So, this is the oneshot, please forgive me my gramatic mystakes. I hope that you will like this. Tell me your oponition in comments. This will be probably long oneshot so, Enjoy and Have nice time with Ash! ;)
Y/N is one member of Queen's family.
She is now on party, enjoying herself.
She is not really happy because most of the time she is alone. Y/N have few servants but not her personal Butler.
# Time skip to Queen brought by Angels #
"Please, Come here, Ash." The Queen called. "Yes, your majesty?"
"I have one very important thing for you." She said calmly.
"You will be now butler of Y/N, since she didnt have one."
"Of course, your majesty. When I will go to her masion?" "Tomorrow, you can go now." Ash noded and left the room.
# Next Day.... #
Suddenly was heared a knock on door. One of Y/N's servants, Eric, went to open it. By the door was whitehaired man. "I'm send by her majesty. I will be now butler of lady Y/N. Ash Landers." "Come in, then."
"Who is it, Eric?" Y/N stepped near them. "Your new butler, my lady."
"Fine, give him a room near mine."
Eric noded and left Y/N and Ash alone. "So, your name is..?" "Ash Landers, my lady." He kneeled and kissed her hand. Y/N's cheeks were covering with blush. Didnt used to kisses much?
"Well, you can go now. I will call you when I will need you." "Of course, my lady." Then he walk off.
After few days, the relationship between them like Lady and Butler growed. They like each other very much.
"Aaaaah!" The horrible scream was heared in all (L/N) manor. Ash was by her side in seconds. "What happened, my lady?" He said when he stepped in front her. "The b-bones are i-in my wardrobe. Im afraid of bones, skeletons." (Sorry if you are dont but I Am and i find that really scary, so put your own fear if you want)
"I will deal with it. Please go to my room and wait for me." Y/N noded and done what he told her.
Ash really finded bones in her wardrobe. Like, real bones of human. Yeah and there was little bit blood. It wasnt nice sight. Poor Y/N. Such a horrible sight for her beautifull eyes. But why would someone want to do this? Did someone know about her fear and want to scare her?
Then he clean it all and went for Y/N.
"My lady, Im sorry that you must have seen such a frightening scene. I promise something like that will not happen next time." Ash hugged her and held her in arms. Y/N felt a lot better, safe in his tight embarace.
"I am okay but it was real schock. Have something you are most afraid in your room..." "I understand. My lady, do you want a bath to relax yourself?" "Yes, that would be nice of you, Ash. Thanks." "My pleasure."
#Month later#
"All servants please, came here." She called. Ash was first, then Eric, Renne and Akari. "I got a letter to visit the Phantomhive manor, so I wanted to inform you about it. This is most important for you, Ash. As my Butler i hope that you will come with me."
"Of course, my lady. Its part of my job." "Fine, then Akari, will you please help me with dress?" She noded and comed with Y/N.
#Time skip brought you by shinigamis#
"Do you know what can Earl want with me?" Y/N asked, thinking hardlly.
"Maybe something important."
They comed in, greeted by Sebastian, Ciel's Butler. Ash and Sebastian was looking at each other with death bliss.
"Im glad, that you comed, lady Y/N."
"Can I ask, why do you invited me here?"
Ciel was few Moments quiet, but then finally spoke. "I want you to be my fiancee. I have interest in you." Y/N was in schock. Ash felt some bad emotion. He was not happy with this. He just only prayed to God to have a chance with Y/N.
"Im sorry, Earl Phantomhive, but I must say no to your wish. I just cant love someone who i just met."
On Angels face was small smile but he quickly hide it. "If that all, I will go back home." "Yes, it is. Bye, lady L/N."
Ciel said in a lot saddest tone.
They arrived home. Renne and Akari was full of curios. "What happened?"
Eric turned his head to their direction. "Earl want me to be his fiancee and I regret him."
"Ooh." "Im tired, im going to bed." With that she hugged them and went to her room, Ash by her side.
Y/N fall asleep really fast. Strange was, that in her dream was just one person. Ash Landers.
Y/N woke up and felt small weight on her torso. Her eyes widen in schock, when she saw Ash, hugging her by one hand, sleeping peacefully. The next thing was that she blushed bright red and after few seconds, Ash woked up, warm smile across his face.
"W-what are you doing here?"
"Shh... Dont panic my lady."
He said in smooth voice and leaned closer to her. Their lips touched in gentle and sweet kiss. Y/N's heart was somewhere in heaven. She kissed him back, leting him knowing that she loved him. Angel then started to be more confident. He bite her botom lip, causing her to gasp. Ash slipped his tongue in her mouth, Y/N moaning by his action. After *phew, wait how long it was* minutes - long minutes, they finally pulled away.
"I love you so much." He said, bringing her back in his arms.
"I love you too." Said blushing Y/N
Yeah, Guys! Its done! I know its really long, my longest chapter I think. Thank you! :)
~ Ash Landers ~ Love
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