C H A P T E R 17
*Ava POV*
5 months later
"BREE!" I yell from my bedroom. I soon heard running coming towards me.
"Yes?" she asked, sounding out of breath. I giggled.
"Can you bring me some mash potatoes?" I asked her. She nodded and went back down stairs.
6 months ago I was trapped in a house with 4 horny boys. Now I live with my best friend/sister Bree. Damien comes by offend to give me school work. Bree is back in school, I wish i could but I don't feel like being made fun of for being pregnant at 17. Anyway, me and Bree got this nice little house right in the middle of no where. Sadly we didn't go far, we really didn't have a way to leave town. Damien actually build this house with his dad. It's not big, but its enough for me and Bree. I'm surprise that the boys haven't found us yet, Bree said they don't even go to the school anymore.
"Here you are." Bree came back in and handed me the plate.
"Ah thanks." I sat up slowly and put the plate on my stomach.
"So, what do you think it it?" She asked me. I'm guessing she is referring to the baby.
"Honestly, I see a boy." I said.
"Really?" She asked. I nodded. "Well their's ways we can find out you know." She said, leading in towards me.
"Bree, we don't have the money for that. Plus we have to keep low profiles." I told her, shoving some potatoes in my mouth.
"I know, I know. I mean we can do tests." She said. "Like the side on your boobs, if the left one is bigger its a girl, if the right one is bigger its a boy." She explain.
"Here take your shirt off." I almost spit my food out.
"What no!" I yelled.
"Come on! SHOW ME YOUR BOOBS!" Bree poked at them.
"OMG! Bree. Stop." I said, laughing. "Are you gay?" I asked.
"For you, yes." She smirked. I laughed and pushed her away.
"I love you, but not on that way." I said. She snapped her fingers to the side.
"Darn." She said, disappointed. We soon laughed together.
"You weirdo." I finished my mash potatoes fast and handed her the plate.
"Hey do you want to go shopping today?" She asked.
"I guess, I should get out. Its been like a week." I said, standing up.
"More like a month." She mumbled.
"Hey, i'm pregnant. Not just a normal one, i'm on the run too." I said walking to the door following her out.
We walked down the side walk, wearing sunglasses and carrying bags. I felt normal right now, even though well you know. I'm Happy, and nothing can ruin it.
"Hey Ava, doesn't take guy look familiar?" Bree asked. She pointed at a man with red hair, wearing black skinny jeans and a jacket.
"Yeah he does." We stopped walking and looked at him. Soon he started to slowly turn. "Oh no." Even with sunglasses and different hair, I knew who it was. Soon he saw us and stopped. He lowered his sunglasses and green eyes appeared.
"Ava." He mouthed. The world stopped, I couldn't see or hear anything.
Its over. Its all over. He started to walk towards us.
"What do we do?" Bree asked with fear.
"Well, we can't run. Speed walk the other way?" I asked her. She nodded once. We turned and walked. I could feel him getting closer and closer. I gasped after I felt a and on my shoulder. Me and Bree stop, but didn't dare to look to see if it was him.
"Well girls, I didn't think i'd see you again." he said. I could hear my heart pound. I took Bree's hand and squeezed it.
"Neither did we." Bree said. I could feel her shaking, but she was trying to stay strong
"Michael." I said finally.
"Yes love?" I could see his head to the side of me, I still didn't risk looking into his eyes.
"are you alone?" I asked.
"Hum maybe." He said. I could just hear the smirk in his voice. He laughed and took his hands away. He went in front of us and hugged us both. "I'm just messing around. I'm alone, don't worry." He said. I didn't hug back, nor did Bree.
"I've missed you two. He said letting go. He took his sunglasses off and looked at us. Michael seem different, happy even. Me and Bree looked at each other confused.
"Look i'm not going to take you back or say anything. You can run and I won't rat you out, I just want to know if your alright." He said. Michael was the only one I could trust in that house, and he did let me go. I went up to him and hugged him tightly, which took him by surprised.
"I'm ok." I smiled.
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