C H A P T E R 16
It was 3 am, I was still up packing everything into my back pack. The only one up was Michael, Ashton and Calum will be back any moment. Soon I heard foot steps coming up the steps. I quickly got into the bed and pretended to sleep. I heard someone open the door and saw light. As quickly as it opened, it closed. I hear one more door close, this is it.
"Bree." I whispered.
"Hummmmm?" She asked, waking up.
"Get up." I told her.
"Ughhhh why?" She wined, flipping to her back.
"Because we're leaving." I said. Her eyes flashed opened.
"What?" She sat up and looked me.
"Bree, it's the perfect time. Calum and Ashton are gone, and Luke and Michael are asleep." I got up and grabbed the bag.
"Ava, I-I can't. What if we get caught?" She asked.
"I'm willing to take that risk." I told her.
"Well, I'm not." She stood up. I put my hand on my hip, and give her an annoyed look.
"Fine!" I threw my hands in the air. "You can get raped and get pregnant too." I headed to the door.
"Wait Ava!" She said. I stopped, but didn't look at her.
"I'm sorry you got pregnant, but why do you want me to go? I'm just dead weight. You should just save you and your child." She said. I frowned my brows.
"Bree." I walked over and took her hands. "You're the only person I trust in this world, I need you." I looked down at my stomach. "We need you." I smiled at her. She looked shocked, it seemed she was going to cry.
"Really?" She asked. I nodded.
"Now come on, we have to go now." I dragged her to the door and opened it. We slowly creeped out, I went first to cheek if it was clear. We went down the stairs, I peeked out the side to see if it was good to go.
Their's the door. I smiled and looked at Bree, nodding.
"Lets go." we ran to the door, grabbing our shoes then running out. It was almost unreal, no one was here to stop us. As we stepped out and smelled the fresh air, we saw car lights.
spoke too soon.
"Shit, RUN!" I told her. We ran the other way of where the car was coming from. As we leave the yard, the car pulls into the drive way of the house we were trapped in.
"HEY!" Someone yelled, sounded like Ashton. I didn't care, I didn't look back. "Go after them Calum." He ordered.
"Bree hide!" I took her hand and we went into the woods. It was dark and we couldn't see anything, but we ran as fast as we could.
"Ava, where do we go?" Bree asked, sounding terrified.
"I don't know, just keep going." I told her. We kept running, the yelling of boys were all around, but nothing will stop me. Soon I saw lights. House lights.
"Bree, lights! GO!" I told her. Soon she went in front of me. As we almost reached the lights, I tipped over something. I fell on my stomach and yelled in pain.
"AVA!" Bree stopped to try to help me.
"NO BREE! GO!" I yelled at her.
"But AVA-"
"GO" I pushed her to go as I tried to get up. She did as I said and ran to the lights. I managed to get up, but as I did a light was shined in my face.
Shit. I put my hand up to block the light and see who it was.
"Ava." They said. I know that voice.
"Michael." I put my hand down and faced him.
"Why Ava, why?" He asked, sounding hurt.
"I had to, i'm sorry. Please Mikey, they will kill me and it." I begged.
"Avaaaaaa? Breeeeeeee?" Someone yelled. Michael looked back, the lights of flashlights were getting closer and closer.
"Michael, I'm begging you." I said. He looked up and down at me. He looked as he was fighting something.
"Nothing over here!" He yelled. My eyes widen, he's letting me go? He put the flashlight to his face and mouth go.
"Thank you, Mikey." I nodded and ran like hell. Never looking back.
*Bree's POV*
I started to cry when I left Ava. I can't believe I didn't help her, I should of. I reached the lights we were running to. It was a house, I bagged on the door.
"Help! Help!" I screamed. Soon I heard foot steps on the other side. The door opened and it was a boy, my age. "please, please you have to help me, My friend and I have been kidnap." I told him.
"Your friend?" he said.
"BREE!" someone yelled. I looked to the forest. Ava came out and ran to us. "Get inside." She told me, pushing me and the boy in.
"Ok what the hell?" He turned a light on and looked at us. Wait, I know this kid. His eyes widen and he back up.
"Holy shit, Bree? Ava?" he asked. Ava looked closer at the boy.
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