And who was waiting for us on the other side?
He was barely recognizable, and on top of that the Ultra Beast took control of Ash and his Pokemon and unleashed them against us!
When Lillie and I recognized Ash's beloved Pikachu and Greninja, she attempted to remind them of the days the four of us spent together, and how close we were!
Her pleas were successful and happily, Storm and Shadow came back to us!
But now, I need to figure out how to rescue Ash!
Ash-Nihilego created more rocks and threw them at Solgaleo and Gladion.
But, Solgaleo managed to break through the rocks and keep going, infuriating Ash-Nihilego even more!
Ash-Nihilego: (distorted and furious) NO MORE!!! STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!
Out of fear and anger, the Ultra Beast carrying Ash shot out a pulse of dark energy, much to Gladion's confusion.
Gladion: What's going on, Solar?
(Insert Pokemon Sun and Moon theme song)
Ash-Nihilego was growing tired of being chased by Gladion and Solgaleo, so he created a pool of liquid poison.
Gladion: What do you think that stuff is, Twilight?
Twilight: Umbreon!
Gladion: Yeah? Is it really that bad? (sticks his foot in the substance) AHH! Poison! This is really bad!!
Ash-Nihilego smirked in the satisfaction of knowing Gladion won't be able to get to him.
But, he didn't expect Solgaleo to give Gladion a ride across the lake.
Back with Mallow, Lana, and Sophocles, Rowlet was under Sceptile's Sweet Scent.
Rotomdex: We can't attack while Rowlet is over with them!
Mallow: Rowlet, you've got to get away from there!
Lana: Rotom, what should we do?
Rotomdex: Thinking, thinking, thinking!
Then, Sophoclese had an idea!
Sophocles: I know! Rowlet might back to us if Steenee emits a sweeter Sweet Scent than Sceptile does!
Lana: Of course! You're a genius!
Mallow: Let's try it! Steenee, use Sweet Scent!
Steenee: Steenee!
Rowlet noticed the Sweet Scent and returned to the others.
But, he and Steenee teamed up to defeat Sceptile.
Sophocles had Togedemaru and Charjabug fire powerful electric attacks to defeat Lapras and Lana used Hydro Vortex on Haunter.
The attacks worked, until all of the Pokemon recovered and started attacking them again.
With Gladion and the Ultra Beast, Gladion kept having Twilight use Shadow Ball to distract the Ultra Beast while he ran up and tried to rescue Ash.
But, the Ultra Beast used it's tentacles to knock him away.
Suddenly, Lillie appeared with Storm and Shadow.
Lillie: Gladion! You alright?
Gladion: It's Lillie! With Shadow and Storm!
The fusion glared at them from the middle of the poison lake.
Ash-Nihilego: (distorted) Not those fools again. HATE YOU!!
Ash-Nihilego climbed onto a rock and started lifting it up.
Lillie: It's doing it again!
Gladion: You're running away?
Gladion: Poor Ash. (grunts)
Lillie: Gladion, wait!
Gladion: Lillie, there's something important that I need to tell Ash! Let me handle this, please!
Lillie: Okay.
Ash-Nihilego: (distorted) STAY AWAY!!
Gladion: Please stop running away! You know what? I hate you!!
Ash-Nihilego gasped in surprise and stopped moving from the shock.
Gladion, seeing that he had their full attention, continued.
Gladion: You treat me like nothing more than a little baby! But you're acting like a baby. A selfish, totally immature child! That's why that Ultra Beast has taken control of you! The way you're acting now, you're not really my boyfriend. Open your eyes, Ash! I know you want to protect us all from danger, but no one can be strong all the time. But Ash; my boyfriend? He's very strong and knows when to ask for help. What about you? You're a weak shadow controlled as a marionette and nothing more. You can't even move. Ash, I love you with all my heart. You're not alone, and you never will be. If you were the love of my life, then you'd be able to get out all by yourself! That's my logical conclusion!
Ash-Nihilego gasped as Ash snapped out of the control that the Ultra Beast had on his mind and his eyes faded from red to their normal hazel brown.
Tears fell from his eyes as he finally recognized Trainer in front of him.
(Gladion reaching out to Ash and snapping him out of the control)
Ash: Darling? Lillie?
Gladion gasped as he watched Ash trying to reach out to him.
Gladion: Ash, it's you. And you alone.
Unfortunately, the Ultra Beast regained control over Ash and encased him completely in white ink.
Gladion: Ash, no!!
Lillie: Ash!!
Gladion: Ash!!
Lillie: The Ultra Beast doesn't want to let Ash go.
Gladion: Lillie, you distract the Ultra Beast and I'll use my Z-Move to stop the Ultra Beast and rescue Ash!
Lillie: Good idea. Snowy, use Powder Snow!
The Ice-Type fired the attack, making direct contact.
While Ash-Nihilego was distracted, Gladion used his Z-Move to stop the Ultra Beast.
Gladion: The blue moon's Z-Power washes over us and the crumbling world! And then it seals it up! Take this! CONTINENTAL CRUSH!!
The Z-Move hit the Ultra Beast hard, leaving the Ultra Beast laying on the floor.
Gladion and Lillie ran over to the Ultra Beast looking for Ash.
Suddenly, Ash poked his hand out of the bell and weakly reached out to Gladion and Lillie.
Gladion: Ash, we've got you!!
Gladion and Lillie grabbed Ash's hand and pulled him and the Ultra Beast apart, leaving Ash laying unconscious on the ground and covered in poisonous white ink.
Gladion: Wake up! Please, darling! You've got to wake up!!
After 5 minutes of coaxing, Ash regained consciousness and his Pokemon were free from the Ultra Beast's control.
All of them then mounted on Solgaleo's back and returned to Alola, where they were greeted by Professors Kukui and Burnet.
Prof. Burnet hugged Ash as he got off the Sunne Pokemon and stroked his hair, relieved that the boy she saw as her son was safe and sound.
Professor Burnet: I'm so happy you're safe, sweetheart.
Professor Kukui: Ash, thank goodness you're safe.
Ash: And it's all thanks to my friends. Thanks everyone for rescuing me.
All: You're welcome, Ash!
Ash turned to the professors and whispered to them before losing consciousness.
Ash: Love you, Daddy. Mummy.. Thank you...
Kukui and Burnet were shocked at hearing him say that, but it warmed their hearts either way.
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