Chapter 6- Aelin/Celaena
"Carin, I'm hungry." I pouted.
"Again?" Cairn growled.
I had just ate from 3 people about a hour ago. It wasn't my fault that they had lost all hope. They just allowed me to feast, without terror, accepting their role. It was quite a plain meal. They should torture the prisoners so that they were only physically broken. Not mentally. Even though Cairn and Maeve love mentally torturing their prisoners, they taste like shit after. Even though half the reason why it tasted like shit was because that girl keeps trying to force me to stop. I hate it when people interrupt my meals.
"It's not my fault that you suck at taking care of your prisoners." I pouted.
I was so goddamn hungry.
"Fine, I'll take you out to where you can find your own food." grumbled Cairn
I smirked, this was going to be fun.
We traveled to the village outside of Dorenalle(someone please tell me how to spell that) where brawling was very popular. As we passed some brawling pits, I saw a man with sullen blue eyes. I wondered if he'd taste good or not. Cairn stoped at a rundown looking inn. Even the girl my body belonged to growled in disgust of such a place. It seams our interests were quite similar. A wonderful stench hit me as we walked in. The smell of terror and blood. I breathed deeply, enjoying the smell like a person enjoys the smell of a feast. We stoped by the counter where Cairn was talking to a man and pointing towards me. The man nodded and showed us towards the huge arena. We got showed to our seats and Cairn pulled me over.
"Maeve said that this was a chance you can train the girl. Let her out a bit in the arena, make her obey." He hissed
The girl was screaming a slur of swear words too beautiful to express at Cairn. It was quite hilarious how they interacted. He must have sensed the girl trying to mentally tell him to go shut the fuck up and growled in response. Before I could respond,, the man in the arena was asking to everyone's attention.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! Assassins and Killers! Welcome to our annual championship!"
The crowd screamed, begging for blood.
The announcer continued, ignoring the audiences desperate cry's for blood.
"As always, we ask for volunteers from the audience! But first, we shall introduce last years winners!" the man cried.
6 people walked up towards the center of the stage. All clocked in black and grey clothing and armed with armor and knifes. Well, except for 1 person who was pushing a cart of weapons, probably for the volunteers to use. I registered the presence of the girl inside me growing more darker, and colder. Properly the killing calm. But why now? As the previous winners were announced, the girl's killing calm was getting worse, and it went skyrocketed when the announcer announced the final person.
"Please welcome, Garth! He replaces his brother every year due to his death. You all remember Grave! Of course, he promises to avenge his brother after finding his killer!"
The audience cheers while the girl's calm gets worse.
"Now, who would want to fight the previous champions?" the announcer booms.
The girl's urge breaks through and I put my hand up. Cairn stares at me, trying to get me to put my hand down, but the girl was controlling me.
"You there! The girl in the dark blue coat, who would you want to fight?"
Aelin was in control now, it was impossible, but I don't bother to fight, I'll allow her to fight this round.
"Garth." Aelin said, her voice impossibly cold.
Garth was smiling to other people, but the moment Aelin's voice rang out throughout the arena, Garth snapped his head towards her and grinned wildly.
"Celaena." he purred back.
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